session 0 - Character creation

May 21, 2024 10:10 pm
Here you can discuss what sort of character you'd like to play. Share ideas and discuss what tropes you'd like to explore.

I recommend that we first get an idea of the town before you finalize your character. That way, you can connect your character to an NPC or feature in the town.

Once you have the basics of your character sketched out, think about how you’re related to the other characters. Everyone should introduce their character.
When we feel ready, each character should answer one question about how they feel about every other character. At that time, I will post three lists of questions: for positive, negative, and neutral relations.

Everyone should decide for each other character if they feel positive, negative, or neutral. Then, roll 1d20 for each other character. Answer the question that comes up. These questions are about how you feel about another character. It might be based on false assumptions.
May 21, 2024 10:17 pm
Check out rules, Tropes and character sheet in the Rules post.
May 24, 2024 7:56 am
moving character conversation here, from the town building thread.

So, we determined that we should be aged between 11 and 13, in middle school, and that we all go to the same school, the Ulysses S. Grant Public High School, home of the Gators (we've been moved in to share that facility as the middle school was decrepit and moldy).

For my character, I am thinking of the Funny Sidekick trope. Bolton (aka Benbo) is a chubby kid everyone made fun of since he can remember, on account of his weight. Academically mediocre, and unable to impress his peers with anything sporty or requiring physical effort, Ben has played the comedy card, channelling his innate sense of humor into non-stop jokes and endless voice impressions, for the amusement of his audience. So he manages to get by being funny... most of the time.

He would idolize one of the other PCs (to be determined), admiring him/her and secretly wanting to be like them.

His two Strengths would be Protective (Add +3 to rolls when defending one of your friends) and Treasure Hunter (May spend 1 Adversity Token to find a useful item in your surroundings) - as well as the Teen age group free Rebellious (Add +3 to rolls to persuade or resist persuasion from Kids. Add +3 to rolls to resist persuasion from Adults).

His Flaw would be Clumsy (and possibly Greedy for food).

His Fear would be school bullies.

His Knack is definitley wisecracking.

He would have an Orange bike (Each time you succeed at a check, an ally of your choice receives one Adversity Token) kitted with Trading Cards mounted to vibrate against the wheels' spokes (You get +1 to checks if you are attempting to distract others)
[ +- ] Funny Sidekick Trope

How does that sound, folks?
Last edited May 24, 2024 11:13 am
May 24, 2024 8:12 am
I'm going to go with an 'Adventurous Scout' as my character's trope. Got a rough sketch in mind, but still needs some work.
May 24, 2024 1:14 pm
Thinking Popular kid, but might swap around a little to be a little more physical, so sporty cheerleader(wannabe) popular kid. Does 11-13 count as child or teen? I was assuming child bracket? or is it borderline that we could go with either?
May 24, 2024 7:17 pm
I love him! And I love the art you picked (AIed?) for him. I can really see him joking around and being like the fun, relaxed guy in the group that people tend to like.
[ +- ] So in 1992... Trading Cards attached to his wheel spokes...
Yeah, I'd say it's somewhere between kid and teen.
Some people are still a kid at 13, others already act as a teen on 12 or maybe even 11.
So feel free to pick.
Also, tropes are blue prints. If you have a trope you like, but would mix around a few stats, that is perfectly fine.
May 24, 2024 7:48 pm
And here is our stoic scout, someone who is in dire need of a friend like Benbo ;) Ethan Pryce is a quiet and reserved young boy who struggles with social anxiety, often feeling overwhelmed in large group activities. He loves to spend a lot of his free time outdoors, finding solace in the scenic beauty of nature. He knows the way to a few serene, secluded spots, and he'll happily hike with you there - as long as you don't talk too much along the way. While he is an introvert who often prefers to keep to the sidelines, he does enjoy the company of a few close friends he feels comfortable around. He found that catching a movie together, riding their bikes around town, or just hanging out in someone's basement, could all be fun, with the right group of people.

