[IC] De Profundis & a GP Secret Society?

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May 19, 2024 1:29 pm

Gamersplane is the refuge for mystical society, shunned and persecuted around the globe.

Its agents and mages seek each other in isolated posts in a popular role-playing game site. They even treat it as a game, playing roles of heroes, gods and monsters alike. Within the magical threads they exchange experiences, crafting sorcery from the either. In there they confess tales of astonishment. Precious are these words, for in a few a chronicled the very last moments of a sorcerers life, chased by the cold shadows of a complex military-industrial world. Its steel talons racing into their bodies and minds.

Herein they seek refuge, playing in artificial worlds, killing things that do not exist. An esoteric role-play that some say alters the very fabric of our reality.

Are you a member?

Post Below
Last edited May 19, 2024 1:35 pm
May 19, 2024 1:48 pm
Are you one of us?

De Profundis is a letter writing rpg in the Lovecraftian tradition. People write about their adventures and fears to other members of a society (an agreed upon setting). In the original game, the internet is abhorred for real-live letter-writing. But I think the internet and posting can make it even more exciting and, quite frankly, frightening.

In the original write-up I just kept writing and imagining. In this game we play a secret society seeking refuge as rpers in this site. Around the world, maybe eve around time. Responding in the first person to a colleague's letters, we can create a world all our own.

But best of all, the central theme, is, are we really reading fiction?

Like the game itself, there are secret pockets where the DP rules can be found. I plan on very loosely using the game, using more of its themes than its structure.

May 19, 2024 5:49 pm
Yes, but I try not to advertise it as blatantly as you just did. Without being too much of a tinfoil-hat, they could be reading along.
I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into, but now I'm just playing along :)
Last edited May 19, 2024 5:53 pm
May 19, 2024 5:50 pm
Dear friend!

I write to you under the oppressive weight of dread that shakes me to my very core. For I fear that the sanctity of our clandestine endeavours is dangerously close to unravelling. The forbidden knowledge should - as you very well know - hardly be whispered about and now is brought to the attention of others who are not initiated in our ways. Far be it from me to accuse you, dear friend, of a heedless tongue. I can certainly appreciate that you do grasp the gravity of your words here and know what it is you might invoke to come down on all of us. The delicate veil separating our reality from the unfathomable horrors lurking beyond is wearing thin as it is and by advertising our existence here, you may already have stirred the malevolent forces elsewhere.

I can feel you are getting restless, friend. The world in its ignorence, however, is not prepared for the revelation of what lies beyond. The cosmic dread, the ancient and malevolent intelligences that slumber in dimensions beyond our comprehension, are truths that must remain forever obscured from the frail minds of men. Madness is the only reward that awaits you and other players, should you not cease your ambitions in this thread.

I beseech you, heed my warning and act with the urgency this dire situation demands. Delete your post! The knowledge we guard is a burden that cannot be shared, a truth that must remain hidden for all eternity. The stakes are nothing less than the continued sanity and survival of mankind.

Yours in neverending vigilance and somber duty,
May 19, 2024 6:32 pm
Oh ye glorious gods, are we playing already. Dangodang do I create a forum?
May 19, 2024 8:36 pm
O̸̢͚̰̟̖̰͖̝̻̊̋̑̈́̌́͌͗͘̚͝ṳ̶͉̙̘̲̣̑͛̏̕r̷̛̖͍̱̅̽́͂̅̂̈̆͐͗̔̃̀̔ ̵̨̨̢̧̲̰̹͙̘̦̥̫̹̑͋̽͋͑̆͗͑́̃͆͆̊͌͝k̷̡̡̠͔͖͕̋̽ī̷̢̨̳̞͚̗̩̮̗̜̤̗̰̦͌͌̈́̄͐̍̈́͜ń̷̡̢̝̻͍̜͙̥̝̲̀̕g̵̪͚̐̀̓̇̓̎̇̽̚͝ ̷̡̯̲̻̩̝̘̤͔̤̆̓̆͛́̍̿͐̕͠ͅͅi̵̡̧̮͕̗͚͔̜͈̝̱̇͜͜s̵͍̙͇̬̫͗̔͋́̀͜ͅ ̴̨̻̤͎͙̼̦̳̹̲̳̅w̶̡̩̞̥̲̝̖̝̥̼̖̣̘̅͋͜ͅã̴̭̻̂̂͆͂͝t̵̳̟̔̎̒͂́̈́͑̊͐̂̀̓͠ç̷̛͍͉͎̗͔̲̯̯̲͕̺̣͌̀̒̑̈́̎̐͂̎̕͝͠ẖ̶̢̨̼͖͚̘̫͙͍͓̅̋̄̒͂͜ͅǐ̵̲̜̲͖͕̗̠͈͙͎̙̉̓͒̚͜n̵̨̲̹̭̲̲̬̭̰̬̙̬̟͗͗g̴̤͚͕͍̺̲̜̘̤̳͂́͆ ̷̧̟̻̩̤̰̦̜̪͈́̆͛̀̿̄̒ÿ̷̨̡̱̖̜̤̤̮͕͔̣͍̬̈́̈́͊̿̎̓̚͝͝ō̷͈͍̣͈͉͕̊͑͑͘ū̶̢͎̯̻̘͎̬̞͇͓̹̀͘.̸̨̰͙͇̼̘̱͇̗̮͆̽̿̈́͒̓̒ͅ
By which I mean that I'd like to read along, if you don't mind my presence (since making a horror-adjancent game public is likely an awkward option). Not as a player, but as a reader and moral support? This is a very intriguing idea, especially with the first-person, post-like formatting. :D

