2b: Home is Where The Heart is
Jun 3, 2024 11:32 am
[ +- ] Mood Music
Spot Hidden Rolls Please!Jun 4, 2024 12:39 am
Stepping out into the complex, David just shakes his head the familiar scene.
"I told Verity all the time she needed to find a better place. If she's going to be a star, she should live like one.
"I told Verity all the time she needed to find a better place. If she's going to be a star, she should live like one.
David Otera: Spot Hidden(25) - (d100)
(87) = 87
Jun 4, 2024 1:02 am
Frugal. Spencer liked it. No sense in spending money you didn’t have.
I’ll push the rollOOC:
CrapLast edited June 4, 2024 1:03 am
Spencer Shull: Spot Hidden(55) - (d100)
(91) = 91
Spencer Shull: Spot Hidden(55) - (d100)
(82) = 82
Jun 4, 2024 11:10 am
For pushing rolls, it’s better to describe how you are pushing them. This description typically includes how you are putting your character into more serious conditions. I.E. If I called for a Spot Hidden down a well, and your character failed, you might say, "He leans out over the edge and puts his face down past the rim to remove surrounding light to try to see better". Does that make sense? If you need help trying to come up with that, I’m more than happy to help!OOC:
Sanity (1/d6)!Jun 5, 2024 1:45 am
Beads of cold sweat began to break out across Spencer’s forehead. If it was a joke, it was a sick one. But he didn’t see how it could be…no, this was real. Or as real as his mind made him feel.
my bad, sorry about that!Rolls
Spencer Shull: San(65) - (d100)
(78) = 78
Sanity Loss - (1d6)
(4) = 4
Jun 5, 2024 10:12 am
David knows that to get to Verity’s apartment it is up an external stair across the courtyard and around the corner of the second story balcony.Jun 7, 2024 12:02 am
Spencer tried his best to shake off the terrible remembrance of his dead friend. Try as he might though, the California heat was not enough to help him dispel the cold sweats and shaking which had accompanied his vision. In a short, clipped voice he said
Alright David, you must know which of these doors is hers. Lead the way and I'll get us in.
He rummaged around in his pockets, feeling the detritus and junk deposited there for something which would help make an impromptu lockpick.
Alright David, you must know which of these doors is hers. Lead the way and I'll get us in.
He rummaged around in his pockets, feeling the detritus and junk deposited there for something which would help make an impromptu lockpick.
I have the lockpick skill, but none specifically in my inventory. Not sure if that matters or notJun 7, 2024 8:03 pm
Given the nature of Spencer’s work and that he has the skill, I think it reasonable that he would have some. I don’t know that the pregens come stocked with equipment other than weapons, so please feel free to fill in what is reasonable and makes sense.Also, it is very cold for a California spring. Hovering in the mid to upper 30s.
Jun 8, 2024 6:13 pm
David leads them through the complex to the door he is reasonably sure is hers. David tries to remember a time where he came by this place fully sober. Walking in front up to the door, David will look back at the others and steps aside for Spencer.
"Aright Mr. Detective Agent man, do your thing I guess."
"Aright Mr. Detective Agent man, do your thing I guess."
Jun 8, 2024 7:13 pm
Spencer gives one last quick look around to make sure no one is watching before trying the handle and his lock pick if necessary.
I’ll push the roll and add to my post as you mentioned before if the door is locked.Last edited June 8, 2024 7:20 pm
Spencer Shull: Locksmith (51) - (d100)
(86) = 86
Jun 9, 2024 2:23 am
Verity’s door is obvious as the group rounds the corner. Sitting next to the door is a large quantity of wadded up police barrier tape. It rustles in the chill mid morning breeze. Spencer makes his way to the door reaching out a hand to test the door handle. Spencer finds the door is not locked, but the handle is frigid to the touch.