His strengths would be Skilled at Scoutcraft (has practical outdoor skills and knowledge used in scouting, including camping, hiking, knot-tying, first aid, fire-building, and navigation), and Cool Under Pressure (May spend 1 Adversity Token to take half of your die’s value instead of rolling on a Snap Decision). His strong sense of ethics makes him unlikely to listen to anyone other than his inner compass (Rebellious Strength, and Dogmatic flaw).

His Fear would be Social Anxiety
His Knack would be Sketching - he's a talented sketch artist who captures lifelike illustrations of wildlife and natural scenes in his notebook.

Stats: Brains 1d20, Grit 1d12, Brawn 1d10, Fight 1d8, Flight 1d6, Charm 1d4
May 24, 2024 9:20 pm
ha! looks like Ethan is a strong candidate to become Benbo's hero... he's awesome, knows all this nature stuff... knows lots of secret spots, and... I mean, have you seen how he draws?!?
ClaCle says:
I love him! And I love the art you picked (AIed?) for him. I can really see him joking around and being like the fun, relaxed guy in the group that people tend to like.
glad you like the concept - yes, I'm afraid his portrait is AI. I learned that if I add a "realistic watercolor" at the end of image prompts, they work much better for me...

As for the trading cards, absolutely it could be MtG! not an expert, but I know what huge phenomenon it was!
May 24, 2024 11:14 pm
Leaning more into sport than popular in the end. I tend to work out concepts alongside rules... I'll work out a picture later, and probably re-write to make more sense as I can't make words do what I want at the moment... Kimberly Watson (aka Kimmy) is slim, fit and pretty, a bit of tomboy growing up she's shifted as she's hit her teens finding a new joy in clothes and makeup and a need to fit in with her elite peers, though she still loves to run, swim and making the cheer team seems like a way to keep status and enjoy the challenge of it.

For all that she enjoys her newfound status, it often all feels like an act, and she often has to get away and just, run, climb, ride a bike.

Her strengths are Cool under Pressure and Quick Healing, along with her teenage Rebellious, her major flaw is Impatience the reason her academic skills are less than stellar, she should be studying, but she'd rather be moving...

Her Fear is Claustrophobia, she hates feeling trapped or in small spaces.
Her Knack is Racing, running, swimming or cycling the thrill of competition brings out the best in her.

Kimmy's bike is Green, with pedal powered lights.

Stats: Flight 1d20, Brawn 1d12, Charm 1d10, Fight 1d8, Grit 1d6, Brains 1d4
Last edited May 25, 2024 10:37 pm
May 25, 2024 2:04 am
[ +- ] Drawn Style Image
Abigail Longwaters, Mysterious Transfer.

Abigail joined the school at the beginning of the year, but kept mostly to herself. She draws odd things, disturbing things. With her awkward features, braces, long straight chestnut hair, and pale complexion, she had an aura of being unapproachable. When someone does, they're shocked with entrails and exploding eyeballs, lovingly rendered in ballpoint pen.

Strength: Gross (Can pop any joint koudly at will, usually shoulders)
Strength: Unassuming
Strength: Rebellious
Flaw: Picky
Fear: Dogs
Knack: magic, i.e., misdirection-type tricks
Bike: White, milk crate
Backpack: A leather courier bag, filled with small tools, survival gear, magic paraphernalia, and girly stuff

Why is being new and mysterious so much fun for you? She likes the power, the control. She's in charge of her own reputation.

Which rumor about you hurts the most? The rumor about her father being abusive and that's why she came here with her mother, is troubling. The truth isn't as exciting, but somehow just as hurtful.

Motivations: (forthcoming)

Stars: Fight 1d20, Flight 1d12, Brains 1d10, Grit 1d8, Brawn 1d6, Charm 1d4
Last edited May 25, 2024 1:05 pm
May 25, 2024 4:41 am
I think I'm going to go for a cross between Prom Royalty and Popular kid.

