::0jkks.26/41/T - Jack, Kirin, Kirk, Salomon

Jun 29, 2024 1:17 pm
Jack and Kirin made their way to the promenade deck where the Grand Room was located, the largest room in the Ark, with its high ceiling and rich wooden panelling that still remained somewhat intact, that clearly used to serve as a ballroom of some sort. It was also the central location where all the People could gather if there were an assembly that demanded the attendance of everyone in the Ark. rooms attached to what was labeled the Grand Room, a huge functional space that clearly used to serve as a ballroom of some sorts. Such occasions were rare, but necessary, and it was the Elder who would conduct such meetings on matters critical to the Ark. They would be supported by the chroniclers of the Dawn Vault, whom the Elder entrusted to keep the history, law and traditions of the People. In some ways it passed for one of the most formal venue in the Ark where proper decorum was to be observed, and respect to be shown in honour of the Elder.

The big doors to the Grand Room were not guarded, unlike the various dens of the bosses, for all were welcome to this august chamber. Which was why Jack and Kirin were confronted with a shocking sight as they entered the room in search of boss Marlotte. There were a cluster of persons around the largest table at the centre of the hall, but none of them were seated. The beast-like figure of Salomon appeared to be laying their large hands on Silat, one of the three Vault chroniclers present, while roaring furiously at everyone else gathered.

Boss Marlotte and boss Vislen were present with their retinue, and their enforcers had leapt forward to deal with this altercation. Mister, who was boss Vislen's bodyguard, was lightning fast, and had intercepted Salomon just as Salomon laid his hands on the aghast Silat, while Rustov, boss Marlotte's heavy, was two steps behind. The rest of the bosses' personnel looked on, and Adara and Thane, the two other chroniclers, looked ready to pronounce judgement on Salomon's inappropriate behaviour.

If Jack and Kirin wanted to impress Marlotte to get into her good books, here was a good opportunity to do it, either by helping Rustov, or by solving the situation before them.

For Salomon, he had definitively decided to take things into his own hands, and preferred to achieve his goals his own way even if it meant going against the traditions of the Ark as well as defying the people who commanded both power and respect. Silat the chronicler was nearest to him as he exited the inner office chamber of the Elder, and he made a move to grab him, but Mister was one step faster, and moved to try to grab Silat away from Salomon. The law of the Ark still prevailed over the enforcers, that no one was or would ever be allowed to take the life of another.
Welcome to this new thread for this location! What do Jack and Kirin do? Greet? Watch? Interfere? Come back later? If you intend to participate in combat in some way, include a d6 initiative roll in your next post.

Pedrop, we're continuing from your thread.
The initiative order is Mister, Salomon, Rustov, Silat, Adara/Thane, the other two members of the bosses' retinue. (Mister has higher Agility than Salomon, Rustov has lower but rolls 2 dice and takes the higher.)

Round 1 Mister: Defend action (depends what Salomon does)
Round 1 Salomon is next!


Fight - Mister - (6d6)

(432361) = 19

Jun 29, 2024 2:47 pm
"Salomon!! Let Silat go! If there's a problem, I'll help you deal with it just like in the zone, but you have to tell me what's wrong!" Kirin's voice, raspy and slighty muffled, still managed to rise above the din.

Kirin moved towards the scene unfolding before him, hoping he could get Salomon's attention before the lion-man ended up hurt.


Initiative - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jun 29, 2024 4:49 pm
Surprised Jack is caught totally hard with the imposing situation. Her serious buddy Salomon has lost his unstable marbles and is viciously attacking another supporting member of our beloved Arc. Adventuring Jack requires praises with the over wanting boss Marlotte for her very personal reason and for her favored boss Johanmmed needed attention. The opportunity of this unforeseen mayhem is an instant huge pickle.

Mutant Jack boldly slides forward placing herself between the lost cause Salomon mess and very needed boss Marlotte. Generally non-volant jury-rigger Jack isn't one to be found aimlessly fighting, so she isn't about to leap into the soon to be doomed fray and supporting Jack presents direct knowledge that she shows absolutely supporting to Marlotte with her forceful movement actions. She entirely maintains a very supporting stance for her much needed boss Marlotte's approval.

