Breg is a hardened fellow of country-born stock. He harbors an air of wanderlust, given to long years of country travel. He’s a wary soul, usually quiet and detached, and sometimes given to sentimental thought. He occasionally gets a faraway look in his eye, like one thinking about his past. He’s a bit of a daydreamer, always thinking about his conceptual "destiny".
Breg was born and raised in a small village on the outskirts of civilization. His clan of woodworkers and farmers given to simple life.
The only child born to Daven and Darla Draelin, Breg grew up understanding woodcraft, livestock and folksy ways. Villagers who helped and depended upon one another for mere survival, let alone prosperity. A life simple enough, until Sal Bass intervened!
The tyrannical lord Sal Bass sent soldiers to Breg’s village. Our rangerly fellow helped put down the invasion by arming his fellow clans-people with simple farming tools, coupled with undying inspiration. His efforts were not forgotten, and even today Breg is regarded as a folk hero among his clan.
Allies and Enemies:
Breg left his village behind, along with family and friends. He misses his clans-people, but most of all, he misses Evelyn. A young woman whom he courted from youth, his one true love. Choosing to leave, to find his "destiny", Breg kissed his lady goodbye. He still thinks about her.
Success comes at a price, and that price is hard feelings among hardened foes. Sal Bass, the evil tyrannical lord! He still holds villainous court around the area of Breg’s home village , his evil focused and fixated inside rural confines. Resentful of our rangerly fellow’s heroism, Sal Bass and his band of marauders would just love to achieve revenge upon ol’ Breg!
In his travels, Breg has had both favorable, and unfavorable, connections with all manner of exotic folk. He is "frenemies" with an adventuresome half-orc named Dak Yahnka. Leader of a scrupulous gang of thuggish highwaymen. Chaotic Neutral, for the win, in all likelihood.
Character Beliefs:
Intrinsically good, Breg loves his life benevolently in accordance with a Ranger’s Code (help those in need and respect nature), and he never breaks a promise.
Character Flaws:
For all his willful wariness, Breg is something of an idealist. He holds utter confidence in his abilities and his causes. He believes his is a higher calling, and that his destiny waits ever before him at exclusion of all else. Once he puts his mind to a task, in self-ascribed accordance with said-destiny…nothing stops him. He also harbors a sentimental longing for the past. He daydreams a lot.