Jun 2, 2024 12:29 pm
This game as a number of questions for character creation and at the start of each duty station.
The idea is that everyone contributes to create/draw the stations and some interesting plot hooks before we start, but on PbP that will be hard.
As an alternative, my idea is to have the questions available here as polls here. These are a mix of background and potential move consequences. Some of them don't make much sense to answer yet as you haven't seen some of the places. You don't have to answer them now, but I'm putting them here so you can keep an eye out for any suitable moment during the game where they may drive the story.
If you pick question you'd like to answer at some point, vote it so others know it's taken.
Answering a question will earn you a luck point to avoid a negative consequence later on.
The idea is that everyone contributes to create/draw the stations and some interesting plot hooks before we start, but on PbP that will be hard.
As an alternative, my idea is to have the questions available here as polls here. These are a mix of background and potential move consequences. Some of them don't make much sense to answer yet as you haven't seen some of the places. You don't have to answer them now, but I'm putting them here so you can keep an eye out for any suitable moment during the game where they may drive the story.
If you pick question you'd like to answer at some point, vote it so others know it's taken.
Answering a question will earn you a luck point to avoid a negative consequence later on.