(..totally not a cultist trying to infiltrate your organisation; why'd you think that?)
May 21, 2024 10:59 am
Friends and 'Gamers',

It is not my intention to bait us, my brethren, but I have created this as a refuge. Consider it a sage place, a safe place, and do not see me as the infiltrator. For who are we to feel immune? Have any of us ever considered that the opposition is no-more, that it is defeated?

Perhaps it is our own incantations, our own wants and dreams and wars, that really persecutes us. Is that the reason why we play these games? Why we write and live, truly, honestly, in artificial worlds? To access that life that we should have had?

Only tell me by a sign or a cartouche in your response, if you wish to form a society. We will veil it in the form of a game... Something we play, surely whatever lies against us will overlook such trivial stuff.

So I take the burden and danger and create this 'game', for it is but a game- nothing to see here...
All cultists, lurkers and persecutors welcome- shall I make the game?
Last edited May 21, 2024 11:01 am
May 21, 2024 3:54 pm
Brothers and Sisters;

I fear our refuge in a world that revels in its own blindness, our "port in a storm of madness" if you will, has been compromised. I cannot be sure, but as more and more people flock to GamersPlane I cannot help but feel our charade wears thin. Too many posts have people noticing and thinking. While I am sure most haven't noticed, or have otherwise writen it off (as was intended when we chose this as our platform), there are signs that some are taking notice.

If that is true, our time here may be growing short. The issue is that the internet never forgets. We must be cautious as we deal with this threat from within.


Ma Junior
May 21, 2024 7:21 pm
Fellow Gamers (...) on the plane,

with a profound sense of destiny I accept the formation of such a secret society. Our congregation, bound by an oath of eternal secrecy, is not merely a gathering of like-minded seekers but a solemn pact against the darkness.

The import of our discretion, however, cannot be overstated. We are the keepers of truths so abhorrent, so antithetical to the very fabric of human sanity, that their mere utterance could unravel the minds of the uninitiated.

Our society’s existence must remain a whisper among whispers, an echo lost in the corridors of forgotten antiquity. We must be as shadows, unseen and unheard, our existence known only to those within our sacred circle. Vigilance is our watchword, silence our shield. The world must never know of our endeavors!

Yours in eternal secrecy and solemn duty,
Last edited May 21, 2024 7:22 pm
May 21, 2024 10:47 pm
When those accursed gather in a flock, it's all the easier to guide them astray.
Lurk time, lurk time! :D Do it, make the game!
May 26, 2024 12:23 pm
I have returned from my weekend trip and shall wait for further instructions 😁
May 27, 2024 4:26 am
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May 28, 2024 7:51 pm
Dear friends,

I have come late upon your writings and must bestir myself to let you know that the implications of my recent discoveries are indeed of utmost dire consequences. I beseech you to form this collective so that we may gain insight from one another's knowledge, crude as it may be, into the horrifying reality we are all in.


Mistress of Mysteries
Last edited May 28, 2024 7:52 pm
Jul 22, 2024 7:07 am
nope, the GM have been offline for weeks
Jul 22, 2024 3:26 pm
runekyndig says:
nope, the GM have been offline for weeks
just part of the game man....create a burner account and secret play a game about your secret society? If you don't know that it is happening, you aren't in it dude.

*puts on tin foil hat

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