Closed Blazing Meteors! Hunger of the God Beast!5e

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPrivate2 / dayvaldattaMadun
Your party is charged with recovering the Automidons, three towering constructs which are piloted from within. Only their power can hold back Eucator, the Skittering God Beast, consuming the world.

Blazing Meteors! Hunger of the God Beast is an adventure designed for a 5th level party of 3-6 adventurers.

Setting: despite what it may look like a standard fantasy setting adventures that get wrapped up in a mecha/eldritch horror Mashup adventure

System: 5e
Character generation: point but or standard array. Any official WotC classes. Tasha's species ability score rules
Themes: fantasy setting, mecha, eldritch horror
Post frequency: 2 times a week, more if players are active but committing to twice a week.
Duration: one shot adventure that takes place in a sing adventuring day
How to apply:
Post your character ideas and what makes you want to play this game.

Note: this is a third party adventure with some special mecha piloting mechanics that I have not playtested for balance but seem good to me.

Jul 21, 2024 9:58 pm

Your party is charged with recovering the Automidons, three towering constructs which are piloted from within. Only their power can hold back Eucator, the Skittering God Beast, consuming the world.

Blazing Meteors! Hunger of the God Beast is an adventure designed for a 5th level party of 3-6 adventurers.

Setting: despite what it may look like a standard fantasy setting adventures that get wrapped up in a mecha/eldritch horror Mashup adventure

System: 5e
Character generation: point but or standard array. Any official WotC classes. Tasha's species ability score rules
Themes: fantasy setting, mecha, eldritch horror
Post frequency: 2 times a week, more if players are active but committing to twice a week.
Duration: one shot adventure that takes place in a sing adventuring day
How to apply:
Post your character ideas and what makes you want to play this game.

Note: this is a third party adventure with some special mecha piloting mechanics that I have not playtested for balance but seem good to me.
Last edited July 22, 2024 6:36 pm
Jul 21, 2024 10:13 pm
My character idea is a simple hobgoblin evocation wizard. He is inspired by the school of devastation that magically inclined hobgoblin soldiers are forced into to be hobgoblin devastators. He showed a lot of promise and was very talented, but he had one fatal flaw: he hated being ordered around and fought constantly with his superiors. He ran away, hoping to make a way where he could be his own boss. Adventuring seemed a good application for his talents, and as long as his companions don't order him around like they are superior to him he is actually good in groups.

Why do I want to play in this game? I'm very interested to see how the mecha mechanics work and generally love sci-fi despite playing a lot of D&D 5e. This seems like a chance to see them both at the same time.
Jul 21, 2024 11:12 pm
This looks crazy and awesome. I think a Paladin of some sort might be in order... I want to smite with a huge mecha sword!
Jul 22, 2024 12:25 am
I am thinking a Hafling rogue pilot.
Jul 22, 2024 12:27 am
Yes, interested. Back online after a break, looking to get back.
Ranger, hunter, favored enemy Aberrations. That might be metagame if we don’t know about the eldritch horror angle from jump, so can do something else if it makes for better tie-in.
Jul 22, 2024 1:14 am
I was thinking a half-orc monk specializing with the scimitar, inspired a bit by Power Rangers. He is following his monk school's tradition to wander the world and grow in understanding of the element he is most attuned with. I'm interested in the unique mechanics available and have been getting into Gundam. What a nice fit to combine D&D and mechas!
Jul 22, 2024 1:28 am
Concept: Aasimar aberrant mind sorcerer.
Backstory: Adrift in the Astral Sea on a crippled ship, his prayers for help were answered by an unknown yet obviously powerful entity. Once rescued and safely returned to the material plane, he manifested increasingly potent arcane talents, presumably sourced from the same entity. Now he feels that entity is returning, and it may not be as benevolent as he thought. He'll need to find help fast.
Let Me In: I'm a faithful Lovecraft cultist who loves sci-fantasy and giant mechs (especially Robotech). I wanna unload a Macross missile massacre at Cthulhu. Will there be a Wave Motion Cannon? ^_^
Last edited July 22, 2024 1:29 am
Jul 22, 2024 12:58 pm
annex says:
 I wanna unload a Macross missile massacre at Cthulhu. 
Dang, I enjoyed that mental image way too much! 😆
Jul 22, 2024 1:02 pm
I love fantasy sc-fi mashup games, a love that goes all the way back to Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. I also generally like mecha. So this game really calls to me.

My concept is a gnome battlesmith artificer. He's a clockwork tinkerer and finding the Automidons will be like a dream come true. He's possibly more interested in learning the secrets of how they work than he is in using them to save the world. Of course, saving the world is important too.
Jul 22, 2024 6:35 pm
I have sent invites out. Thanks that all to apply if not all players join I will keep any further posts in this thread as replacements if needed

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