Cha. 1.2 - Sadur's and Kimbek Down and... up?
Oct 23, 2024 10:40 am
@GreyWord,@Shadowknight Please describe your approach with going down the ravine. Or something you did before starting to descend. Don't forget about animals. I think we will do it(going down and up) as Moderate Montage (I think it is called Skill Challenge in DnD?). So 3 fails and... something may happen...:)
So add rolls if you will feel its appropriate.
I've added Montages to rules reference.
Oct 23, 2024 2:57 pm
[ +- ] Montage?
I have an impression that montages in rules assume "going going down and up" would be one action in a longer scenario

More over rules suggest players only say what they do, DM decide what they roll

More over it looks like we may not only need to describe an action but come up with the challenges we are trying to solve, because I still have only a vague understanding of why "going up and down" may need to "fail". As a person I've been moving down and up quite some terrain and other than getting either more or less tired I have never failed anything
OK, let's go, no time to waist. Sadur start descending looking for easier path but certainly moving from one tree to another, when possible holding to lianas while moving.
He orders animals to follow him.
Oct 23, 2024 3:04 pm
Kimbek follows at what he hopes is a safe distance (in case he should slip, he does not want to fall into Sadur or the animals). "Should we try to zig-zag our way down, if that makes it less steep?"
Oct 23, 2024 11:13 pm
You know what, Grey? After reading your remarks about my choice of montage here.... I think you are mostly right. It wasn't the best choice as I didn't put (there is not yet?) a proper challenge before your PC. I don't exactly remember why I thought I was such a good idea earlier:) (probably a little bring fog from my current sickness). Probably the better way to put it would be to say:
- there are 2 clocks: a) Trek progress - 6 steps; b) Fatigue - 3 steps.
- having a) completed - means you are up on the other side of the ravine,
- having b) completed - means due to troubles and mishaps your PC will have to face fatigue and consequences.
I will describe challenges as you "arrive and discover them" and clocks will tell us how well your trek went.
Regardless above: fortunately your descriptions has provided me with ideas for first rolls:)
[ +- ] DM telling what to roll.
More over rules suggest players only say what they do, DM decide what they rollStrategically thinking Kimbek - as always - he stood on the edge of the slope and began to look for the most optimal descent route for all four of them.
Sadur: please roll Animal Lore (Cha)Kimbek: please roll Wilderness Lore(Int)
Oct 24, 2024 1:06 am
Wilderness Lore (Int) checkMajor Success?
Last edited October 24, 2024 1:07 am
Int 16 <8, 20> - Skilled Check (Wilerness Lore) - (17, d20)
17 : () + 17 = 17
d20 : (8) = 8
Oct 24, 2024 1:27 pm
You see. I would never choose to roll mental stat because they are so low for me, that's why you need DM to make that decisionRolls
Cha 10 <5, 16> - Skilled Check - (11, d20)
11 : () + 11 = 11
d20 : (15) = 15
Oct 28, 2024 8:52 am
Sadur tried every trick he knew, which usually worked perfectly... with canines. But Pepper was truly a unique creature. It wasn’t just that she was a dinosaur (Sadur had handled those many times before), but her personality and previous training methods seemed completely different from anything Sadur had encountered so far. He made a mental note to ask Belladonna about it when they met again.
Sadur had lost many precious minutes [20m] and even more of his patience. Neither threats, encouragement, nor the tricks he knew seemed to work. Clearly, the cheerful Pepper had decided that, no matter what, she was not going to be "on a leash" that day. Irritated, Sadur finally waved his hand at her dismissively, turned on his heel, and returned to Kimbek.
It turned out that Kimbek had mapped out a descent route for them down the slope. Perhaps not as direct as Sadur would have liked, but using a few stone ledges and clearings visible among the jungle trees below seemed quite reasonable. And in the end of the day, should allow them to descent faster and more secure then other way.
The friends began their cautious descent. Sadur, who had spent the last few minutes pretending not to care about Pepper at all, was actually glancing at her surreptitiously. This time, it worked. The animal seemed clearly disappointed that their "game" was apparently over and began to follow them, sometimes trotting up quickly to Sadur and nudging him playfully with her snout. This continued to slightly irritate the royal kennel master, accustomed as he was to his charges' obedience, but the most important thing was: it worked. And Pepper was following them, always staying within sight.
The lower they descended, the more they felt engulfed by the jungle. Inside the ravine, which always seemed to be shrouded in a bit of shadow, the jungle became even darker and, one might say, more somber. They also began to encounter strange vegetation that even Kimbek—knowledgeable in various plant species—couldn’t identify. Even Pepper seemed to stay closer to them than before, no longer disappearing behind the nearby trees.
More and more frequently, they began to notice thick clusters of hairy growths on the trees, resembling parasitic mistletoe known to them from the kingdom, but much larger and denser. They even thought that some of these "leafy fuzzballs" appeared to be in different places, following them, each time they looked, but they quickly agreed it must be an illusion, the result of eyes unused to so much Green.