I swapped fight and flight as he didn't seem like much of a fighter to me. I hope the knack makes sense. If it doesn't I'm happy to come up with something else. Brooks has been blessed with many qualities. His family is wealthy, he's good-looking and charming and he has an easy-going and affable nature.

He's glided through school purely on his looks and has never really had to work for his success. He enjoys being the centre of attention, mostly because that's what he's used to. He assumes everybody likes him, because, what's not to like?

Because of the way everyone treats him, he's absorbed that and many would see him as quite self-centered.

As well as being Wealthy and good-looking Zane seems to be Lucky. Things always seem to just fall in his lap. Although he wouldn't admit it to anyone Zane biggest fear is Responsibility. He'd much rather follow someone else's lead than take responsibility for an action that he took.

If he has a knack, it would have to be for knowing things about people around town. Unsurprisingly, people tell Zane things. Surprisingly, he listens and tends to remember.

Stats: Charm D20, Grit D12, Flight D10, Fight D8, Brains D6, Brawn D4
Strengths: Lucky, Wealthy
Flaws: Capricious
Fear: Responsibility
Knack: For knowing things about people.
Bike: Red, Ten speeder
Backpack: Sunglasses, hair gell, a walkman.

Q1: What benefits have you gained from having such a high place in the school’s social hierarchy?
Q2: How did it feel the first time you heard someone say that you’re "beautiful but terrible"?
A few edits and a name change
Last edited May 27, 2024 11:03 pm
May 25, 2024 7:06 am
@Dr_B, Are you interested in a bonded action between Ben and Zane?

I was thinking that Standup Comedians might be fun, with the two having a Martin and Lewis schtick that they've been doing for a while. I feel like Zane would be a good straight man.

Also open to any other suggestions for bonded actions for Zane.
Last edited May 25, 2024 8:32 am
May 25, 2024 7:50 am
This gang will be awesome, folks!

Love the Standup Comedians bonded action, Benbo would be in his element, playing a Jerry Lewis-like sidekick.
May 25, 2024 8:22 am
@Delirium, I was thinking it'd be good to have Ethan & Kimmy having been friends when Kimmy was in her tomboy phase - and still on a wavelength when she lets herself be.
For a Bond Friends Cant could just be from having hung out from being small a collection of nonsense words and personal anecdotes that make sense to no-one else. Or Tough Cookies if you'd rather think our growing apart has led to a bit of rivalry and neither of us like showing weakness in front of the other, or Best Frenemies for similar reasons, but neither character seems like they're boastful enough for that? Happy to go with other suggestions though.
May 25, 2024 9:32 am
Character sheets for those who need them

I like where this is going. Looks like a good team and I notice a nice balance in as well characters as mechanics (every stat seems to be covered at least once by either a D20 or D12)

Sheet seems in order. I did add the +1s based on your age group.
And you made me realize that I hadn't put up a bike's section in the sheet. Fixed that now.
(and that card I posted as a joke would be the value of a card by now)

Character seems fine to me. Scoutcraft is something that would work as a Skilled At__
Your knack is sketching. I can imagine that Abigail will pick something similar? That is not a problem, just pointing it out :) And I can imagine very different art styles there... :)
I can imagine Ethan has been in the woods or near the lake often?

Sounds like a good character design. Fast, athletic.
Take your time writing up the design to find the words to do what you want to do and find/google/AI some art.
Getting that characters right is what works now in this stage.

I love the character idea.
Unassuming is a strenght, as is skilled at. I am guessing you meant the strenghts to be Gross (the art pieces?), Unassuming and either Rebellious or Quick Healing?
You can also pick a fear and a knack. Based on your character I'd guess the knack could be drawing. There'd be some overlap with Ethan there, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Also... The truth isn't as exciting, but somehow just as hurtful. that makes me really wonder what it'd be.

Swapping stats is perfectly fine, as is blending in two Tropes. Popular and Prom are tropes that are close together I'd guess.
The knack seems to work. Is it something like gossipping? Or actually know things about people?

