Cthulhu Dark - Insight Re-Roll Check

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Jul 5, 2024 4:05 am
In Cthluhu Dark, characters can re-roll a failed check if they are willing to risk their mind.

They add an Insight dice to the dice pool. Then pick up all the dice they just rolled, and roll everything again.
If any of those dice match or beat the challenge level, then they overcome the obstacle. If not, they have the option to continue rolling until they do.
If the Insight dice is the dice is the highest dice of a successful check, then that prompts an Insight check.

The problem I'm having, which is amplified in PbP, is that this could potentially require roll after roll after roll, just to find out if the Insight is triggered or not.
(Plus, I struggle to explain the mechanic.)

A dice code would be wonderful.
How powerful is the dice roller? Can it do logic like this?

Jul 5, 2024 10:34 am
I don't think there is a functionality of the dice roller which allows to automatically reroll the whole roll.

Maybe you can use highlights to note the Insight die and then auto-sort by value to make it more obvious if it's the highest. Kinda like this?
{"rolled": "d","lastDie":"true","highlight":"info bold invert","autoSort":"true","hideTotal":true}

Not that it helps with the main problem of too many rolls, but at least you won't need to have Insight in a separate line. Provided that there is only one Insight die and it has the same value as others, 'course. (I'm not familiar with the system. :'D)

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