Celestial Voyager, in orbit of Dianreti III
The Celestial Voyager emerged from the black veil of interstellar space in a silent shimmer of shifting starlight, decelerating smoothly into the system. As the starship glided toward Dianreti III, the planet below spun lazily in its orbit, showcasing its natural beauty. Swirls of emerald jungles sprawled across countless islands, linked by azure oceans so vast that they seemed like endless mirrors. Wisps of tropical storms moved slowly over the seas, casting fleeting shadows on coral reefs hidden just below the water’s surface.

For any first-time visitor, the view might inspire awe. But Captain Valeria Zaytsev knew better—this world was as dangerous as it was beautiful. She stood on the bridge of the Voyager, watching with a seasoned, wary eye as the ship approached the limits of the planet’s enforcement perimeter.
An alert chimed, and the ship's navigational AI displayed a schematic of Airthorne Starport, Dianreti’s lone point of contact with the stars. The artificial island sat far from the mainland archipelagos, rising from the sea like a fortress of gleaming steel and reinforced permacrete. Its hexagonal landing pads glinted in the sunlight, surrounded by the stark outlines of heavy defense batteries—point-defense cannons, long-range railguns, and orbital drone platforms silently waiting to enforce Stellar Express’ landing protocols. The island was not designed to welcome visitors. It was a choke point, carefully maintained to protect corporate interests and keep the chaotic politics of the clans far away from off-world influence.
"Captain," Hank called, breaking the quiet hum of the bridge. "Stellar Express’ control tower is hailing us."
She gave a small nod. "Patch them through."
The holoscreen flickered to life, displaying the cold, efficient face of an orbital security controller. His uniform bore the emblem of Stellar Express's Airthorne control—a stylized silver ship breaking through a ring of stars. He regarded them with the detached professionalism of someone used to dealing with cautious traders and suspicious captains.
"Unidentified cruiser, this is Airthorne Starport Control. You are entering restricted space. Transmit your vessel ID and cargo manifest immediately or adjust course. Unauthorized landings are strictly prohibited. Stand by for confirmation before approach."
"Copy, Airthorne," she said, her tone betraying neither impatience nor deference. "This is the Celestial Voyager, Stellar Express partner, registry MC-717. We are transporting speculative cargo under the ITC's Free Trader's laws and compliant with ITC's Merchant Regulations. Transmitting clearance codes now."
For several tense moments, the only sound on the bridge was the soft hum of the engines as the ship reduced their relative speed through the planet's outer orbit. Zaytzev's gaze drifted to the world below, where isolated pockets of humanity—warlords clinging to power with pre-industrial weapons and scavenged technology—were locked in endless, desperate struggles. The lush, unspoiled beauty of Dianreti was a lie, hiding decades of pain, ruin, and betrayal.
Soon, a reply arrived. "Clearance confirmed, Celestial Voyager. Proceed on vector 2-9-3 to orbit. Your cargo lighter and any shuttles in your bays are cleared to land at Airthorne Starport. Be warned—orbital security drones are active. Deviate from your flight path at your own risk," he paused. Then he said, as an afterthought, "Welcome to Dianreti III."
Valeria tapped the edge of the comm panel, and the transmission ended with a dull click. She exhaled, releasing a tension she hadn’t realized she was holding. "Bring us in slow," she ordered Douklan. "And keep an eye on those drones. This planet's as likely to shoot us out of the sky as let us land."
At the same time, Valeria knew there were eyes watching from the jungles and hills—the clans' warlords, each wondering if this large starship carried the tools to change the delicate balance of power. No doubt spies would soon report the Voyager’s arrival to various factions, stirring up intrigue and plots. In a place like Dianreti III, even the arrival of a single merchant ship could tip the scales of conflict.
Welcome to the Dianreti system.
Loading StellarNet...
Weekly deals
$20,000 $18,200
(Save $1,800)
Used Free Merchant ship
(no extra fittings = just the basic hull and a spike-1 drive)
$500,000 $385,000
(Save $115,000)
Drive-2 upgrade, Frigate class
$100,000 $77,000
(Save $23,000)
- Somebody learned that you have a cargo hold full of weapons, making you prime targets for the planet’s warlords. The Skorn Clan, the Varunans, and even the Red Hawk Pirates are all potential buyers, but aligning with one faction could make enemies of others.
- If you accept this "job", you will trade directly with the warlords, but the party will need to navigate tense negotiations, decide who to arm, and deal with the consequences of tipping the balance of power.
- Reduced trade friction (from 5 to 2) for your trade in Dianreti III
- Elder Sorda Skorn wants to hire a group of mercenaries to infiltrate a rival clan's island and disable their defenses before an upcoming attack.
- Further details are given if the party commits to the job and arrives at the Elder’s island.
- $1,000 credits for each mercenary
Freight and passengers
Amount: 9 tons
Origin: Dianreti III
Destination: Darasalam I (3 hexes)
Payment: $945
Amount: 64 tons
Origin: Dianreti III
Destination: Darasalam I (3 hexes)
Payment: $6,720
Amount: 68 tons
Origin: Dianreti III
Destination: Darasalam I (3 hexes)
Payment: $7,140
Amount: 10 tons
Origin: Dianreti III
Destination: Darasalam I (3 hexes)
Payment: $1,050
Origin: Englene Station
Amount: 26 tons
Destination: Panipat II (5 hexes)
Payment: $4,290
Origin: Englene Station
Amount: 6 people
Destination: Altairia (6 hexes)
Payment: $11,700
Amount: 32 tons
Origin: Englene Station
Destination: Darasalam I (3 hexes)
Payment: $3,360
Amount: 47 tons
Origin: Englene Station
Destination: Panipat II (5 hexes)
Payment: $7,755
Amount: 32 tons
Origin: Englene Station
Destination: Altairia (6 hexes)
Payment: $6,240
Deals, jobs and freight will be updated on Day 182 or as soon as you arrive in another star system!