Pickled Jack has the notion of a back stabber as supporting wild Salomon fully is totally working to entirely ruin what her future and needed wishes are. She wants to seriously hope some sprinkle of good comes out of this chaotic mess and she limits her backstabbing actions by not spitting out anything aloud that she will positively regret with her buddy Salomon but still, she must appear very positive to questioning boss Marlotte if she has any future prospects of completely achieving what her life's goals are right now.
Tossed an INIT just in case she somehow gets into this fray.
Last edited June 29, 2024 6:11 pm


INIT - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jul 1, 2024 1:09 pm
I imagine it as Mister is standing between Salomon and Silat as he was fast enough to get there before Salomon indeed reached for Silat.

Salomon intention is certainly NOT to hurt anyone, but solely to get some answers... so he don't use any weapons (only his big hands with some claws...) AND I don't think he would hurt Silat in any way (if he would manage to get to him in the first place)... but... his is in his rage... so Mister standing on his way probably made a bad decision and Salomon will try to shove his away from his path towards Silat - who he thinks has some answers. So if possibile and you agree Salomon will do damage to Mister's agility only. Ok... I think I will roll first. Pending....

Edit after fist roll:
As Salomon lost his patience what back when he was at his den, then he saw an empty Elder's room... now he is fully raged so I think it is only appropriate for him to push his roll... even though he will get 1 damage to his strength... Pending...

Edit after 2nd roll:
Ouch... probably Mister is too strong or agile. 2 Strangth damage... and probably wrestling his way towards Silat with Mister:(

MaJunior: sorry, Salomon is too angry to hear you this turn, but I will gladly interact next turn with your PC.

GM: wait... so I have 2 more mutation points now? :) Could I use my Manbeast mutation with:
"Let rip a bestial roar. One enemy per MP spent, at up to Near range, suffers one point of doubt."
This turn? :) Next one? :(

Solomon in his rage is a little surprised that serious opposition literary arise between him and Silat.
"Mister!" - Salomon's animal instincts rises in his had with loud alarm to not disrespect this opponents... but the rage takes over clouding his judgment.

"Out of the way!" - he roared, trying to push Mister aside with his big paw. However, to his surprise, Mister turned out to be more of a challenge than he suspected.
Last edited July 1, 2024 1:30 pm


Strength - (5d6)

(62125) = 16

Fight - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Strength - (3d6)

(143) = 8

Fight - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Jul 3, 2024 8:29 am
"You picked the wrong fight Salomon," Mister's reflexes were very quick indeed. Unsurprisingly so, for enforcers like Mister and Rustov were the bodyguards of boss Vislen and Marlotte respectively, so it was certain that their mutated abilities were exemplary enough for them to be performing such a duty.

In fact those present at the meeting that Salomon, and now also Jack and Kirin, entered into, comprised of some of the more important personages in the Ark. If Jack and Kirin wanted to take advantage of the setting, or the situation, to seek an audience with either of the two bosses present, or the chroniclers of the Vault, this would be the opportunity to do so. The Elder often entrusted their decision-making as involving the Dawn Vault, together with the various bosses in the Ark.

And now in a fit of fury, Salomon had attempted to lay his paws on Silat, one of the Vault chroniclers, so angry was he that he did not consider the consequences of his actions. Kirin had immediately intuited the folly of such a move, and had called out for him to stop.

Mister could reasonably tell that Salomon had not attempted to raise a weapon, for he himself also did not draw one, choosing to use his quick step to dodge whatever Salomon was directing his way in order to provide some defence for Silat. Silat himself was no slouch; his awareness enabled him to understand what Mister was doing and he called out his reading of the tussle so that Mister avoided Salomon completely ...

... just in time for Rustov to barrel in. Rustov was built differently, wider-set, much heavier, the kind of heavy Marlotte preferred to do her dirty work. He leapt forward to charge at Salomon to grapple him away from the chroniclers, to the approval of both bosses, and the favour of the Vault chroniclers.

