Saving Face - A Paladin Playtest [Closed]

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ClosedShadow of the Demon LordPublic1 / dayBookrat

System: Shadow of the Demon Lord

Prompt: This is a playtest of the Paladin Expert Path - straight from the core book. Why am I playtesting a core path that has been published for almost eight years, you ask? Great question! Thank you for asking.

There has been a long time debate on various forums and chats about whether expert paths which are reliant on Power and Magic are "trap" options if you select a non-magic novice path. The paladin is often used as the worst of these examples for this, with those who believe it's a trap claiming that you can't do worse than going warrior-paladin within the core book. The reason is because the paladin has specific talents which are directly dependent on your power score and spell castings. As such, if you start the game as a warrior, you will have fewer paladin resources at your call. For example, a priest-paladin will have several smites on hand to use throughout the day, while the warrior-paladin has barely any.

Others claim that these people are ignoring just how much of an impact the rest of your character has, including professions, novice, etc. While the warrior-paladin may not have as many castings, they are the only ones who can attack multiple times per round. This makes it much more likely for you to hit for when you want to use your limited smites and land that extra damage when you want it.

So here I am, actually putting it to the test. I've been wanting to try this playtest for a few years now, and I'm finally getting around to it.

Adventure Prompt: You are a squad of six paladins working for the Church of the New God. A noble by the name of Eidella Haraldsdottir has sent in a request to the church to visit a small fishing village within her lands. The village is the host of the annual clam festival, which is a huge local event and brings in lots of people (and money) from all over. There have been some strange events leading up to the festival, and she wants it sorted out before the crowds get too big. The six of you were nearby, just completing another mission, when you received a message directing you to drop by the clam festival on the way home. Sending all six of you is overkill, but it doesn't cost the church much as you were already nearby.

Special Note: This is a mechanics playtest. While there is a story and an adventure, if you are not interested in playtesting the mechanics of the game, then this one may not be for you.

Adult Content or Controversial Themes: Shadow of the Demon Lord is a fantasy horror game. There will be horror themes in this adventure, including descriptions of graphic violence and body horror.

Number of Players: I would like to have 6 players total for this one-shot.

Game Duration and Post Frequency: I expect this game to last no more than two months so long as everyone posts daily. I would like everyone to post daily (weekends optional).

Character Creation: This adventure will be at level 6. All books are allowed.

There will be six players. All players must select paladin as their expert path.

For your novice path, you must select one of these. Once an option is taken, it cannot be selected again:

1) Any Ancestry, Mage Novice
2) Any Ancestry, Priest Novice
3) Any Ancestry, Rogue Novice (cannot select Magic as your roguery talent)
4) Any Ancestry, Warrior Novice (cannot select Spellguard or any other magic based warrior path)
5) Any Powerful Ancestry, Magic Option
6) Any Powerful Ancestry, Non-Magic Option

You can choose or roll on any character creation table. You can choose your professions. You can choose any reasonable gear for your PC. You can select two enchanted items that are reasonable for your PC.

At the end of the adventure, I would like each player to give their opinions and comments about how their character felt in relation to the other PCs. Did your PC feel too strong or too weak? Did you have a better or worse experience with the paladin based on your novice path? If you felt your PC was under-tuned or over-tuned, which mechanics or combinations of mechanics led you to this opinion? If you felt your PC was right on par with the other PCs (or on par with level 6 PCs that you have played in the past), also express your thoughts on this. Your thoughts and opinions should include both your own PC and other PCs in this game - perhaps you felt your PC was solid, but someone else's was under or over performing, or perhaps you felt another PC was right where they should be even if that player felt like they were too good or not good enough - let me know that, too! I think its important to have a diverse group of opinions on this.

A friend of mine even wrote something on this, as well. This document also has information for how to build a paladin PC based on if you are going magic or non-magic.

A Tale of Two Paladins

Player Experience Requirements: I always accept new players to this system, but as this is a higher level game testing out the mechanics, those who have never played may struggle a bit during character creation. If you are ok with that, then you are welcome.

How to Apply: Post your interest and state which options you're interested in. If more than one person is interested in the same option, then you will force me to choose. Please don't force me to choose.

Welcome Marginalized Groups: Everyone is welcome in my games. Those who know me know that I don't put up with bigots or jerks. Those that don't know me, see the previous sentence.

Jul 13, 2024 4:07 am
6 Players Wanted

What type of Paladin do you want to play? Multi Public

Any Ancestry, Mage Novice
Any Ancestry, Priest Novice
Any Powerful Ancestry, Magic Option
Any Ancestry, Non-Magic Rogue Novice
Any Ancestry, Non-Magic Warrior Novice
Any Powerful Ancestry, Non-Magic Option

Please note that you can select more than one option. That way if two people want the same option, you have backup choices available.
Last edited July 15, 2024 4:14 pm
Jul 13, 2024 5:52 am
Any Powerful Ancestry Magi Option would make for a very ineresting shamanic Warrior.
Jul 13, 2024 10:50 am
I'd be down to play! I love building interesting characters with how many options there are. What are considered the "powerful ancestries"?
Jul 13, 2024 2:06 pm
Jomsviking says:
Any Powerful Ancestry Magi Option would make for a very ineresting shamanic Warrior.
nezzeraj says:
I'd be down to play! I love building interesting characters with how many options there are. What are considered the "powerful ancestries"?
A Powerful Ancestry is defined as an ancestry that has the novice path built into the ancestry. So you follow the rules of the ancestry rather than selecting a novice path.

