Amelie watches the door get slammed in Muckleby’s face.
Their mind suddenly plays the AMEL-2900 jingle while picturing the advert…
[ +- ] AMEL-2900 Commercial
An AMEL-2900 unit skates to a suburban house. A nuclear family greets the maid-bot gleefully.
She’ll get of your rids
And pick up your kids
The robo-maid lifts a sofa to vacuum underneath while kids on the sofa eat popcorn together and cheer. The maid-bot sucks up a dropped piece of popcorn.
Clean in- and outside
And sweeten your ride
The robo-maid lifts a convertible car to shine the muffler. Dad smoking his pipe in the driver’s seat tips his hat.
She’s computer-brained
If hit by a train
AMEL-2900’s skate gets caught in the track at a railroad crossing and BAM! she’s hit, and the maid-bot is slightly embedded in the front of the engine car!
She’ll dust off the top
And get off next stop
The maid-bot is unharmed by the train! She dusts off the top of the engine car as smoke billows from its stack. At the depot, mom is waiting with the kids who all run up to the robo-maid and cheer as mom gives her a hug.
That’s AMEL-Twenny Nine Hundred!
AMEL-2900 sits in the back of the convertible family car as dad drives everyone off in the sunset. Sparks spew from the tailpipe as the back of the car is weighed down by the maid-bot.
Amelie speaks to Muckleby in a consoling tone.
"I see this household is giving out candy; therefore, you were overlooked accidentally. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Please allow me to accompany you."
Amelie subtly taps the screws to the door’s hinge.
"That is not the doorbell." They tap another hinge-screw, finger rotating counterclockwise, but subtly.
"That is not it either," they say as they tap another screw.
"It is around here somewhere, I am sure." They eventually find the doorbell.
"Trick o—"
Predictably, the door opens, and upon seeing Muckleby, it SLAMS—
—only the impact knocks the door off its hinges and luckily for Muckleby, Amelie is in the way! The door cracks against maid-bot’s train-proof hull, flops overhead, and sticks into the lawn like a gravestone with a knob!
"Whoopsie," says Amelie to the homeowner.
"As luck would have it, I am capable of reattaching and repairing your door in less than twenty-three-point-five seconds. In that time, you may fill the princess’ candy bag and contemplate gentler usage of your door."
Their eyes glow red as they speak to the owner, always watching as they carry the door to begin the <23.5-second repair job under the condition that Muckleby is treated, and treated well.
⚡️ Get passive-aggressive about it.
Last edited October 23, 2024 5:57 am