Kirin had a dilemma to figure out, for he had called out to Salomon who was too much in his mindless rage to hear him. How could he help his friend while at the same time calm the situation down? Jack was equally aghast and tried to figure out the same thing. Was there a defusing action they could take that could be a win-win for everyone concerned?
The action so far:
Mister Defends with 1 success, and tires Salomon, inflicting 1 point of fatigue (remember he also isn't trying to hurt Salomon, merely trying to stop him from fighting)
Salomon Fights with 1 success, this means 1 unarmed damage to Mister (but, see next NPC), with 2 damage to Strength because of the two 1s from the pushed roll. You gain 2 MP. You've used your action this turn to Fight. To activate the Manbeast mutation, you have to wait for round 2.
Silat uses Inspire with 1 success, which he uses to hinder Salomon from hurting Mister (this cancels Salomon's 1 success). So Mister isn't hurt.
Rustov Fights with 2 successes, doing 1 unarmed damage to Salomon, and as a stunt, grapples him. (again you can see he's also not trying to hurt)

Initiative-wise Jack and Kirin can go, any order. Gene, you've already said Jack will move to a position between Salomon and Marlotte, but you can modify that if you wish, and also add an action. MaJunior likewise. For both of you, remember there are various skill rolls and combat options available to engage with. Not everything needs to be fought with a weapon! ;)
After which we could go into Round 2, if necessary.


Silat - Inspire - (7d6)

(3446555) = 32

Fight - Rustov - (8d6)

(34546326) = 33

Jul 3, 2024 3:39 pm
Moving mutant Jack understands that her opportunities to produce the appearance of a guarding protector are largely zilch. For this point, wanting Jack changes her thoughts and actions. Deciding that the chaos situation isn't as dire as she perceived when she first arrived, she decides to alter the candid way that she wishes to be desperately viewed by hopefully useful boss Marlotte.

She quickly jumps at the new opportunity to support her needing buddy Salomon some and pleads to those hostage'ing unrulily him, "Give him a chance moment, his beastly ways will calm and settle." She has edged up behind those holding Salomon but nowhere near enough to physically interfere. Close enough that held buddy Salomon can take hopeful view that she targeted notion for his betterment. She quietly fears that her offering words will be placed upon deaf ignoring ears, but this seen chance is what she has pronounced for helpless him and all that she can currently fathom to bring aid for held Salomon at this chance opportunity.

She quickly rotates about and hopefully pleads to her wanting boss Marlotte, "Salomon just needs time to be in the zone to calm his beastly ways. I would gladly take him there." Wanting Jack hopes to inspire the notion that they would be suited best placed into the not so far away zone now. Her thoughts for them to occupy the mission. This hidden demand is a vain hope, but she perceives this action to be the best opportunity that she can fathom at this precise time.


Manipulate (3 Empathy) - (3d6)

(562) = 13

Jul 4, 2024 1:24 pm
Kirin just shakes his head, walking closer. "Salomon, control yourself. You can't win, and I can't help you unless you talk to me. So talk to me."
Jul 4, 2024 10:20 pm
I'm not sure I should yet act again? Should I? So I will only give brief reaction before it will be my turn again. As I think it will be Mister again or we deal new Initiative?
Besides it looks like from your descriptions - GM - that Salomon have another -1 to Str (down to 2 left) and -1 to Agi(currently at 2 than). Plus he is grappling with Rustov.
Salomon while grappling with Rustov have opportunity to finally notice two of very few people he call friends - have joined them in the room. While trying to overtake one of Rustov's arms he smiles, as he thinks:
"Great the are here! I knew that we share the same kind of rage and passion for our home!"

Then he hear his friends words that sounds like tries to calm him down. BUT he thinks that they are meant to put guard down of two enforcers and others. And they say them to support him with finding the answers... needed to find the Elder.
Cunning! - he smiles inside with a note of admiration.

"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN by: 'you can't win' !?!? Nonsense! The Natural Order of Things is on my side here! We have to save the ark! Despite the actions of these - self claiming rulers-idiots!"

