::0kk.26/41/T - Kirk

May 25, 2024 2:02 pm
Kirk was currently in a fix. His wares had dried up, and with the current tensions none of his contacts were as friendly or as ready to trade as they were in the past. To make matters worse, six-fingered Roscoe, his competitor, had parked herself in a prime location nearer the entrance deck to avail herself of the wares brought in by the zone expeditions. The spot was anchored by boss Johammed’s men, there was no way he could think to dislodge him. No wares means no trade, and no trade meant no grub.
What do you do next? Where do you go? Who do you approach?
May 27, 2024 1:07 am
Standing there in his small little space that amounted to a storage closet, Kirk was rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to calmly assess his situation.

Alright Kirk, you’ve been in worse situations before. All it takes is one big score to get back on top…but how…

Kirk knew this was different. He was being systematically cut out of the ecosystem. He knew he’d have to go find Yassan. He miraculously always found the best stuff, but Kirk knew he’d have to ask without coming off desperate.

If Yassan sensed a sinking ship, he’d likely abandon me too for more stable relationship. That’s the last think I need.

Kirk will set off to look for him, starting with his favorite place to grab a drink.
May 30, 2024 1:51 pm
There were three locations in the Ark which still had the remnants of some signage which indicated that it was formerly used as some sort of drinking venue. The one near the rooftop of the top deck, whose faded lettering said Skylight Terrace Bar, was anything but, a flattened corner of demolished frame and counter. The second was a row of what used to be described as cabanas along the pool deck, or at least that's what Kirk had been taught to believe, whether accurate or no, including the existence of swimming pools. The only one in operation, with provided some semblance of a watering hole, was the one with the unlit neon sign along its entrance wall, Schooner, under which someone had sprayed Than Later, evidently their idea of humour. The dark wood finishings and faux sailing wall decorations, most askew, were the reminders of what the themed bar was like when it was used.

In fact, the more Kirk thought about it, the more he felt that that was Nove's wordplay. Nove ran the bar under the auspices of rarely-seen boss Kevla, dispensing whatever blindness-causing moonshine her crew managed to concoct from whatever they could mix and dilute from either a stash somewhere, or from outside. It was a good spot to find Yassan and some of the other stalkers as a spot to unwind after some of their travails. This also meant that Kirk could suss out information about the latest forays into the Zone, and even more importantly, perhaps score a chance to get dibs on whatever they managed to find.
If you like you can narratively fill in a few details of this bar and/or one or two of its patrons in your next post. Let me know what Kirk's going to do in the bar.
Jun 4, 2024 1:03 am
Walking into the Schooner, Kirk tries to act casual as he enters the bar. He takes in the scene without looking like he's looking for anyone specifically. Seeing some of the familiar faces, he puts on a smile and pats a couple backs as he passes some of the tables on the way to the bar. Kirk notes a big hairy ape-like man sitting at the bar alone, glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

Kirk decides to steer clear of that situation and takes a seat several spots down. He sits looking at the a large model schooner on the wall behind the bar, until he sees Nove appear from underneath with a couple glasses.

"Nove, just the guy I've been looking for. I'll take a single."

Kirk will gesture Nove in close when he delivers the drink so that they can talk quietly enough without anyone listening in.

"So listen Nove, we've always had a good relationship right? I'm in a bit of a bind and I need to make some moves quick if you catch my meaning. Any stalkers come through that door recently with some merch? Maybe some that might just have a loud mouth and are celebrating? I was hoping Yassan might have dropped by."
Jun 4, 2024 2:21 pm
"You still owe for the last two drinks you slimy eel." It was said half in jest, for Nove was already pouring out a shot of rotgut for Kirk, plonking it on the counter but still holding on to it rather than sliding it over. "Yassan might or might not have been here, and I may or may not happen to know that he might or might not be into something, but it'll cost you." At least Nove replied in an equivalent whisper, mirroring Kirk's secretiveness.
Alright, sounds like you could do with your first roll, Manipulate. There are modifiers for these, under bargaining position (p82). I'll probably be granting a +1 bonus seeing as Kirk knows Nove well enough, but at least offer to pay the bartender for all the drinks Kirk's consumed! :D
Jun 8, 2024 6:38 pm
"Come on, don't be like that. You know I'm good for it..."

They look at each other for several seconds..

"Alright fine, here's your payment. Can't be letting it go around that Kirk is cheap! Does this help settle things? Maybe if it's a good lead, I can even start cutting you in a little bit! And who knows, this could be the start of a business relationship."
Let me know if I rolled correctly. I have a 5 in empathy and 2 in manipulation.


Skill Die - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Base Die - (5d6)

(46123) = 16

Gear Dice - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 17, 2024 1:07 pm
Nove palmed the bullet that Kirk slipped across the bar counter as he looked over with a sidelong glance. "I'll give you a two fer. Yassan's gotten himself into boss Marlotte's crew heading out to the zone. You know no one goes out without the Elder's approval, but our dear Elder hasn't been seen for weeks. Marlotte's taking this opportunity to make her move, that's what this expedition is all about. But you didn't hear it from me." An expedition meant plunder, here was Kirk's chance to maintain his relationship with Yassan so as not to miss out on any of the takings.

The second bit of information Nove was prepared to offer was a tad more sinister. "As for merch, something else is going down. Someone's hoarding grub. You know we're running low after that last disaster. But apparently some the existing stores have gone missing, so I hear. Kevla's been extra vigilant about her own stash."
Correct rolls, and I see 3 successes which is pretty decent, so let's have Nove spill some substantially juicy info for Kirk to respond to.
Jul 2, 2024 10:59 am
Hey GM, I apologize for the long delay. I would still like to jump back in if you'd have me.
"Nove! My Man! This is exactly what I need! I'll talk with Kevla. But first, has Marlotte's crew departed yet? I need to talk to Yassan before Roscoe gives him any wrong ideas!"

Kirk excitedly gets up from his stool in excitement. He doesn't even take time to reflect on the implications of the Elder missing and the power vacuum it will surely create.
Jul 8, 2024 10:22 am
"Nope, Marlotte still needs to get enough support to mount that expedition. She's not that powerful yet to unilaterally decide on things, but I'll bet she's making her moves." Nove laughed when Kirk jumped out of his seat. "Might as well hurry, I hear she'll be seeing the Vaulters." The chroniclers of the Dawn Vault were the keepers of tradition in the Ark, in charge of the legacy of the whatever the Elder handed down by way of instructions or stories. The bosses all had their own agendas, and often wouldn't be able to come to agreement, or would have temporary alliances at best, so they would often seek the Elder themselves, or gain the favour of the Vaulters in order to execute their various plans. This was likely what Marlotte was up to now.
Picking up on your thread again AceRancheros. A quick response here is all you need before I head you over to the other thread!
Jul 10, 2024 2:51 am
"Nove, I could kiss you right now! I don't care what they say about you, there's no finer barkeep!"

With that, Kirk will run out of the room shouting:

"Kirk is back!"

Exiting Schooner, Kirk will head straight to Marlotte. He has no intention of joining whatever escapade was being planned, he just needed to strike a deal before everyone shoved off.
Jul 15, 2024 6:04 am
"Not with those slimy lips you're not." Nove hollered back as Kirk scooted, making his way to the promenade deck where the Grand Room was located.
Right, head over to the other thread! You can scroll up to the start of the thread to see the description of the place, I won't have to repeat it.

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