::0bjk.26/41/T - Blister, Jack, Kirin

May 30, 2024 3:07 pm
The unpleasantness of last night's altercation was still ringing in Blister's head as she made her way up to the Even Star Lounge, or at least that's what the signage along its entrance lobby read in burnt out neon. Johammed's most ardent loyalists, led by chronicler Fass, advocated for him to signal his takeover of the leadership of the Ark in the Elder's absence. This was violently shot down by boss Marlotte's and boss Vislen's representatives, who nearly pulled out weapons, were it not for the reconcilatory words of Johammed himself, who declared publicly that he had no such intention. Whether or not this was true was something Blister wanted to know for herself, for this could either prompt her to unequivocally support his decision, or cause her to back away, depending. For while survival was always paramount, preserving the legacy of the Elder's wisdom was equally important.

Why she still remembered some of the stories they used to tell the People. Most of them didn't seem as interested when the Elder rcounted narratives of drama and theatre, of stage and performance, nostalgic for earlier times. One of them in particular spoke to Blister, it was about ...

... she found her train of though interrupted when she reached the lounge to find Johammed's usual retinue present, but also someone else, Jack. What did the gearhead want?

Jack was convinced she needed to be more proactive than simply take care of Ark duties. The Elder's last orders were still in effect though, and that thought weighed on her mind as she made her way to the upper lounge to look for boss Johammed, who had held a volatile meeting there last night. Jack wasn't present, but she had heard that it did not go well.

The boss was still there, staring out the full glass windows along one entire stretch of wall which miraculously remained uncracked compared to the rest of the damage found in the Ark. One of the enforcers near the boss snapped to when Jack entered, but Jack had always been a loyalist to Johammed, there was nothing to be concerned about. The rest of Johammed's retinue also sat back down as the boss turned around to see what Jack wanted to talk about.

"The boss isn't planning on sending out an expedition," Rossou called out after Jack had spoken, "It's that bloody Marlotte who's defying the Elder by putting together a team." There was the expedition Jack wanted. Would she switch allegiance to a different boss so as to have an opportunity to be on the next mission? Or would she try to convince Johammed to mount one for themselves?

Johammed shushed Rossou, "The water system is our most valuable asset. In such times, I expect someone will make a move on it. I'm counting on you Jack to make sure that doesn't happen."

But before Jack could reply, another person arrived, Blister the chronicler.
Clacle and Gene, you can play out this thread with each other and also with Johammed.
May 30, 2024 7:17 pm
Jack's hopes are a bit drained as boss Johammed wasn't planning a trip as Jack had hoped. Marlotte was but there wasn't any thoughts of for Jack to talk with Marlotte about it. Thoughts were further diminished as Johanned wants her to watch harder over the water area for him. This all meant to her that it wasn't her time get out to the zone as she wished.

She could only say, "Yes I will keep a closer eye there. ". She notes storyteller Blister was here now. She wondered what would have driven her here. Perhaps she is here about all the news and wants to hear it from Johanned. Chroniclers always want stuff.
Last edited May 30, 2024 7:17 pm
May 31, 2024 10:34 pm
Blister approaches Johammed's lounge. Yesterday's events still on her mind.
As she approaches, she notices Jack in the lounge. She had no idea what Jack was doing there, but she could only hope that it was to help.