And then much calmer he adds:
"But.. I'm always willing to t a l k" - he gives a barely noticeable wink towards Kirin - "with you Kirin... but first... uhh..." - Salomon make another try with pushing Rustov away, but feels he is weakened - "this block of... meat..." - defiant look into Rustov's eyes - " have to stop pretending that he can fight..."
So MaJunior, GeneCortess: looks like Salomon is thinking (for now), that you are here to help him with finding Elder and participating with 'installing a king/president with Elder's blessing' for the ark. So that - in his mind - it will help with current problems, mainly by making decision making process much faster. But - as player - I understand that this may be not the case:) But it's what Salomon is currently assuming.
Last edited July 4, 2024 10:23 pm
Jul 8, 2024 10:29 am
"He's useless to me as is," Marlotte was mildly surprised to see Jack coming up to her to make a case for Salomon. "Brute strength, but can't take orders. Means he'll get himself killed in the Zone, and everyone else with him." The boss studied Jack for a moment, seeming to weigh what was behind Jack's support. "You want to be responsible for him? Sure, go knock some sense into him. That is, before he and Rustov beat each other to a pulp." For they all could see that Marlotte's own bodyguard was locked in a tussle with the manbeast, whilst Vislen's enforcer, Mister, was nimbler on his feet, and quicker to find openings to press his advantage.

"You shaggy excuse for a cur," Rustov spat back at Salomon even as Kirin moved closer to see if he could dissuade Salomon from making the situation worse by continuing to provoke the ire of everyone in the room. "They should just kennel you together with the rest of the dogs." Kirin could see that Rustov had Salomon in a firm chokehold, although Salomon was large enough to be able to leverage his way out of it if he chose to, or if someone helped in. If anyone were thinking of helping Salomon, they'd still have to contend with Mister, who said little, but flitted around the grappling duo to land his strikes, more to see if he could immobilise Salomon rather than do him permanent harm.
There are a number of options if Jack nor Kirin want to get their hands dirty because it'll send the wrong signal. There's a help action for example, which gives the target you're helping a +1. Or you can use some of the non-lethal options in your stunts.
I won't ask either of you to consider a Manipulate roll on Salomon, as that might be construed as being too much like PvP. Best to roleplay it out. You could persuade the other present, much like how Jack is trying to talk with Marlotte. Gene your 1 success is cancelled out by Marlotte's 1 success, so she isn't convinced, but I'll let it be such that she's still open to suggestions.

As for conflict, we are in Round 2!
Mister Fights with 3 successes, inflicting 1 damage, and tires Salomon out with 2 points of fatigue.
Salomon is up next! You are currently grappled.


Sense Emotion - Marlotte - (5d6)

(55612) = 19

Fight - Mister - (6d6)

(626645) = 29

Jul 8, 2024 12:18 pm
As I'm very interested in what other players will do now:) I will describe Salomon's physical actions only, and then, after other players - it that will make any sense - react to the situation verbally.

The interesting thing is that with 1 damage nad 2 fatigue Salomon is currently at 1 str and 0 (!) Agi so he would be basically broken right now:) BUT this game is AWSOME... :) and his mutation perfectly fits for the situation and fiction:
[ +- ] Manbeast
So he will NEVER GIVE UP and do the last resort Bestial Roar... :D :))
Being hold by big and meaty Rustov Salomon wasn't able to defend any of the nimble strikes done by Mister. And boy... they were nimble... but always precise and very hurtful... Mister aimed at Salomon's rib cage - his 'moving ribs' body points to be even more precise... Even though he would never officially admit it... now he had to take into account that the pain and inability to catch his breath were starting to bother him terribly.

And that was the moment. The moment when even ordinary people go back to their original roots, when logic and reasoning stop working, and the animal mind begins to see only two options: Flight or Fight to the last of your strength.

But Solomon was no ordinary man. He was a mutant - and even for this type of creature - quite specific. There was no 'flight or fight' in his mind. There was only: bite Rustov to death or... maybe... grab onto the remnants of his humanity. His eyes turned red and he wasn't so sure what he would choose this time...

