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Aug 5, 2024 1:36 pm

Please Read Each

House Rules
When I run one-shots, I like to take the chance to experiment with 1 or 2 house rules to see how they affected the game. In this one-shot, I would like to experiment with one of the following the group agrees to try.
[ +- ] Modified 2014/5.0 Counterspell
[ +- ] 2024/5.5 Counterspell
Character Creation
Character Level: 15
Feats: Allowed
Multiclassing: Allowed
Ability Scores: Point Buy (27) or Standard Array
Sources allowed: Player's Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Tausha's Cauldron of Everything, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons

If you would like to use a class or race from something else, like the order domain cleric from Guildmaster's guide to ravnica, we can discuss allowing it. Some races, though, like those from guildmaster's guide to ravnica or van richten's guide to ravenloft, will need to be discussed first as they may not make as much sense initially.
Feat at Level 1
Everyone may take a feat at level 1. However, I have a request. If you can help it, please choose a feat that would fall under the description of "It would be fun to have, but I can't fit it in." For example, you might be playing someone that fits the description of "actor", but the build you had in mind can't afford the feat to get a feat like that. Use this free feat for that. I won't stop you from taking a stronger feat, but please consider the "flavor" or lesser taken feats first.
Alternate Magic Item System
You can select magic items for your character using the following system. You have a number of points equal to half the level you will being playing, rounded down. You can buy an uncommon magic item for 1 point, an rare magic item for 3 points, and a very rare magic item for 6 points. For items that are consumable, like potions and scrolls or any other item that does not regain charges or is destroyed when used a certain number of times (like a necklace of fireballs), the cost is halved. If it is an uncommon magic item, like a potion, this means you get 2 of them for 1 point.

You will start the game with a number of potions of healing equal to your proficiency bonus. You can drink the potion as an action to be healed the maximum the potion can heal, such as a potion of healing healing 10 hit points, or you can drink it as a bonus action if you are willing to roll the dice. This rule only applies to potions of healing. Other potions require an action if no action is specified.

Please consider the following when selecting your magic items:
- 1. Some magic items combine too well, like potions of giant strength and belts of giant strength. Please do not use such combinations as this can trivialize some fights.
- 2. Please do not get a magic item with the intention of giving it to another player. If you want to do that, play an artificer and give them one of your infused items. The items you get with this system are intended for you.
- 4. Please do not choose a magic item with the intension of making a stat you would normally not make low a low value so the matic item can "fix" it. Example: 8 strength knowing you'll get gauntlets of ogre power.
- 3. Magic items that allow flight are allowed, though note that unless it makes no sense, all enemies that do not have a ranged attack by default will be given one, even if it is weaker than their melee option. For example a berserker will have javelins to throw and other enemies might have longbows.
Nerfs and Buffs
The following is a snort list of abilities, features, and spells that can be a little too good, and thus I want to address. I will try not to touch too much. As far as Buffs, I will not list specific buffs, but if you want to play something but think it is weak, talk to me. We may be able to add spells to a sorcerer subclass or swap spells in a spell list that are underwhelming or let you use a feature more often. Most of the stuff seen in the One D&D playtest is likely available upon request. However, such things must be addressed before they can come into effect. Do not assume anything is not "Rules as written" unless you asked beforehand.

Cleric (Peace domain): Emboldening Bond lasts 1 minute, instead of 10, and is limited to 2 creatures, not your proficiency bonus.

Cleric (Twilight domain): Twilight Sanctuary provides temp HP equal to twice your cleric level, but only at the moment the channel divinity is used, not every round. It can still end the charmed and frightened condition and still makes the area inside dim light for the purposes of later features.

Conjure Animals: you are limited to the 1 creature of CR 2 or 2 Creature of CR 1 options. Yes, you can still upcast for more animals. If you want 6 direwolves, that costs a 7th level spell slot.

Fighter: Action surge cannot be used to cast spell. You can cast a spell and then action surge to do a different action, but not to cast 2 spells on the same turn. This is more a nerf on multiclassing than on the fighter itself. If you play a full class eldritch knight, I may remove this rule on you.

Paladin: Divine Smite is once per turn. You can still cast a smite spell as a bonus action, hit with an attack, and divine smite on the same hit that triggers the smite spell. However, you cannot use divine smite 2 or more times per turn. You can use it on reactions, though, as it is is "per turn" not "once on your turn".

Silvery Barbs. Does not apply to saving throws, only attack rolls and ability checks.

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