When they reached the bottom of the ravine, the ground flattened out abruptly, and they felt an even greater humidity in the air than before. As Kimbek had predicted, they found a sluggishly flowing stream at the ravine’s base, which they had to cross to continue their journey. The stream was roughly 3 meters (10 feet) wide, with a visibly lazy current, which had caused the water to become heavily silted, making it appear black and impenetrable. On its banks, many smaller and larger stones had gathered, over which towered the thickest and sturdiest trees they had yet encountered.

What do you do? You can act upon everything described.
Sadur had lost many precious minutes [20m] and even more of his patience. Neither threats, encouragement, nor the tricks he knew seemed to work. Clearly, the cheerful Pepper had decided that, no matter what, she was not going to be "on a leash" that day. Irritated, Sadur finally waved his hand at her dismissively, turned on his heel, and returned to Kimbek.
It turned out that Kimbek had mapped out a descent route for them down the slope. Perhaps not as direct as Sadur would have liked, but using a few stone ledges and clearings visible among the jungle trees below seemed quite reasonable. And in the end of the day, should allow them to descent faster and more secure then other way.
The friends began their cautious descent. Sadur, who had spent the last few minutes pretending not to care about Pepper at all, was actually glancing at her surreptitiously. This time, it worked. The animal seemed clearly disappointed that their "game" was apparently over and began to follow them, sometimes trotting up quickly to Sadur and nudging him playfully with her snout. This continued to slightly irritate the royal kennel master, accustomed as he was to his charges' obedience, but the most important thing was: it worked. And Pepper was following them, always staying within sight.
The lower they descended, the more they felt engulfed by the jungle. Inside the ravine, which always seemed to be shrouded in a bit of shadow, the jungle became even darker and, one might say, more somber. They also began to encounter strange vegetation that even Kimbek—knowledgeable in various plant species—couldn’t identify. Even Pepper seemed to stay closer to them than before, no longer disappearing behind the nearby trees.
More and more frequently, they began to notice thick clusters of hairy growths on the trees, resembling parasitic mistletoe known to them from the kingdom, but much larger and denser. They even thought that some of these "leafy fuzzballs" appeared to be in different places, following them, each time they looked, but they quickly agreed it must be an illusion, the result of eyes unused to so much Green.

When they reached the bottom of the ravine, the ground flattened out abruptly, and they felt an even greater humidity in the air than before. As Kimbek had predicted, they found a sluggishly flowing stream at the ravine’s base, which they had to cross to continue their journey. The stream was roughly 3 meters (10 feet) wide, with a visibly lazy current, which had caused the water to become heavily silted, making it appear black and impenetrable. On its banks, many smaller and larger stones had gathered, over which towered the thickest and sturdiest trees they had yet encountered.

What do you do? You can act upon everything described.
Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Day 1: Afternoon 3:50 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 2/6; Problems: 1/3 |
Oct 28, 2024 1:51 pm
Kimbek points to the "leafy fuzzballs" as they pass near them. "I don't trust these things. Stay away from them." He is surprised by how small and insignificant his voice feels but then realizes that the dense foliage was probably swallowing up much of the sound. He was almost surprised that he could hear the stream so far above when there was such greenery around them.
He begins looking around at the trees near them, trying to see if any of them had large enough branches (or perhaps a fallen trunk) that extended over the stream. "I also wouldn't go in the water. If it were clear, that would be one thing, but who knows what creatures or parasites reside in that murk." He belatedly thinks of the animals. "Unless we have to."
He begins looking around at the trees near them, trying to see if any of them had large enough branches (or perhaps a fallen trunk) that extended over the stream. "I also wouldn't go in the water. If it were clear, that would be one thing, but who knows what creatures or parasites reside in that murk." He belatedly thinks of the animals. "Unless we have to."
Oct 28, 2024 10:39 pm
Kimbek, you sound like a cosmopolitan mother teaching her first child. It is just a small river dwarf simply jump over the river with a decent start and calls silver to come to him Animals are not children, if they can't survive this place, then I'm really sorry for them. he ads sadly.
Oct 29, 2024 2:59 am
Kimbek nods. "You know me. I have a tendency to overthink things."
He makes sure the animals have gotten across before he makes a similar leap of confidence.
He makes sure the animals have gotten across before he makes a similar leap of confidence.
Last edited October 29, 2024 3:00 am
Oct 31, 2024 10:00 am
To make things faster: I'm rolling for your PCs now according to what you have stated as your current actions. If you don't want me to roll in such situations in the future - please tell me, so next time I won't.
Rolling, and then editing this post incorporating results in my narration...
As Sadur has nat 20, the worst possible result -> I will wait for @GreyWord decision if he want's to use his reroll for this? As this was Skilled Check.
Although... I find it quite thematic of getting such result... after jumping recklessly into the black water in the jungle.... ;)
Sadur: Dex 15 <7, 20> - Athletics Skilled Check - jumping over river - (16, d20)
16 : () + 16 = 16
d20 : (20) = 20
Kimbek Opaltine: Cha 13 <6, 20> - Animal Lore Skilled Check - encouraging Pepper to cross - (14, d20)
14 : () + 14 = 14
d20 : (5) = 5
Oct 31, 2024 11:07 am
No I'm not wasting my only reroll to simply make a 3 meter long jump. I know I can make such a jump with 100/100 and I'm neither young not barbarian looking forward to see how it could fail in this story. Besides fail is a just an opportunity to enrich the story
GreyWord sent a note to Pedrop
Nov 1, 2024 8:27 pm
Once the animals are safely across, if there is no fallen tree or anything else to act as a bridge across the water, Kimbek will also try to jump over.
Nov 5, 2024 10:20 pm
Sorry for delays, I have very busy period now.First of all: It's not flat surface, but as described: a lot of stones and threes on both sides of the river. Besides, I checked and got this: "A running jump can be considered to allow a person in good physical condition to cover a distance of approximately 2.5 to 3.5 meters." So I'm happy that you are in such good condition! But apparently it's not 100/100 for everyone:(
Yes, it was my mistake - I was in hurry and checked skills and looked at "Acrobatics" (connected with Dex) rather then Athletics -> Str. It should be Str in your roll, but as you stated Sadur's Dex and Str are both 15 - fortunately. Please, don't assume my bad will as default. I'm only human:)
Meantime, Sadur - apparently bored with Kimbek cautious approach or having enough of dealing with Pepper for a day - decided to simply jump over the black river. He spent some time looking for a suitable place to have some run-up, what was really hard with all the stones and threes on each side of the river. Finally he decided to make a leap over the stream. He didn't manage to get to the other side, missing the branch he intended to catch on the other side by mere inches. When he landed near the other bank of the river he felt that his right leg fallen on something squishy making him fall over only to realize that the stream is only like 1 mater(3,3ft) deep. When he turned back to see what his leg encountered he saw similar picture:

