Questions (fixed!)

Jun 2, 2024 12:29 pm
This game as a number of questions for character creation and at the start of each duty station.
The idea is that everyone contributes to create/draw the stations and some interesting plot hooks before we start, but on PbP that will be hard.

As an alternative, my idea is to have the questions available here as polls here. These are a mix of background and potential move consequences. Some of them don't make much sense to answer yet as you haven't seen some of the places. You don't have to answer them now, but I'm putting them here so you can keep an eye out for any suitable moment during the game where they may drive the story.

If you pick question you'd like to answer at some point, vote it so others know it's taken.

Answering a question will earn you a luck point to avoid a negative consequence later on.
Jun 2, 2024 12:33 pm


What did you lie about on your Regimental intake form?
When you were last disciplined by your Squadron Commander what was the reason?
What did the Germans take from you?
What job—pilot or navigator—would you prefer? Why?
Follow up questions
Larisa: What did you lie about on your Regimental intake form?
She had a number of secrets she much preferred if they remained buried: her gender, her ethnicity, for starters. But in particular she seized when her hours were brought up.
Jun 2, 2024 12:35 pm


When has your sexuality gotten you in trouble?
When has your sexuality gotten you out of trouble?
In what ways do you dress or look like a woman?
In what ways do you dress or look like a man?
Jun 2, 2024 12:35 pm


Whose picture is taped to your plane’s dash?
Who in the Regiment evokes the strongest feelings from you, and why?
When we search your footlocker, what surprising thing do we find?
Whose funeral did you miss by volunteering for flight training?

Whose funeral did you miss by volunteering for flight training?
Dasha: She knew coming here would mean that she would never be able to have a funeral for her husband, but it also meant that she would have a safe place for her son and be able to work a job that could support him.
Jun 2, 2024 12:36 pm


What did you do when your first flight instructor failed you because you were a woman?
What happened the last time a crowd of brother airmen wolf- whistled in your direction?
What would you be doing if they didn’t let you fly?
When did you get a favor because of your gender, and how did you pay it back?

Larisa:What happened the last time a crowd of brother airmen wolf- whistled in your direction?
In one of her nicer dresses, and with proper make-up, she had swiveled in the direction of the wolf-whistles with a curtsy and a winking smile, before turning away girlishly to trot off without looking back.
Jun 2, 2024 12:37 pm


What did the Soviet state take from you?
Why does the NKVD already have a file on you, and how did you get around that black mark to join the Regiment?
What does the Marxist-Leninist struggle against the forces of reaction mean to you personally?
Were your parents actually guilty?
Jun 2, 2024 12:38 pm


Who do you routinely see from your brother unit, the well-equipped, all-male 218th Night Bomber Regiment, and where, and why?
Who do you know in your sister unit, the photogenic media darlings of the mostly female 586th Fighter Regiment, and how do you feel about her?
Who do you know in the 4th Air Army Logistics and Supply Commissariat, and what favor do you owe them?
Who do you know west of the Dniepr in occupied territory, silent since June of ‘41??
Follow up questions
Larisa just introduced herself to Lieutenant Litvyak of the 586th Fighter Regiment. How do you feel about her?

Dasha:Who do you know in the 4th Air Army Logistics and Supply Commissariat, and what favor do you owe them?

NOTE: I corrected the options the votes are gone 😅 BedzoneII and OrangeTree picked the last option of knowing someone in the occupied region. Since Larisa already knows someone from 586, I'll leave it for OrangeTree at the moment
Jun 2, 2024 12:40 pm


Which officer trainee arrived already homesick?
Which one of you has caught the eye of Major Raskova, and for what?
How are you dealing with the minor sabotage of your planes by male ground crews?
Describe how the Engels Aerodrome laid out?
Describe the barracks
Describe the flight line
Describe the hangars
Describe the classrooms
Describe the supply depot
Describe the command building
Describe the control tower
Where is the exercise yard? Describe it
Where is the secluded spot by the Volga where you can look over at the bustling city of Saratov?
What unusual feature makes the auxiliary field at Tambov so difficult to fly out of?

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