[CLOSED] Castle of the Robber Knight (Dragonbane)

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ClosedDragonbanePrivate5 / weekcowleyc
For two days you have wandered, and now you have arrived at your destination. A grassy hill towers before you. On its crest rests a ruined fortress – the Castle of the Robber Knight. The warmth of the inn’s fire in the village seems distant now, but you all remember the old woman’s words. Long ago, a wicked robber knight named Rothgar Wolfsbane plagued this area, pillaging and plundering wherever he could. He fought against everyone – humans, dwarves, and elves – but it was the orcs who eventually brought about his downfall. An orc clan marched on Wolfsbane’s castle and stormed it. Many lives were lost that day, but in the end Wolfsbane fell and his castle was ravaged by flames. Brave fortune hunters have felt compelled to explore the robber knight’s castle in search of ancient treasures, but none have ever returned. Will you be the first?

This game will feature the introductory adventure, "The Castle of the Robber Knight." It is a short scenario, expected to take no more than a few months at most (though combat might slow it down). Pregenerated characters will be used to keep this short and sweet. If the party finds a good rapport, we will discuss continuing the game into the adventure series "Secret of the Dragon Emperor," which will greatly extend the length of the campaign.

Jul 17, 2024 7:36 pm

The Pitch. "Brave fortune hunters have felt compelled to explore the robber knight’s castle in search of ancient treasures, but none have ever returned. Will you be the first?"

I am offering a game of Dragonbane, in which we will explore the introductory adventure from the rulebook. Whether you are a newcomer or an old hat to the system, all are welcome to join in the mirth and mayhem! Play as a noble duck warrior, a fearsome wolfkin, or perhaps an aged wizard with a knack for the inferno. Dragonbane is a modern reimagining of Drakar och Demoner, a Swedish roleplaying game from the early 80s, rewritten by Free League. It uses a d20 Roll Under mechanic making gameplay a breeze, and prioritizes fast and dangerous scenarios.

After the adventure, we will discuss whether or not to continue into the official adventure series, Secret of the Dragon Emperor. Doing so will extend the game duration significantly.


Adult Content or Controversial Themes. This game will include violence and death, with the possibility of character death. Despite this, it will be a public game as it should remain within PG-13 guidelines.

Character Restrictions. This introductory adventure will use the five pregenerated characters. Let's keep it simple, shall we?

Game Duration and Post Frequency. Due to the short nature of this adventure, the game is expected to last several weeks and no more than a couple months. I am looking for individuals who can post five times a week, with weekends optional.

How to Apply. I am looking for five players to join in, with any level of experience. I do not prioritize those with fewer games or those with more history here. Stating interest in the game and willingness to play as a pregen is enough.

Welcome to Marginalized Groups. This game is explicitly friendly to LGBT and any other minorities or marginalized groups. I try to keep my table Intentionally Inclusive.

Last edited July 19, 2024 2:55 pm
Jul 17, 2024 8:07 pm
I'm interested in giving dragonbane some love, but this character restriction is a dealbreaker for me. I have played around enough with the system (I'm a kickstarter) so I want to roll my own character. :)
cowleyc says:
Character Restrictions. This introductory adventure will use the five pregenerated characters. Let's keep it simple, shall we?
The first house rule I introduced to my set is that the class heroic ability is a recommended one, not a mandatory. If the character fits the prerequisites, then they can pick any heroic ability they want.
How do you feel about that?
Jul 17, 2024 8:24 pm
I'm inclined to stick with the pregens, but to allow folks to swap out their heroic ability should they choose. The sheets are already prepared so we can plug and play.

If this does continue on to the adventure book, that's when I'll allow the players to roll their own characters. But for now, I'm looking for something quick and easy!
Jul 17, 2024 8:27 pm
Then I will not break my one game limit.
Have fun
Jul 18, 2024 4:43 am
I am interested and willing to play a pregen!

P.S. short and fast game that kicks off with action skipping character creation and story about how party meet and get to the place where action is going to happen? Sounds like the perfect approach to learn a system!
Jul 18, 2024 5:56 am
I’m definitely interested cowleyc! I’m new to this forum and have limited experience with RPGs in general (a couple one shots in person and 3 PbFs on RPG Geek that all fizzled out), but I’m eager to learn and will put the time in. I have the QuickStart for Dragonbane and am happy to play any of the pregen characters. I can post frequently, though I will typically do so from my phone rather than my pc (more readily available).
Jul 18, 2024 3:22 pm
I'd love to join a game that bypasses character creation and just jumps right into the adventure. I have 3 games I've joined and each has been a month+ of character creation... My sheet was ready almost from day 1!

I'm new to the system but it seems straightforward and simple enough that anyone should be able to pick it up with ease.
Jul 18, 2024 4:34 pm
I own Dragonbane, but have yet to play it. I would be thrilled to join!
Jul 18, 2024 5:32 pm
Woohoo, that's four out of the five I'm hoping for! I'll leave this open for another day, and close it out tomorrow night. That should get this game up and running by the beginning of next week!
Jul 18, 2024 8:15 pm
Hey there! I’d like give it a shot! Completely new to the system but I’d be interested in learning. I like the idea of using pregens to learn as well.
Jul 18, 2024 8:30 pm
There's 5! In keeping with Randomness you might just assign the characters in the order of who answered the request for players... That way it eliminates everyone trying to decide who plays who.
Jul 19, 2024 2:57 pm
I've closed the listing and invited the five of you who expressed interest.

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