Sep 2, 2024 5:34 am
This is meant as a quick reference to the different named NPCs that the party has met and/or learned about in each chapter/module.

- 1-1 Caravan of Peril
- 1-2 Streets Unseen
- 1-3 Splendor of the Sewers
- 1-4 The Riddle of Grayhaven
Sep 2, 2024 5:58 am
The following characters were introduced in chapter 1-1: Caravan of Peril.

- Belany Daphedri, human luxury goods trader who is tough as nails, prematurely grey, solitary.
- Dugal Stonepick, dwarf caravan master
- Ferona, halfling driver for Turighe
- Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle, gnome wizard and sage, with a specialty in ancient civilizations. Findal has a pet bird, Peppercorn.
- Flint, dwarf driver for Findal
- Gavath, half-orc groom for the caravan. Loves horses, not much use for people.
- Jalon, dragonborn cook. Avowed and undeniable carnivore.
- kar'Javon, dwarf noble and "expert on locks." Called to Grayhaven to advise on a problem a noble was having.
- Salt, dwarf driver for Swelvie
- Smoke, halfling driver for Tesko
- Swelvie Raba, human dry goods trader. Beautiful, sociable, tries just a little too hard.
- Tesko, human food merchant, convinced that the Five Guys (Harland, Augustus, Karlito, Glenble, and Mr. Silver) are trying to get his recipes.
- Turighe Vanidron, human fabric trader. Very handsome and knows it. Less aware that he is somewhat vapid.
- Turnip, halfling driver for kar'Javon
- Zik, goblin werewolf leader of the bandits that have been preying on caravans for months. Infected Adran with lycanthropy before he was killed by the heroes.
Jan 20, 2025 8:39 pm
The following characters were introduced in chapter 1-2: Streets Unseen.

- Ardavan the Trader - merchant who came to Grayhaven to prepare for the Queen's Fair, got lost, and met the party asking for directions
- Argus Goldblood - wealthy dwarven merchant and scholar, member of TSETSE
- Blazing Isles drow delegation - a small group of drow ambassadors who came to Grayhaven to normalize relations between the Blazing Isles and the Greenwold. They were confronted and attacked by a mob of anti-drow zealots, and retaliated by having their undead bearers strike back. The delegates were saved by the PCs' intervening until the city guards could arrive and escort the drow the rest of the way to the palace.
- Ducal guards - a black dragonborn sergeant, a mustachioed second, and several others who tried to enforce the curfew until the sergeant was Charmed by Eozindra. There was another group of Ducal guards that the party slew at the Lucky Copper Inn when they returned with questions about Tykus' map.
- Duke Dain Draymore - human Duke of Grayhaven, head of the Burgher Council, vassal and regent of Queen Sophia
- Elderly tiefling - a human-seeming old man who was the unfortunate recipient of the party's subterfuge in shifting attention from them to him. When the Duke found the scroll case Elysia slid under his chair, he was taken in for questioning. That questioning (with Zone of Truth) inevitably pointed the Ducal guards to the party as the ones that Tykus had given the map.
- Initiates of Bealdor - three acolytes of the Temple who were bringing a cursed statue to be exorcised. When the statue broke and released mephits, the party saved the initiates and earned favors from the Temple
- Jeffery the newt - Tykus's pet, rescued from his ransacked tower, now devoted to Morik
- Muffin - Ardavan's mount and companion, a giant boar
- Queen Sophia - human orphan (age 12), current monarch of the Greenwold
- Royal Courtier - a cowardly human man tasked by the Duke to escort the Blazing Isles delegation from the Waterfront to the Palace. Fled when confronted by an angry anti-drow mob
- TSETSE (The Thaumaturgical Society of Elementalistm, Transmutation, and Scholastic Evocation) - a magical item industry academic society that meets four times a year in Grayhaven
- Tykus - a human sage historian and long-time friend of Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle. Was killed by assassins immediately after giving his map to the party
- Stilk - a drow assassin sent to Grayhaven when soothsayers told that a sage named Tykus had found a powerful artifact that they could claim for their Queen. Having no idea who Tykus was, Stilk and his companion Vartus arrived in Grayhaven and started searching for people learned in powerful artifacts. They attacked Argus before they finally identified Tykus. They broke into Tykus' home and searched it, then tracked the sage down and killed him right after he gave Elysia the map. Finding nothing on his corpse, they were at a loss until the Duke announced that Findal was being taken for questioning as Tykus' close friend. Stilk and Vartus had just kidnapped Findal from the Grayhaven gaol when the party stopped him
- Vartus - a drow assassin and companion to Stilk, also killed when trying to use Findal to find the artifact.
Jan 20, 2025 11:33 pm
The following characters were introduced in chapter 1-3: Splendor of the Sewers. As the party ventured beneath Grayhaven following Tykus' map, they discovered a lot of monsters, but sometimes they ran into sentient beings as well.

- Gilles Lavertine/The "Lord Mayor" - the scion of a wealthy Grayhaven family, Gilles forged a pact with a dark force that granted him powerful magic but fractured his mind. Fancying himself a criminal mastermind, Gilles formed a guild of thieves and conducted a series of erratic, unpredictable, and sometimes brilliant heists of noble houses, guild halls, and merchant shops throughout Grayhaven. Convincing himself that he had some claim to authority in the capital, Gilles began to fancy himself the "Lord Mayor of Grayhaven," and his devoted followers called themselves the "Lord Mayor's Men." The dark force called Gilles deeper and deeper under the city until he and his thieves found the ancient ruins of an abbey, which they slowly excavated and then claimed as their hideout. The party bearded the Lord Mayor's Men and Gilles himself in their lair while following the map to the still-hidden resting place of the Orb of Dragon Souls. They slew Gilles and his thieves before swearing oaths to the Orb and taking it back to the surface.
- Tiefling outcasts - a band of various refugees who each had the misfortune to have a demon somewhere in their ancestry. These tieflings were of many races and had fled the castigation of regular society, forming their own little clan in the ancient catacombs that lie beneath the old sewer system under Grayhaven. A demon's nature is chaotic, and so each tiefling manifests that demonic nature in wildly different ways (but usually in some bestial physical attribute) in addition to an affinity for fire. The outcasts are:
= Clutch - a red dragonborn female with crabs for hands.
= Digger - a human male with a mole's nose.
= Foca - a human woman with seal ears.
= Histrik - a blond dwarf male with porcupine quills instead of hair.
= Lookout - a gnome male with the neck of a heron.
= Manul - a brownet dwarf male with cat ears.
= Regina - an elf female covered with snake scales.
= Tandua - a halfling male with the mouth of an anteater.
Feb 15, 2025 4:51 pm
The following characters were introduced in chapter 1-4: The Riddle of Grayhaven.

Euronias: a high elven baker in the city of Shshil
King Galen: husband to Ava and former ruler of the Greenwold. Died in a flash flood. His only daughter, Sophia, ascended to the throne at age 11.
Lady Penelope: half-elven Knight of the Spire. Introduced herself to the party after observing them from the air for some time to assess whether they were threats to the kingdom.
Queen Ava: wife to Galen and former ruler of the Greenwold. Died in a flash flood. Her only daughter, Sophia, ascended to the throne at age 11.
Tallyrand: Lady Penelope's griffon companion and mount.
Ushta Maclor: a wealthy noble who owns the Magister's Mace since he purchased it from the Lavertine family two years ago
Zain: a crook working as a driver. Woody paid him to escort the party to safety when they were being chased by Ducal guards.

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