Ah, they cast him! Be cool, Mr. Boggs, be cool. He nonchalantly closes his notebook, adjusts his tie, and joins the other cast members. He begins reading Sal's soggy writing, but before he can really
become Roberto the banished wizard, the play has begun! And he hasn't even had time to find proper wizard's garb!
His raincloud now pouring with the intensity of a hurricane, he rushes around the house, looking for something...anything...to help him be more wizardly. But he can find nothing more than a broom, which he supposes will make do as a wizard's staff.
"Poor organization. To just begin this play willy-nilly...[sigh]...no time to ponder the thematic complexities, the nuanced characterization, and of course the financial aspects. Salaries. Renting or buying a venue. Ticket prices...."
Wait, was this his cue? Was Roberto the Wizard (banished, in love) supposed to be on stage?
Whoopsie: Improvise the exact wrong line. Grab a token.
Mr. Boggs steps forward quickly, between Don Michael and Princess Lisbei, holding his staff with what he hopes is the proper seriousness.
Wait...who was in he love with? One of them? Both of them? Someone else? His raincloud lets out a peal of thunder, and Mr. Boggs finds himself spewing out words:
"Halt! Cease! You cannot arrest this...this charming damsel...because...your jurisdiction only extends to the upper left quadrant of this realm, between the...River That Flows and the...uh...Mountain That Is Snowy! I, Roberto the Great (cruelly banished, separated from my love, who is...perhaps here? Or...elsewhere?) have cast a divination spell to learn of this perfidy! And I will surely be filing a complaint, Don Michael, as well as writing a scathing letter to the editor of the local paper!"
Last edited August 3, 2024 7:25 pm