Sep 9, 2024 8:39 am
The Rest is mentioned group of 6 survivors, king's loyalists that were traveling with you on giant pterodactyl to this place. If you have some ideas who that can be, you can add 1-2 persons during your future interactions, after the situation with container will be resolver. We can use them as hirelings or backup PC's later. Or keep them as The Rest for some longer peroid of time, and see whom they will become for our game:) They will not necessary always travel with you... :) Established so far:
Delia - First, a tall human woman steps forward, still dressed in her civilian clothing, but a leather pauldron and bracers and her strong arms hint at her barbarian training. Talkative, proud, happy, eager, a little rude.
Auren - A hooded elven man, shorter than most of his race so barely taller than the other humans, quietly steps forward. Back in the kingdom, Belladonna worked often with Auren, not only for his height advantage, but his deadly accuracy as a rogue employed like her with Brother Bartholomew to protect the royal family. I wonder how they sussed Auren out, or maybe they just don't like non-humans... Man of few words. Unpredictable and mysterious, but very effective.

An agent of Church among the jackals - there is such possibility...

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