Hey Kid is taking their post-morning-pre-midnight run, but shoes to a halt when they see a prince.
"Aw, wow! Not ANOTHER prince!" Without elaborating, they take a quick inventory of the goings-on and blurt a little too loudly,
"We have berries?! Why, I and the other six or seven of me could make the best pancakes since ever!"
They seem way too into the berry-picking even though everyone present picked one, and Hey Kid looks about to dive into a bush and do who knows what—
—but they pause.
"This bush looks is full of broken glass! Jumping into that bush is only fun if someone jumps in with me, so instead I’ll—OOH!" Their attention flits from the closest bush to a passing fly to another bush that makes Hey Kid laugh
"’cause it looks like Yazeba, haha!
"Got yer nose, Yazeba!" Hey Kid plucks a berry from the part of the bush that looks like Yazeba’s nose.
• Taking a berry from the bush that looks like Yazeba’s nose.
• Doing the DIBS thing before someone else does.
Despite Hey Kid’s loudness, they very subtly yoink a berry from the Prince by saying dibs in Pig Latin—
"Ibsday!"—and then cleverly making like that wasn’t Pig Latin.
"I meant ‘Thursday.’"