Bonded actions
I now realize that a party of 5 has a flaw with Bonded Actions.
If two sets of people bond, one would be left out.
Storywise it'd actually make sense that this could be Abigail.
Thinking how to fix that though.

I shall leave you all to think up the suggested bonds.
Then later in the weekend I'll put up the relationship questions.
After that I think we'd be ready to actually dive into the game.

KoB often has adventure and horror themes in it's setting.
If anyone is uncomfortable with anything, please mention it in the road signals.
Otherwise it might accidentally pop up in game.
May 25, 2024 10:05 am
This is the making of a great gang!

@spinningdice, I like the idea that they were closer once, when Kimmy was in her tomboy phase, but that he has since grown distant from her once she started blossoming into a young woman. He has sketches of her in his notebook that he would rather die before showing her. Tough Cookies seems the most fitting, if only because her presence would inspire him to overcome adversity. I can see Friends Cant working too.

@ClaCle The nearby woods and the lake seem like locations he visited with his scout troop. He does love venturing further afield on his own; the scouts hike well-trodden trails closer to Prudence, which isn't very exciting. He probably knows a few secret spots he discovered while traveling the woods alone or with his close friends.
May 25, 2024 10:27 am
@Delirium, I like that and agree on Tough Cookies
May 25, 2024 1:10 pm
@clacle Updated the above. I think it works for Abigail to be the left out of the bond pairings. She isn't a loner, per se, just doesn't have the length of history.

Also, strength is spelled -GTH not -GHT. I struggle(d) with that, too. Ima change that on my sheet, haha.

Others: for the consent sheet, everything is on the table for Abigail.
May 25, 2024 1:30 pm
I'm fairly easy consent-wise, though I'll flag up if anything does make me uncomfortable.
May 25, 2024 1:43 pm
Fine with most things, maybe no child abuse/torture (but I'm sure the story wouldn't go that way) ?
Last edited May 25, 2024 1:44 pm
May 25, 2024 10:38 pm
Meh, I hate trying to find/generate a pictures, but I guess that one will do for now.
May 26, 2024 12:02 am
that pic of Kimberly is great!
May 26, 2024 2:34 am
ClaCle says:
The knack seems to work. Is it something like gossipping? Or actually know things about people?
Gossipping I think. Or rather people tend to gossip at Zane, because he's a good listener. He doesn't gossip himself.
May 26, 2024 9:47 am
spinningdice says:
Meh, I hate trying to find/generate a pictures, but I guess that one will do for now.
I like it. But you could of course always update it if you find something you like more later on.
May 26, 2024 10:00 am
The character sheets all seem fine to me. One last step remains to flesh out the characters and then I'd plan to post an opening post to get the adventures kicked off.

This last step is designed to learn new, interesting things about each other's and your own character.

I'd like everyone to answer one question for each other character.
Decide if your relationship with them is possitive, negative or if you don't know them very well.
Then roll 1D20 on the list below and answer the question. (Unckeck the reroll aces box).

Your answers are how your character feels about something. Especially with negative or unknown relationships, this might not always be true. But it is what your character feels or thinks for a certain character. A good example of this is what Qralloq already wrote about Abigail.
The rumor about her father being abusive and that's why she came here with her mother, is troubling. The truth isn't as exciting, but somehow just as hurtful.
You might answer a questing, thinking certain things about her father. But that doesn't mean that it is actually true.
[ +- ] Positive relationship questions
[ +- ] Negative relationship questions
[ +- ] Unknown relationship questions
May 26, 2024 10:07 am
-Ethan Pryce: positive relationship
19. You’ve been in awe of this character since you met them. How did they make such a strong first impression?
The first time Ben saw Ethan, he was climbing a tree moving with the grace and agility of some jungle cat. He seemed to be at one with nature, to know its secrets, and in Ben's eyes he embodies some sort of cool adventure hero, gazing at the horizon, solitary but heroic. He doesn't seem to be bothered by others' judgement, as if he knew something that they don't. When Ethan stays silent in one of his magic secluded spots, Ben knows he is listening to secrets only he can hear. Ethan is just how Benbo would like to be.

