Player Feedback

Sep 25, 2016 6:00 pm
As we are essentially playtesters for A Time for Harvest, I am writing a GMs report to Chaosium after each chapter. If you have any comments on the scenario as it played out for you, good or bad, please post them here.
Sep 25, 2016 6:13 pm
I don't know if it was just our group or if it's a design thing, but it's seems to be geared to splitting the party.
Sep 25, 2016 6:23 pm
I enjoyed it, even with the polyhedral hate the RNG was throwing at us
Sep 25, 2016 8:05 pm
To be perfectly transparent, I'm also a Cult of Chaos member and have read the first two of this adventure and run the first one. I stopped there since my group decided to play a different game for now and I wanted to get as much of the discovery experience as I could.

This run through was a LOT different than mine and that is awesome. This first part is so open that there is room for swift action and also for investigation. The party split did feel problematic at times, especially with the Note system being used so heavily. I had no idea what went on with the other players and then there wasn't much IC reason or time for the characters to sit and discuss everything that had happened. That's not a bad thing, as it helped inspire the confusion and fear that the characters were experiencing, in me.

Having so many questions posed in this scenario, and our characters having so little opportunity, there at the end, to try and figure things out was awesome. I can see Angel going back there in 6-12 months, better prepared, trying to get answers to all the questions that nag at him from the back of his mind.

Simply put, I had a blast. I'm looking forward to the next installments in this series.

One little "negative" that I just thought of: In this scenario, there was very little pressure for us to explore our character's backstory. Who I envisioned Angel to be at character creation really didn't matter in this scenario, because we were far away from anything we knew that tied us to those details.

I hope that helps.
Sep 25, 2016 10:56 pm
Thanks for those guys, helpful to me, and I'm sure Chaosium.

I agree, the splitting of the party was cumbersome at least in PBP and being new to this format I'm not sure I found the best way to do it, but the notes certainly helped create uncertainty, something that's key in a game like CoC.

I agree what Shark_Bone says about character development, you could just have easily been pre-gen characters, but it is only part one and I want everyone to explore their character's as fully as possible.

Of course, now is a good time to discuss IC what happened but that's for you guys to sort out between you.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far and if you have any suggestions or want something in particular, my door is always open.

From my point of view, I loved some of the PC interactions, particularly between Mathis and Angel and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of that particular Odd Couple in the future.

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