Jun 14, 2024 7:10 pm
Our dice roller has the following features:
- If there is "resource" in the reason, it shows a down arrow (🔻) when a unit has been consumed and the die should be reduced. An empty square (⬜) means everything remains as it is. See the rolls for water, food and torches below.
- In some situations, the players and GM will actually roll for a number. A chalice worth 3d4 copper pieces, a 2d6 roll in a random weather table, etc. If that's the case, the total result is what is relevant and the symbols should be ignored.
- For everything else, we assume they are part of a skill test and add the skulls (☠️) and swords (⚔️) as appropriate. The total number should be ignored.
Feel free to test the dice here.
- If there is "resource" in the reason, it shows a down arrow (🔻) when a unit has been consumed and the die should be reduced. An empty square (⬜) means everything remains as it is. See the rolls for water, food and torches below.
- In some situations, the players and GM will actually roll for a number. A chalice worth 3d4 copper pieces, a 2d6 roll in a random weather table, etc. If that's the case, the total result is what is relevant and the symbols should be ignored.
- For everything else, we assume they are part of a skill test and add the skulls (☠️) and swords (⚔️) as appropriate. The total number should be ignored.
Feel free to test the dice here.
Water resource - (1d8)
(5) = 5
Strength + Melee - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (116) = 8
3d6 : (363) = 12
Food resource - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Torches resource - (1d8)
(2) = 2
Powerful artifact - (d12)
(4) = 4
More powerful artifact - (2d12)
(512) = 17
Random weather - (2d6)
(66) = 12
Copper chalice - (3d4)
(442) = 10