-Abigail Longwaters : neutral relationship
17. What scandal in the town was this character involved with?
Abigail has not been in town long. Benbo, like all kids in school, has noticed her, but she seems to keep to herself, like she is on a different planet. She was once caught sketching during lesson and one of the teachers made a big fuss of her gory drawings, showing them to the class and saying that that was exactly the kind of thing that leads to a life of trouble. This fueled the rumor mill about Abigail, with gossip ranging from I bet she has multiple personalities to she's definitely in a satanic cult...
Benbo thought the drawings were cool, and the teacher was rude.

-Zane Brooks: positive relationship
13. What about this character makes you so happy?
Kids like Zane - popular, good-looking, laid-back and effortlessly cool - would normally give the likes of Ben a wide berth. The fact that Zane even noticed him for his jokes and funny stunts is, in Ben's view, one of the biggest victories in the history of mankind. The fact that a cool kid like Zane finds him funny is amazing, but the fact that they started doing a comedy routine together is just unbelievable. Zane is his unexpected in-point to the popular kids in school. Benbo enjoys some popularity by proxy, next to him: like a satellite glowing from the reflected light of a nearby bright star.

-Kimmy: positive relationship
10. What are you sacrificing to protect this character, and why are you so willing to make that sacrifice?
Well, Kimberly is just... perfect and gorgeous to Benbo's eyes. She's pretty, smart, and amazing at sports. He goes all tongue-tied around her and, to his friends' hilarity, turns various shades of deep red. He is developing a proper crush on her, but knows she is way out of his league. Heck, Benbo isn't even in any league!
But should anyone offend her or hurt her, Benbo would go berserk and charge them like a rhino! (he'd sacrifice personal safety/fear of getting hurt)
Last edited May 26, 2024 11:19 am


Ethan, Abigail, Zane, Kimmy - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (19) = 19

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d20 : (13) = 13

1d20 : (10) = 10

May 26, 2024 10:13 am
I know this might sound a little naff, but I see Zane as generally liking people (as well having an unfounded belief that everyone likes him). So I'm going all positive.

Abigail (11) You often feel the need to stand up for this character. Why are you willing to go so far for them?

Zane really likes Abigail's art. It's like some acid-fueled album cover from the best psychedelic band that he's never heard of.

That, and the fact that she's a new kid (and that must be hard), and he needed new project, means that he's totally committed (as much as he ever is) to making sure that nobody dumps on Abigail.

Benbo (12) What bond do you share with this character that can never be broken?

Benbo and Zane have been unlikely friends since elementary school. They haven't always been best friends. Over the years they've gravitated in and out of each other's social circles, but they both share the same love of vintage comedy: Marx Brothers, Abbot and Costello, Three Stooges.

Zane and Benbo know all the routines off by heart. When they're doing a bit, they're totally in sync.

Ethan (14) What tremendous act of bravery did you see this character do?

There was this field trip into the forests where the kids came across a huge feral dog mauling a racoon. Ethan just stared down that dog, cool as can be, drove it off, and then took the racoon to the ranger's station.

The school myth is that it was totally a wolf

Kimmy (17) What aspect of this character’s personality do you try to use as a model for your own?

Kimmy's commitment to training is something that Zane really admires. She always seems to be trying to go faster, higher, stronger. and has inspired him to try and work at some things.

The fact that Zane hasn't had much success at being committed or working hard just makes Kimmy all the more impressive.

There's some really nice food for thought here!
Last edited May 27, 2024 1:54 am


Abiligail, Benbo, Ethan, Kimmy - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, RA)

1d20 : (11) = 11

1d20 : (12) = 12

1d20 : (14) = 14

1d20 : (17) = 17

May 26, 2024 10:26 am
I'm going with 'Positive' relationship with Benbo and Kimmy, and 'Unknown' for Zane and Abigail

Abigail (20): You know that this character is interested in getting to know you. How did you find that out?

