Findal leads the way into the warm and dry interior of the Inn. The first room is the ground floor of the stone tower: a large, circular room filled with chairs and tables with more chairs. Pegs on the wall on either side of the fireplace allow the party to hand their cloaks to dry. The roaring fire combined with the burning tapers on each table impart a cozy yellow glow to the room, aided by a hanging chandelier above their heads fashioned from interlocking elk horn racks that bears many candles, too.
There are a few other guests here, but a large central table sits empty. Findal crosses to this, saying "This one should be large enough for all of us!" A barmaid comes up, and Findal addresses her. "Good evening, miss! My friends here have had a long day - we all have - but they've done heroic deeds. I want to make sure that they're well cared-for right now, while I talk to the innkeeper." He takes a handful of gold coins out of his pouch and sets them in a neat stack in front of the woman, then turns to the party, standing on tip-toe to see over the top of the table. "Friends, you've done excellent work today. Feel free to order what food and drink you like, while I just check on our rooms. I'll be back in a few moments." Findal bows (which some of you can see, but for the rest, his head just disappears below the table for a moment), and then leaves, going to the archway to the north, which opens into the long wooden portion of the Inn. He re-emerges a few moments later, following the smiling innkeeper. They head to the other, eastern archway, which opens onto a long hallway lined with doors.