He grabbed Rustow with both paws even tighter, digging into his skin with his claws, pulled him as close as possible, looked into his eyes and roared right into his face... a roar that could only mean one thing...
"Don't make me... cross this line..."
So mechanically... he uses all of 3 of his MP:
- 1 for 'Never give up' to recover 1 fatigue and be still functioning,
- 2 for 'bestial roar' to deal 2 doubt in Rustov (I really hope he have low Empathy... ! :) )

Ok... this is scary... as I will have to roll for 3 MISFIRE's... but thats what RP demands in my opinion:)
Lol... so exited that I have written bad dice code;)
Edit 2: uff nothing bad I see. So he is still rolling:)
Last edited July 8, 2024 12:20 pm


Mutation misfires? - (3d)

() + 3 = 3

Mutation misfires? - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Jul 8, 2024 2:53 pm
Great drama Pedrop! But quick point on using mutations. Each mutation has three effects, you have to choose which one you want to use (p69) in any given round. So decide whether you're using 'Let rip a bestial roar' or 'Never give up'.
Jul 8, 2024 3:07 pm
Looked into the book... yeah... you are right :( What a boomer:( But do I really have I choice here? Without 'never giver up' Salomon will be broken so he won't be able to do anything ? Or can he do a bestial roar? Maybe you could do some exceptions to the rules only once this time? And with some other consequences Salomon will be able to use two effects this turn? Maybe he will get a hit at Empathy too? As consequence? Doubting his abilities if he have to resort to his mutation? Or for a moment becoming even more so a beast? Or something else?

How it would work if I would choose 'bestial roar'? Can I even? Or he would make a roar and fainted? ;D

I have put a lot of effort in this description and plan, so would like to ask you to allow this, but get some other consequences for that, for Salomon?
Jul 8, 2024 3:41 pm
Mutant Jack has always purposely stay away from useless fights and such. It isn't because she is possibly flail or anything. She is certain that she can hurtle a hurtfully punch hard as anyone else can. She has never perceived such physical alterations to be the clear answer to most any objective situation but sometimes chaos of such happens. At the current moment, she ponders the notion to let herself join in and free buddy Saloman, but she has rather large conceivable doubts on her final success at trying such.

Active Jack keeps her astute attention on managing boss Marlotte rather than uselessly attempt to produce aid to help buddy Saloman in his physical predicament. Thinking Jack advises to wanting boss Marlotte and speaks a common line to reduce Saloman's actions to just something that sometimes happens with boys, "You know boys will be boys." She exactly concludes this besides the fact that soon this present struggle is likely to probably end soon and very most predicably poorly for lost Salomon.

She further pronounces a more positive concoction on with vain hope to persuade powerful Marlotte to authorize the quick release of held Salomon immediately and to achieve her wanting goal, "With my proper guidance, those uncontrolled beastly ways should be transformed to greater useful strength and would best be served exploring outside of our humble arc."

She again tries to edge boss Marlotte to perceive the notion of mutant Jack and beastly Salomon on the exploratory mission. Wanting Jack desperately hopes that if she can't alternatively persuade Marlotte that she will perhaps achieve to manage to slippery slide in the simple objective of the two on the wanted mission.
Last edited July 8, 2024 4:07 pm


Manipulate (3 Empathy) - (3d6)

(435) = 12

Jul 8, 2024 3:51 pm
Shaking his head, Kirin gets up to the tussle. He sits cross-legged and places a hand on Salomon's brow. "You need to calm yourself," he advises the lionesque mutant. "Please."

His raspy voice remains calm, trying to get through to the warrior and undercut his rage. "Do not throw away your nobility. We will need your help, your strength, to help the arc. You cannot help us if you are locked up because you cannot control yourself."
Jul 15, 2024 12:35 pm
Kirk had dashed in without knocking, eager as he was to get on the gravy train, just in time to see Salomon mustering up one of his more terrifying mutations, a bestial roar ferocious enough to strike fear in those who heard it. The beastman heaved to begin the initial shout, but Rustov's chokehold was more final than Salomon anticipated, squeezing the breath out of Salomon while Mister elbowed him hard in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him.

Salomon slid to the floor, momentarily unconscious. "Get him out of here." Adara, the senior chronicler of the Vault said coldly, all patience gone, "Put him in the lockup so that he can cool off." For it was an absolute injunction that while fights and conflicts were expected to happen from time to time, no member of the People ought to be permanently harmed.

