
May 31, 2024 8:56 am
The rules should come up during training. We can post them, or ask questions about them, here as we go along
* Rolling, forwards and hold
* Day moves
* Harm
Jun 12, 2024 9:26 am
Day Moves
[ +- ] Act Up
[ +- ] Reach out
[ +- ] Eyeball
[ +- ] Scrounge
Jun 12, 2024 9:41 am

Aircrews get hurt and occasionally killed. In the game you’ll track this as Harm. Although cuts and bruises are most obvious, Harm doesn’t need to be physical.
There are three levels of Harm. Untreated Harm stacks - if you already have one and then earn two, you now have three.

One Harm means you are stressed.
Stress may go away with time and rest, or when you use the Reach Out move. GMs should be liberal in applying stress based on circumstances, and just as liberal in removing it.
Trying to do too much during the day instead of sleeping should cause 1-harm, for example. Getting someone to cover for you so you can catch a quick pre-mission nap should remove it.

Two Harm means you are lightly injured.
Perhaps you were sprayed in the eyes with motor oil, or smacked your head on the dash, or got frostbite. Maybe you saw a vision of your own death. Someone already stressed (1-harm) who ignores it and becomes further stressed (2-harm) will be exhausted and prone to dangerous mistakes.
Light injury goes away completely when you are cared for and get some rest—no flying for a night will do the trick. Depending on the nature of the Harm, even a day of uninterrupted, luxurious sleep might be therapeutic.

Three Harm means you are seriously hurt.
Catching a chunk of shrapnel from an AA battery, being grazed by an Me-109’s 20mm cannon, or being burned by flaming canvas would all qualify. So would losing your fiancé or parents, or a nervous collapse from ongoing stress. 3-harm requires medical care and you will be grounded while you recover—it’s a good time to assume GM duties while the former GM’s character takes the place of yours on combat missions. If multiple characters have serious injuries at the same time, play will naturally gravitate toward the airbase. A hospitalized character stays out of action for as long as the fiction indicates—perhaps the remainder of the current Duty Station.

NPCs can be Harmed, and the fictional effects are identical. More than three Harm is lethal.
* For 1-HARM, get a good day’s sleep or Reach Out and choose it as an option.
* For 2-HARM, skip a mission and rest.
* For 3-HARM, spend some time in the hospital.
* All Harm is removed when you change Duty Stations, as time has passed.
Jun 17, 2024 8:11 am

When a Move asks you to roll, you’ll roll two six-sided dice and add their results together, for a number between two and twelve.
Then you add any relevant bonus—for example, if you are Eyeballing the Regimental Politruk and have Skill +1, you’ll add one to your final roll. If you also have Regard for her, you will add two—one for your Skill and one for your Regard.

* If your character earns "+1 forward," that means she adds one to her next relevant roll. It is a bonus that is used only once. It may be conditional, situational, or time-limited.
* If your character earns a "hold," that’s a bonus you can use now or in the future, when it makes sense. Holds don’t stack, so you can’t apply three at once to enjoy a +3. Use them judiciously, one at a time.
* If you end up with a ten or more on the dice, you are going to get what you want safely.
* If you end up with a six or less, you are not going to get what you want and it is going to go badly for you. The GM will make sure you don’t like the outcome, whatever it is—you’ve handed them a golden opportunity to make things go wrong.
* The really interesting result is the middle ground, between seven and nine. Here you succeed—you are going to get what you want—but there will be a price. And that price will be high.
Jul 9, 2024 9:11 am

Tempting Fate is the default move for any hairball situation well above and beyond the normal dangers of life near the front lines. "Liberating" the propeller blades from the 218th’s liaison Po-2 isn’t Tempting Fate (that’s Scrounging!), but putting them back later probably is.

When you Tempt Fate, roll +guts. On a 10+, you do it. On a 7-9, you do it, but not without cost—the GM can offer you a worse outcome, a hard bargain, or an ugly choice.

On a miss, you take Harm as established and are Marked in addition to failing. Fate is a suka.

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