The official ones are Centaur, Ghoul, Incarnation, and Jotun. The unofficial ones that I know of are Soulbound Armor and Void Parasite.

Everyone is aware of what a Centaur is - half man, half horse, ALL CENTAUR. Ghouls are cannibals who became cursed by the gods due to their cannibalism. Incarnations are ancient spirits that take over the bodies of mortals. Jotuns are blue skinned half-giants. Soulbound Armor are sentient sets of armor. Void Parasites are a parasitic organisms that infects mortals and takes over their bodies as they slowly consume the mortal's soul.

Jotun or Soulbound Armor are probably the most appropriate of the powerful ancestries for this adventure. Centaurs might have some additional struggles near the end, depending on your choices through the adventure. Incarnations are also appropriate, but are highly complex mechanically - I am forbidding this ancestry for anyone who does not already have a strong grasp of the rules of this game.

Ghouls and Void Parasites are not appropriate for this adventure, due to both dealing with corruption. Corruption is antithetical to the paladin path, and will remove several of your talents if you have it.

Additionally - if there is an ancestry you are interested in and you don't own the book for it, please let me know. I own every book in this system. Some of them, however, I strongly recommend you purchase on your own. If you want to play a centaur, well, that book is literally $1.50 - there really isn't an excuse not to buy it.
Last edited July 13, 2024 4:18 pm
Jul 13, 2024 3:07 pm
Gotcha, that makes sense! I'll likely play an ancestry from the core book then.
Jul 13, 2024 4:27 pm
Switched mine to powerful ancestry, I'll be a centaur!
Jul 13, 2024 9:27 pm
I would love to learn the system, but I'm afraid my lack of any knowledge whatsoever may not be particularly helpful when you're trying to really kick the tires.
Jul 13, 2024 9:53 pm
@MaJunior That's ok! I can help you build a character. And as I said, I like a diverse group for opinions, so a new player's perspective will also be useful. :)

For now, just select which interests you most: priest, mage, rogue, or warrior.
Last edited July 13, 2024 10:06 pm
Jul 13, 2024 10:05 pm
How this system works:

It's similar to D&D - insofar as you use a d20 to determine success or failure. You have similar attributes, but only four: strength, agility, intellect, and will. Combat is broken up into rounds, and you have a movement option and an action option.

Your starting attributes are determined by your ancestry, and your ancestry is what you play for level 0.

The events that occur during level 0 help guide what Novice path you select at level 1 (warrior, rogue, priest, mage). At level 3, you select an expert path (more than a dozen options, here). At level 7, you select a master path (50+ options, just in the core book). The highest level is 10.

Throughout the campaign, you use the story to guide which novice, expert, and master path you select, allowing you to mix and match the paths to best fit the character you've made and how your character has grown.

For mechanics, you roll a d20, and it's modified by boons/banes (+/-d6) and your attributes. Depending on the situation, you may have talents obtained from your ancestry and paths, or from your professions, or from spells, or from the situation itself. If you're rolling against a specific person/creature, it's called an attack roll, and your target number is their attribute. If you're not rolling against a specific person/creature, it's called a challenge roll and the target number is 10 (always 10, never adjusted).
Jul 13, 2024 10:14 pm
Well, if you're sure... let's go warrior. You called that out as an example of why Paladin was "bad" (well, a trap) so let me see how much I can screw it up. Lol
Jul 13, 2024 10:56 pm
MaJunior says:
Well, if you're sure... let's go warrior. You called that out as an example of why Paladin was "bad" (well, a trap) so let me see how much I can screw it up. Lol
If you can, please select the option in the poll. :)
Jul 14, 2024 1:56 am
I'll take you up on this!
Jul 14, 2024 10:30 am
I am new to the system but have been roleplaying for 38 years and have learned many a system and have no worries about learning one more.

I chose the Non-Magic Rogue variant as no others had yet picked it.
Jul 14, 2024 11:45 am
Welcome everyone! Invitations have been sent!
Jul 14, 2024 2:53 pm
Is there still room? I would to join if so. Learning a game would be cool. I would probably pick a warrior since there is only one.
Jul 15, 2024 12:55 am
mathias0077 says:
Is there still room? I would to join if so. Learning a game would be cool. I would probably pick a warrior since there is only one.
All the spots are full up, but we have one player who hasn't responded to the invite. I'll give it a few days, and if they don't join, you'll be in!
Jul 15, 2024 4:14 pm
All players have accepted the invitation. The recruitment is now closed. Thank you for your interest!

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