OSR games their differences and setting

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Jun 5, 2024 3:51 pm
Just to clarify one point, S&W is OD&D. It includes some extras from that various gazetters, but is still based on a game that predates B/X. It's 99.9% compatible with OSE and B/X, but is definitely more rules-lite.
Jun 10, 2024 9:01 am
I would like to add something from me:
As Five Torches Deep was mentioned, I would add to list my recent find(and I looked trough many, many systems) that really took me by surprise:
Tales of Argosa (aka Low Fantasy Gaming 2e) - there is still free Public Playtest on Drive, that is more like full game(249 p.) without some art and few corrections. Was recently on KS, and backed it.

For me it was what I was looking for fro long time and feels like a game that takes the best things from few more popular games and mixing it in one, but cohesive, playable and logical game. I.e.:
- its like 5TD - so mid way between 5E and OSR -> what I mean by that: modern, elegant rules with many interesting options to develop your PC, but with OSR-feel, stupid play leads to death(no power creep that I don't like so much in 5E) and dangerous unpredictable magic.
- it has things like Mighty Deeds of Arms from DCC - here called as Exploits - during combat, but available to ALL PC not only marshal, there are also Resucues and Major Expoits - it makes combat always interesting,
- it has diminishing Luck stat instead of saves - what is more interesting in my opinion, that is also useful for other things,
- Dangerous Magic (for me even too much),
- Rerolls for task based on known skills,
- Degrees of success (similar to in Alternity)
- Some damage dice explodes !
- weapons have special "feats" when you roll 19,
- many great tables for Encounters and so on,
- Slot based items/encunberence ,
- very compatible with OSR modules and 5E (in the current KS version there are conversion rules),
- but: you roll under for skill/ability test - what not everyone likes,

And quite few more. And all of this is written and with very readable layout, so the rules seamed to me as easy, but very elegant and elastic.

I really recomend to check it. It looks almost ( :) ) as what I would do taking the best parts from 5E, OSE, DCC and even some Savage Worlds or Y0E. Very sane and logical rule set.

In fact I'm prepering to run a big campaign in this system, here on GP, in stonepunk homebrew setting of mine, but using/mixingin modules from OSE and DCC portfolio.
Jun 10, 2024 6:52 pm
If Castles & Crusades still interests you, you might want to know about the new Kickstarter.

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