"Heya Jack," Blister just says. "'ave you seen Johammed 'round? I just wanna to make sure he's doin' okay after all these folks gave him a 'ard time yesterday."
Last edited June 1, 2024 7:14 am
Jun 1, 2024 12:47 am
Ah ClaCle. We are in Johanned's lounge and boss Johammed is right there next to mutant gearhead Jack talking. That is where we are now. Jack just said "Yes I will keep a closer eye there". to Johanned as you were arriving. That is what you just heard. Many others are present in this lounge. Notably Rossou who was recently speaking. Needless to say, we are not alone.
It is common knowledge that Jack does business agreements with boss Johanned among many others. Jack fixes and makes stuff and does sell.
Last edited June 1, 2024 1:03 am
Jun 1, 2024 7:16 am
I shouldn't try to keep up posts past midnight after a busy day I guess
Blister approaches Johammed's lounge. Yesterday's events still on her mind.
As she approaches, she notices Jack in the lounge. She had no idea what Jack was doing there, but she could only hope that it was to help. She sees the crowd, and gently waits at a polite distance for Johammed and Jack to conclude their conversation, while making sure that Johammed has seen her.
Jun 2, 2024 12:09 pm
"Blister, come." Johammed had noticed her arrival and beckoned her forward. Interestingly, unlike the other bosses, Johammed always had time for the chroniclers. He considered their insight invaluable, and often talked about the need to respect the ways of the past in order to build a future. Such words were divisive, many looked up to Johammed as the person to lead them forward out of the hardship and violence they were in, but others were suspicious. "You know Jack, of course." He indicated the gearhead as Blister approached. "We were just discussing the absence of the Elder, and the need for leadership and direction during such a time. Jack here was advocating for an expedition in anticipation of the food shortage. What do you think?"

Turning back to Jack, "Truth be told, I don't like the idea of Marlotte making her expedition without us represented, as much as I don't trust not watching over the water." Jack could tell Johammed was weighing the priorities very carefully. He had his ear to the ground much more when chronicler Thane was around to advise him. Blister knew Thane well; he was the one who taught her much of the lore that she treasured. But now Thane had joined the Dawnvaulters at the request of the Elder, maintaining the sacred artifacts, leaving Johammed short of good counsel.
Alright, opening up some possibilities to weigh and discuss. Feel free to ask questions or add details.
Jun 2, 2024 3:14 pm
With a bit of comradery mutant Jack adds in, "Blister holds many a tale of interest. We have spoken many times."

Jack sees that perhaps there is a chance, "To be sure Johammed. Your voice should be heard in making an expedition if there is to be one. That is very important. And to have a watchful eye in the matters." Obviously, she is indicating herself to be that watchful eye. Someone Johammed knows is loyal to him.
Last edited June 2, 2024 3:18 pm
Jun 4, 2024 10:25 am
"Heya Jack, greetin's Johammed" Blister says as she enters the room. "I know Jack yeah, great inventor..." she offers her upper right arm for a handshake to Jack.

"It was a quite intense debate last night, boss. I was just makin' sure ya're all doin' fine... But I admit, food shortages are a pain. If we're even dreamin' of gettin' a nice civilization up and runnin' 'gain in the Ark, our first priority should be feedin' the hungry mouths. If we can't grow food ourself on the ship, we'd need to get it from the zone. So... ya... I reckon that Jack's right to call for an expidition for food. But we shouldn't neglect the safety of the ship and watersystems while at it."
Jun 4, 2024 2:03 pm
"What do you think boss? We should take more direct action, not wait for something to happen." Rossou added his opnion into the mix as Johammed mulled over Blister's and Jack's responses.

"If Marlotte is heading out, we should be represented as well. Jack you're in charge of that, find a way to be part of that expedition, if it's happening. Blister, I need you to go find out what the chroniclers know about the Elder's absence. Thane's there, so you'll be able to get reliable insight. If something is up I want to know about it straightaway. Both of you, work together on this. Rossou, I want you to go talk to the gearheads on the water shift, since Jack won't be there. I want their allegiance to me, by any means." There was no question Johammed was a boss, as seen by how he delivered his orders once he had made up his mind.
Alrighty, two tasks, pick which one you want to do first and go for it. The water one is actually a third task, but you can leave that for later.
Jun 4, 2024 3:33 pm
Mutant Jack will be heading to those of Marlotte to edge his way into expedition if there is one. He of course will play down his allegiance to boss Johammed and adding in his fine aid. Saying he would be an asset to an expedition in its place. That is his choice.
Jun 4, 2024 9:16 pm
"Boss Jahammed said we ought to be workin' together," Blister chirps up as she follows Jack around. "So guess I'll be comin' with ya and we go see Thane after."
Jun 4, 2024 9:29 pm
Jack says to Blister, "It would best you never mention the fact that we were talking with boss Johammed." as they move.
Jun 6, 2024 1:40 pm
"Got it. That could go all wrong there. Blister says, following Jack. She makes the my-lips-are-sealed gesture four times, once with each hand.
"Now, Jack, since ya'd be da one to seem to have been plannin'and expedition, I'll be leaving the talkin' to ya."
Last edited June 6, 2024 1:41 pm
Jun 6, 2024 1:55 pm
"Let's just hope this all goes smoothly." It was just a hope and somehow Jack suspected it wouldn't be so easy.
Jun 7, 2024 1:39 am
Marlotte had sequestered the ship's bridge as her own den, befitting her influence and ego. The bosses were bosses because they possessed the ability to influence others and also had the leadership and charisma necessary to rally the People to more productive pursuits. If only they saw eye to eye, their Ark would be in a much more functional state than it was now. But with constantly limited resources and the ever-present dangers in the Zone threatening to encroach in, the bosses had taken to protecting their own turf and hoarding their own stash of resources and supplies. This also meant rallying others to their side, those loyal to them.

