Sep 25, 2024 7:32 pm
This is an In Character side-thread with Hank and MercerAirlock, ITCS Eternal Wanderer
A few minutes later, Hank and Mercer found themselves inside the Eternal Wanderer. Mariella was already waiting for them at the airlock, her arms crossed, but with a welcoming smile on her face.
"Welcome aboard," she said, gesturing for them to follow her inside. "VIREN’s waiting."
The ship had a different feel from the Voyager—more advanced, almost clinical in its design. As they moved through the passages, Hank noticed how quiet it was, the hum of the ship barely audible beneath their footsteps.
"You’ll like Dr. Morrow," Mariella said over her shoulder. "He’s... well, different from most captains. He is a scholar, after all. But he’s one of the best minds in the Explorers. And VIREN… well, you’ll see."
Trade Era 1235, Day 165. 10:00 UTC
Conference room, ITCS Eternal Wanderer
They finally arrived at a conference room, its wide windows overlooking the starry expanse outside. Standing by a holotable was Dr. Elias Morrow, a tall man in his mid-fifties with sharp, thoughtful features and salt-and-pepper hair. Beside him, a tall, humanoid figure turned to face them.
It was VIREN, now housed within a sleek, black Synth body. Its form was almost too perfect—its proportions graceful, its movements fluid but slightly mechanical. The body was matte black, with plenty of wires, pistons and subtle highlights of silver tracing its joints and limbs. Its face was a smooth, expressionless surface, with holes showing his inner parts and two glowing yellow eyes that watched Hank and Mercer intently. Despite the neutral appearance, there was an air of presence around the AI, something almost... inhuman.

"Welcome aboard the Eternal Wanderer," Dr. Morrow said warmly, extending his hand first to Hank, then to Mercer. "It’s a pleasure to meet you both in person."
What do you do?