Ethan feels a sort of inexplicable kinship with Abigail. Part because the two of them aren’t the most outgoing of people, part because he empathizes with whatever hardship she was going through (if the rumors about her had any kernel of truth in them). He nonetheless respects her wishes to keep to herself, even when he started to suspect she had a fleeting interest in getting to know him better after their eyes met during class. He put off walking up to her and striking a conversation until he could think of something meaningful to say, so for now, he settles for a gentle nod and a thin smile whenever he sees her at school.

Benbo (18) When did you first realize that you loved this character—either platonically or romantically?

Though he never expressed it in words, Ethan considers Benbo a dear friend. He puts a smile on his face, and he can’t remember a single time when he didn’t feel at ease in his company, but he only realized how much he missed the endless chatter and string of impressions when Benbo was away most of the summer vacation, traveling with his family.

Kimmy (20) Why do you treasure a seemingly valueless item this character once gave you?

Ethan still hangs on to the ticket stub from the b-movie he and Kimmy watched last year. It was a horror flick wildly inappropriate for their age, and they would have been rightfully turned away from the theatre had Kimmy not managed to convince the long-haired teen behind the glass to let them in. They were grossed out by the movie for the most part, and some of the more egregious scenes had them howling with laughter. But the couple of jump-scares in which their hands briefly clasped together is what had his heart fluttering.

The two have been slowly drifting apart over the last year. Kimmy is moving in a different social circle these days post her glow-up, and Ethan is confused about the way his feelings about her have changed. He is more distant and reserved toward her than usual, but he still hangs on to that ticket stub, and to the memory of when he started seeing her as more than just one of the guys.

Zane (14) Why are so many townspeople afraid of this character?

Zane is easygoing and friendly - there is no reason for anyone to be afraid of him. His father, though, is a different story altogether. Robert Brooks owns several properties in town and wields power with ruthless efficiency. He has the same charming smile as Zane, but behind it lies a heart of stone; he exploits his workers, cuts corners on safety, and manipulates local politics to stifle competition - all to grow his own personal wealth. Any who dare oppose him find themselves facing ruin. His son is therefore given lots of headway. It's not like Zane to throw his father's name around when he doesn't get his way, but one never knows if he will let something slip during dinner. Best to stay on his good side.
Last edited May 27, 2024 4:08 am


Abigail, Benbo, Kimmy, Zane - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (20) = 20

1d20 : (18) = 18

1d20 : (20) = 20

1d20 : (14) = 14

May 26, 2024 3:03 pm
Kimmy gets on with most people, but Abigail and Benbo are probably a little off her radar - Positive with Ethan and Zane, Neutral for Abigail and Benbo

Ethan (11): You often feel the need to stand up for this character. Why are you willing to go so far for them?
Kimmy put a bit of distance between them less because they were growing apart and moving in different circles, but because she thinks she likes him, and it scares her. She only wanted a little distance to work herself out but now it seems a little unreachable to reconcile, and every time she tries to make a bridge she falls back into just brushing him off.

Regardless though, if he were ever in trouble or even asked her for help she'd be there in a moment

Zane (4): What part of this character’s personality do you realize is exceptional that they do not?
Zane is, or seems to be unflappable - nothing seems to shake him, he's always just so chill and unconcerned. Kimmy tries to be like that, but she struggles, just sitting and relaxing is alien to her.

Abigail (9): Why are you going out of your way to get to know this character?
Abigail is kinda fascinating, she seems to go out of her way to push people away. There has to be a reason why? Is it the rumoured abuse - in which case she could use a friend, or is it something else? Plus Kimmy has a secret fondness of schlocky b-movies and loves her art...

