Jul 21, 2024 9:58 pm

Your party is charged with recovering the Automidons, three towering constructs which are piloted from within. Only their power can hold back Eucator, the Skittering God Beast, consuming the world.
Blazing Meteors! Hunger of the God Beast is an adventure designed for a 5th level party of 3-6 adventurers.
Setting: despite what it may look like a standard fantasy setting adventures that get wrapped up in a mecha/eldritch horror Mashup adventure
System: 5e
Character generation: point but or standard array. Any official WotC classes. Tasha's species ability score rules
Themes: fantasy setting, mecha, eldritch horror
Post frequency: 2 times a week, more if players are active but committing to twice a week.
Duration: one shot adventure that takes place in a sing adventuring day
How to apply:
Post your character ideas and what makes you want to play this game.
Note: this is a third party adventure with some special mecha piloting mechanics that I have not playtested for balance but seem good to me.
Last edited July 22, 2024 6:36 pm