A bigger, very green, bug-like creature was pulling out a smaller one, very similar to its helper creature. When they both reached the shore, the larger creature began to shake what appeared to be a crest on its head, which in turn caused a loud, ear-piercing sound, seaming to penetrate Sadur's, Kimbek's and their animal companion's skulls, making them feel dizzy and overwhelmed for a moment. When they got used to the sound a little or the creature changed it's frequencies they could refocus again and saw a strange tiger-like creature on the nearby three, apparently called by the Crest Bug to it's aid. Visibly preparing for an attack.

What do you do?
This is how I imagine your current positions:[ +- ] Makeshift map

We are now in Battle rounds mode.
Kimbek: please roll for Initiative and write what you intend to do, I will resolve it after or before the monsters depending on your roll. @Shadowknight
Nov 5, 2024 11:02 pm
One more thing: going through fallen trunk will require Kimbek doing Acrobatics(Dex) roll, not to fall. - as he would do it in hurry and in combat situation.Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Round 1; Day 1: Afternoon 4:00 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 4/6; Problems: 3/3 |
Nov 6, 2024 11:30 am
Do I need to answer "What do you do?" before I am allowed to roll initiative ?Nov 7, 2024 4:27 am
Kimbek draws out the club as he hears the strange creatures and turns around, ready to defend himself and the nearby animals if necessary.
That's a failure on the acrobatics check
That's a failure on the acrobatics check
Last edited November 7, 2024 4:30 am
Initiative - (1d20)
(10) = 10
Acrobatics, Dex - (1d20)
(14) = 14
Nov 8, 2024 9:53 am
GreyWord says:
Do I need to answer "What do you do?" before I am allowed to roll initiative ?OOC:
I must say that this part about initiative in this system was confusing for me at first:
- at the beginning of a combat only ONE player rolls for initiative in the name of whole party. I have proposed Kimbek to do this for this combat because he has better initiative than Sadur.
- so now you both act before monsters thanks to Kimbek's roll,
- so now you should describe your actions too: Sadur
- I asked Kimbek to describe his actions together with the Initiative roll as this is PbP, to make things faster,
- next round it will be Sadur who will roll for that round's initiative,
From Kimbek's roll I'm assuming that he run on the fallen trunk in order to pass over the river on the other side, but due his NF on the roll he didn't make it. He is now in the water and also prone, but no other consequences. That will use up Kimbek's Move be he have Action left (can be turned into second Move if desired).
[ +- ] Map

Kimbek has one action left and Sadur has a full turn before monster will be able to react. Grey: please describe what Silver is doing in this situation too. Pepper is mentally stuck at the middle of a trunk and uses on of it's action to Dodge, will not move this Round. Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
Kimbek, Sadur: Prone; Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Round 1; Day 1: Afternoon 4:00 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 4/6; Problems: 3/3 |
Nov 8, 2024 11:12 am
Silver is sitting on the other side of the river waiting for Sadur to give him a command. Now as a threat approach he is barking, but still wait for his master's command.
So let's see I want to stand up from but in only costs move if I fail this roll, so I guess I roll and then describe if i move or not
Sadur rise "Back"! Get damn Pepper back"
Got it. As I understand next round I will need to do the roll and there are good change it will mean enemy act twice before we do.So let's see I want to stand up from but in only costs move if I fail this roll, so I guess I roll and then describe if i move or not
Luck +0 - Dex - (13, d20)
13 : () + 13 = 13
d20 : (3) = 3
load next