Johammed was influential, he had a vision and a way with words. On the other hand, Marlotte was ambitious, always in the forefront when something needed to be done. Now Blister and Jack were about to look for her to see about what plans she had in the absence of the Elder.

"Who wants to know?" The tough that stood guard outside the corridor leading to the engine room eyed the two of them as they approached. Of course Rafik knew who Blister and Jack was, and they knew him as well; in the Ark everyone knew everyone to some degree or other.
Find some way of convincing Rafik to let you in? Or dig for information? Or some other means?
Jun 14, 2024 12:53 am
Mutant Jack says to Rafik, "Hey just here to see ole Marlotte. I hear there's some excitement brewing. We want in."
Last edited June 14, 2024 12:54 am
Jun 17, 2024 1:17 pm
"There certainly is." Rafik waggled his bushy eyebrows in response, smug as if he had gotten himself on the side of something good, and selfish enough to not want to share it with others. "Boss says she's not seeing anyone not on the list." Of course there wasn't an actual list, but it must have made Rafik feel self-important to lord it over Blister and Jack.
Let's be having a roll then! The relevant skill is Manipulate. And there are modifiers based on bargaining position (p82). There are two of you, so you can have two tries, but they'll have to be different approaches. At the moment it looks like a -1 modifier, from 'your opponent has nothing to gain by helping you', but go ahead and see if any other criteria apply before you roll.
Jun 17, 2024 6:44 pm
Manipulate check. Gesh. Used 5e first try. Second try is good for 1.

Jack says with hopes to get past Rafik, "I have a bullet here that says we just slipped in." Jack should have been a bit more forceful but he did offer something.
Last edited June 17, 2024 6:57 pm


Manipulate check. - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Empathy (3) - (3d6)

(651) = 12

Jun 20, 2024 2:30 pm
Kirin made his way to the bridge, fully expecting to have to broker through Marlotte's cronies before he would be able to see the boss herself. What he didn't expect was to find two others before him, already speaking with one of her grunts, a thick-skinned, thick-skulled tough named Rafik.
MaJunior you can read to catch up if you like, and jump in at an appropriate point. Since it's the first instance you're meeting other PCs, a line or two of description would help.
Blister, Jack
Rafik brightened up considerably with Jack's bribe. Resources such as grub, water and bullets were rationed and had to come by. The grunt immediately became Jack's best friend, "Haven't seen you around much Jack, gotta let me buy you a drink the next time we're at the Schooner. Marlotte isn't here at the moment though -" Rafik was just about to reveal where Marlotte was when a new person stepped in ...
1 success is still a success, and with a bribe it's even better. Remember to mark off 1 bullet. That's where I'm pausing for a moment to let MaJunior join in.
Jun 20, 2024 2:46 pm
Kirin (dressed in black cargo pants and heavy combat-style boots, an equally black hooded field jacket, and a full face style filtration mask; he also has a black tac-vest and a scrap rifle slung over his shoulder) steps in and looks around a bit. In a somewhat raspy voice, he adds, "Don't mind me, I can wait my turn. You were saying?"
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