Jun 9, 2024 4:56 pm
Blake’s phone buzzes and then buzzes again three times in rapid succession. The sign from Erica of something urgent. Blake pulls his phone out to see a link she sent four times. Clicking on the link, it goes to a channel 15 livestream. The scrolling title at the bottom says "Suspected body of Verity Harrows found in sewer drain outside of film lot". Blake sees a woman with a dog on a leash pointing towards the front gate of The Space Between lot. As Blake looks up to tell the others, Spencer opens the door.
Inside the door is the entry hall of a cream colored apartment with modern, stream lined furniture. To the left of the door is a small bench, coat closet and lamp stand. To the right are several coat hooks, the hall continues to the left ahead and on the right is a door. Laid out, in odd fashion about the door and bench are every time that would have been contained within the closet. Not a haphazard jumble, each item seems to have been meticulously arranged and oriented as if each item had some religious significance. A shoe, an umbrella, a purse. Each is set on its own and posed for observation as if in a museum of modern life.
Further in the apartment, faint weeping can be heard.
Inside the door is the entry hall of a cream colored apartment with modern, stream lined furniture. To the left of the door is a small bench, coat closet and lamp stand. To the right are several coat hooks, the hall continues to the left ahead and on the right is a door. Laid out, in odd fashion about the door and bench are every time that would have been contained within the closet. Not a haphazard jumble, each item seems to have been meticulously arranged and oriented as if each item had some religious significance. A shoe, an umbrella, a purse. Each is set on its own and posed for observation as if in a museum of modern life.
Further in the apartment, faint weeping can be heard.
Jun 9, 2024 5:00 pm
I guess that explains Neumeir showing up at the set, Spencer said, pointing to the police tape.
As he stepped into the apartment he gave a look to the oddly laid out clothes before freezing at the sound of weeping. He turned back to David and Blake, putting a finger to his lips, before creeping further into the apartment.
As he stepped into the apartment he gave a look to the oddly laid out clothes before freezing at the sound of weeping. He turned back to David and Blake, putting a finger to his lips, before creeping further into the apartment.
Spencer Shull: Stealth (50) - (d100)
(6) = 6
Jun 9, 2024 5:05 pm
As Spencer makes his way through the apartment, he sees similar displays of items reverently positioned for examination. Bowls and cookware, pictures, blankets, lamps. All set out for examination and reflection. The fixer weaves through the items silently and comes to a door that the weeping is coming from. The sobbing seems to be a breathless, rather weak sort of sobbing.
Jun 9, 2024 5:13 pm
Assured that he had not been discovered walking up, Spencer changed tactics. Whoever was in the room wasn’t supposed to be here either, so he hoped aggressively surprising them would put them on the back foot.
He shoved the door open and took a single step inside.
Who are you? What are you doing here? he barked.
He shoved the door open and took a single step inside.
Who are you? What are you doing here? he barked.
Jun 9, 2024 6:01 pm
Counter to the rest of the apartment where every light seemed to be on, the bedroom is dark and cold, much colder than even the main apartment. Spencer’s breath mists before his face. With the light that spills in from the apartment living room, Spencer sees someone scramble off of the bed fumbling with something at their neck. I’m almost ready… Came a voice that seemed almost entirely made of breath. It also seems oddly… echoed, but was definitely a female voice.
Give me a spot hidden roll!Jun 9, 2024 9:32 pm
David sees Spencer give him the quiet signal and just shrugs to Blake. Then as David starts to hear the weeping as well, he starts to feel worried. He tiptoes behind Spencer to the room but was taken by surprised when Spencer aggressively jumps in. David stands there awkwardly for a moment before trying to fall in behind Spencer to see what's happenning.
"Who is it? What's going on?"
"Who is it? What's going on?"
Verity Harrow
Jun 10, 2024 10:19 am

Verity Harrow
David… David is that you? The woman calls stepping forward. The voice, while breathy and oddly echoed is unmistakable to David.
Verity steps from the shadows. She is wearing large sunglasses and a scarf that covers her blonde hair, but it is definitely the missing actress. She is wearing a stunning dress depicting flowers and made of fine silk.
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