House Rules

Aug 28, 2024 11:49 am
Ability Scores
4d6, drop the lowest die and arrange to suit. Or purists can use 3d6 in order.

Human Cultures
If playing a human character, select one of the following cultures: Archontean, Khumus, Thorcinga or Wiskinga.

Character Races
In addition to humans: dwarves, elves, halflings and imperial goblins. Imperial goblins use the racial statistics of gnomes.

There are no gnomes, half elves or half-orcs in the world of Arden Vul.

Hit Points
You may re-roll 1s and 2s at first level only.

Weapon Specialisation
- Only fighters and rangers may use OSRIC's optional weapon specialisation rules.
- A character may only specialise in a single weapon.
- Specialising in most weapons costs 1 additional proficiency slot. The exceptions are bows (other than crossbows) that cost 2 additional proficiency slots.
- Double specialisation can only be taken for melee weapons, excluding pole arms and two-handed swords.
- The increased number of attacks per round is given by the table below (from AD&D 1E Unearthed Arcana).

Character Sketch
Players should hand draw a sketch of their character and use it as their in-game avatar.
Experience Points
In addition to the usual XP for treasure for defeating monsters and recovering treasure, I will award 100 XP to the party for each room mapped. The characters of the player(s) actually doing the mapping receive a 25% bonus to this amount.

Starting XP for Replacement Characters
Players' replacement characters start with half of the XP of their deceased predecessor.
We will hand-wave material spell components unless a spell requires a very specific item, or items of a certain minimum value.

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