Benbo (14): Why are so many townspeople afraid of this character?
While Benbo seems kinda helpless and like he wouldn't harm anyone, Kimmy remembers last year, a boy Kevin, was hassling her and Ben stepped in and stood up for her. Not physically, but turned his normally innocuous wisecracks picking on all Kev's flaws.
I mean, it didn't end well, Kev took a swing at Ben and left him with a black eye before storming off, but he never lived it down either. Since then a lot of kids have given him a level of wariness - though Kimmy not's sure if Benbo's even noticed.
Last edited May 26, 2024 4:49 pm



(11) = 11


(4) = 4


(9) = 9


(14) = 14

May 26, 2024 4:15 pm
Maybe just like there are those who enjoy his jokes and funny voices, there are also many that find them awful? Oh no, here comes that cringe factory...

Or, despite the comic relief he provides, he is still a pretty unpopular person to have around, one that would drop your hard-earned street cred instantly.I can't be seen hanging out with that loser...
May 26, 2024 4:27 pm
Rolling first, skipping next from19, then 20 for Zane since the those questions have been asked elsewhere.
Unknown relation with Benbo, Negative with Ethan, Positive with Kimmy and Zane.

Benbo, unknown relationship
#4 What charming habit is this character known for throughout the town?

Ben every morning in the way to school stops and sweeps the front stoop of this fragile old man. Somehow the leaves of his trees are always taking, like he planted differently species on purpose that way. It's strange, incongruous. It's not like they talk, or money changes hands. Ben just stops, takes the broom and sweeps the steps. It's a touching kindness everyone knows about.

Ethan, negative
#18 How did this character betray you the last time you confided in them?

After she approached Ethan one day early on in the school semester, asking him what kind of music he liked (shy and awkwardly), she heard him laughing with his friends. She didn't hear every word, but she heard enough to know that they were making fun of her. What he told them, she didn't know. And she doesn't care! They can suck rocks.

Kimmy, positive
#6 How did this character contribute to the best day of your life?

As she'd withdrawn into her mind, practicing her tricks and drawing (she was a horrible drawer, but it gave her something to do to keep busy), she'd all but given up on making friends in her school. But then one day, it was so weird, she found Kimmy and three of her friends had sat beside her at lunch. They just talked, not questions, but included her, and they chatted about TV and music and sports and anything. When Kimmy winked at her at the end of lunch hour, she knew the girl had done that on purpose. Abigail realized then that there was a chance, that she could belong here.

Zane, positive
#1 Why do you feel forever indebted to this character?

Nobody really notices Abigail, she had designed her life that way. Better to be ignored than teased or bullied, and these kids would be merciless if they knew the truth, or where she had come from. But it was Zane that saw to the heart of the matter, of her facade. He'd given her a flier for the talent show to be held at the end of the year, and said, "Your magic is really good, you know. Show everyone who you are." The best part, he'd said it in front of the whole class. She'd replayed those words over and over in her head, not thinking of the witty comeback, but just hearing them.
Last edited May 26, 2024 5:00 pm


Benbo, Ethan, Kimmy, Zane - (4d20)

(418619) = 47

Reroll Zane, duplicate - (1d20, RA)

(1) = 1

May 27, 2024 1:10 am
I've messed a little with Zane.

I thought has a knack for getting information from people is a little more on point for the game. It's clearer when it can be invoked (when he's trying to get information from someone).

Also, his flaw is now Self-centred. That just felt more in line with the character.
Last edited May 27, 2024 1:10 am
May 27, 2024 1:55 am
I've worked out the relationships. Let me know if any don't suit.
May 27, 2024 7:19 pm
I love all releationships. There are some interesting ones two work on with for sure.

You can do it either way you like.
Zane could have a knack for getting information from people, like convincing them to share information, or just let them tell. That'd be Charm related.
Or Zane could have a knack for knowing random facts about people. That'd be brain related.

I agree the first one is easier to invoke.

I think we're all set now though. I shall post up the first post of the game.

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