"Or we could simply exile him." Marlotte said in a lower voice to Jack, who had stood next to Marlotte in order to ingratiate herself without much success, for the boss was too canny to be too susceptible to flattery or threat. "Unless the two of you want to be responsible for him?" She addressed Kirin now as well, "And do you share the same view, you also want to see a change -" - in leadership? Marlotte left the question trailing, not actually articulating the last two words.

Here was the chance for Jack or Kirin, or even Kirk for that matter to pitch whatever they had come here to do, now that the confrontation had been defused. Unless they were curious about what kind of discussion had been going on before they arrived which involved the Vault chroniclers as well as not one but two bosses.
With Salomon being reduced to 0 Agility, conflict is over. Salomon's status is broken (which I will currently describe as momentarily unconscious, since Pedrop is also away from the game). Pedrop you get to keep your 3 MP for another day, but the narrative does have Salomon going out with a roar.
Gene, not much use in convincing Marlotte, who is now on to Jack's agenda, hence her question.

At this point, although Furmyr's PC is not here, it's time to introduce the idea of projects. There are a number to choose from and not everyone needs to choose the same one. I have tried to give you some narrative situations where a project is possible (even the ones in Chomp's thread which hint at cannibalism, although Chomp doesn't know it yet.) Salomon's agenda is also a project, except your Ark doesn't have enough requirement to fulfil it, see Autocracy or Suffrage, so Pedrop Salomon needs to make things happen in order to fulfil the requirements.
Jul 15, 2024 2:22 pm
Kirin shakes his head and stands. Turning to Marlotte, he shrugs. His raspy voice comes from under the mask as he replies.

"I am a pragmatist," he begins, glancing around and deciding to make his pitch a short one. "The ark needs help. We're low on supplies, tensions are running high, people are worried. Understandably. With nothing left inside our home, any answers have to be found outside of our home. I have some experience with that, and I'd like to help."

He glances to Salomon's unconscious form on the floor. "He'd be helpful out there, too. Let's be clear about one thing -- it isn't safe out there. His strength is an asset, once he's in his right mind."


Manipulate (Empathy) - (3d6)

(142) = 7

Jul 15, 2024 7:18 pm
Slipping in mutant Jack couldn't fully manage with boss Marlotte thougths but achieved enough to precisely stand near her and to further bless her with possibility being simple part of her organization. Hopely a touch to savage Saloman will perceive that she was totally present during the chaos that overbearing him had successfully brought about as all of mutant Jack's efforts appear to be directed for misguided him as his lights go out.

Articulating Jack advises boss Marlotte by presenting a wanting notion, "Surely, we can further gracefully manage and needlingly persuade misguided Saloman to simply understand how exactly and precisely his beastly action should be constructively expended. Helpful I would further a greater achieving suggestion that he totally cool himself out in the chaos zone where his savage actions are at a worthy home and gathering betters for you Marlotte." She articulates the final portion of that wishing notion by giving powerful boss Marotte a slight nodding bow of her head.

Obviously sneaky Jack is again attempting to persuade wanted boss Marlotte to take full advantage of the chaos situation and manipulate beastly Salomon to her full advantage. And trying to persuade needed boss Marlotte to allow her wanting self on the mission team going out to the zone as well.
Last edited July 15, 2024 7:41 pm
Jul 16, 2024 3:18 pm
I've had two Manipulate rolls from Jack already. Majunior, let's have one to accompany what Kirin is saying as well.
Jul 17, 2024 2:52 am
Barging in just in time to hear Saloman roar, the hairs on the back of Kirk's neck stand up as he tries to decipher what he just stumbled into.


Kirk shakes it off as he sees a few familiar faces in the crowd. He'll flash a grin at Kirin and clear his throat. Without fully understanding the power dynamics at play but hearing Kirin mention low supplies, Kirk will jump in with his sales pitch.

"And I tell ya Marlotte, people are just getting by. They need more and I'd like to help. I'd like join along with my pals here to bring prosperity to the Ark! And I just know that the key to our continued salvation lies just outside and your just the person to lead us to it."

Kirk stands there confidently smiling while not being 100% sure what he's signing up for. But he's desperate and will need to start somewhere to get back in business.
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