GreyWord says:
I'm a player in transition from mechanic to role playing. You will need to bear with my lack of role play skills if you invite me. But I'm eager to try role play character expecting a peaceful journey, like Gandalf arriving in Hobbiton. If playing a spooky character or character proficient with spooky things is not a prerequisite.
I also am trying new avenues and stretching myself by trying my hand at being a GM. As such, if you extend grace to me then it would be churlish of me to not do the same. I however don't want to be a point of frustration because on a scale with RAW being one side then I probably would be on the complete other end. I am not throwing the rules out the window, mind you, as they give structure, randomness and foster ingenuity but I'm also not afraid to ignore an obvious written rule for the sake of the story.
Playing a spooky character is by no means a prerequisite. I'm afraid the Halloween season has many of us in the mood to lean toward the dark side. The story itself is a murder mystery ghost story so not a wholesome hobbit kind of village. If you are still interested then I will put your name in the hat.