Qralloq says:
Display name| url to image
I wish to put the following picture as an avatar for my character in a custom character sheet. So, when I post something, it shows up as an avatar on my postings for the game. This character is a PC type with the name "Maze Navona" for Custom game.
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/25/fb/1d/25fb1d5da18cf6b09c61b2b252cd74fe.jpg is the picture's address.
I can't figure out from what you sent me Qralloq on how to do that.

Maze Navona
Currently only thing showing in a is "Maze Navona" and no picture. On normal 5e standard games, I can put in an avatar in on the character sheet and get it to show up as an avatar on my posting.
Last edited October 1, 2024 2:11 am