Jun 15, 2024 1:54 pm

It's been over a fortnight since you set forth from the Temple of the Moon in Low Country. Your destination is Kem, known as the City of Gold. It lies due east along the coast of Rûl along the Auroral Ocean. It is the richest city on the continent, and a good place to earn some money for your adventure. To solve the mysterious disappearance of the Daughters of the Moon, the best starting place is Set, City of Gods, which is the next city north of Kem. If that proves unfruitful, then the largest temple to the Maiden in the Moon is the Spire of Mystery in Lij, City of Wonder. But Lij is the second most northern city in the Confederacy and would take weeks if not months to trek that far. So first, Kem.
It is just before noon in the third week of Firstmonth of the new year. The weather is chilly and the sky is overcast, banishing the sun to a faint and diffuse glow in the east. A stiff wind tugs at your hair and clothes which gives a keener edge to the cold. You're tired, saddle-sore, and hungry. You have some trail rations left but after so many days, you are looking forward to a nice meal and a warm bed. And maybe even a change of clothes or at least a good wash. You swear when the horses snort it's because of your smell.
You are following the Kem River south when, just ahead, you see it flow through an arched wall that surrounds Kem. The city lies on the southern tip of a small peninsula on the east coast. The Kem River bisects the city and empties out into the Auroral Ocean. The stone wall is four meters high and there is a single arched entrance just to the east of the arch where the river enters and passes through. Over the walls on a rise inside the city is a white marble castle with four tall gold-topped spires each flying a fluttering golden flag. Also rising above the walls are cylindrical golden towers about ten stories tall dotted around the city. To the east, outside the city walls but inside walls of its own, you see the top of a white marble cuboid building. Men patrol the walls around this structure. A path of golden bricks connects this separate structure to the city.
A pair of city guards flanks the entrance to the city. They are dressed in chainmail and grey tabards. Each has a short sword and sap on their hips, with crossbows beside them leaning against the city wall within easy reach. There is a steady flow of people through the gate, a mixture of merchants and regular travelers. Merchants are stopped and must provide a letter of trade and pay a silver shilling to do business in the city. The guards look you over and wave you through.