Englene Station was a marvel and a menace. Spanning over ten thousand cubic kilometers of constructed space, its spires, domes, and segmented wings glinted in the dark like a floating cathedral grafted onto an industrial complex. White starlight, artificial and reverent, illuminated the station’s structure, bathing its outer plating in a serene glow.

But something was off about the place. Valeria could feel it like static in the air. Word of the missing prototype ship—Heaven’s Wing—had spread through the underworld in whispers, the kind that carried opportunity... and danger. Why would a religious megastructure need a ship that cutting-edge? And more importantly, why had it vanished?
"Captain, incoming hails," announced Hank Heron. "We’re being routed through the station’s customs channel."
A soft chime echoed on the bridge, and then the voice of the station controller, warm and personable, filled the comms. "Welcome to Englene Station, Celestial Voyager. This is Station Control. We’ve been looking forward to your arrival. You’re cleared for Docking Bay Twelve. Don’t worry—just a quick inspection on arrival and you can begin the reffiting. We’re all a bit on edge these days, but you should have no trouble as long as you stay clear of restricted areas."
The voice was friendly, but Valeria detected a hint of stress beneath the words, the kind that comes from trying to keep order amidst chaos.
"Appreciate the welcome, Control," she replied. "Sounds like things have been... lively?"
The controller gave a rueful chuckle. "Lively, yes. Let’s just say, things are more complicated than usual. There’s been... unrest among the clergy. And, well, rumors about Heaven’s Wing don’t help. But that’s none of my business, I’m just a Stellar Express employee. We’ll keep your stay as smooth as possible, Captain. If you need anything, just ping us on the channel."
Jobs and missions
The Heaven’s Wing, a ship imbued with cutting-edge technology reverse-engineered from the Elders and said to be inspired by angelic designs, has gone missing. It threatens both the religious stability and industrial operations of Englene Station. Church leaders are divided into two camps:
- Ascensionists: Believe that Heaven’s Wing's disappearance is a sign from the angels. They urge the station to halt production, focus on rituals of devotion, and declare a period of religious fasting to commune with the cosmos.
- Pragmatists: Argue that the ship was stolen or sabotaged, either by a rogue faction of zealots or an external enemy. They want to focus resources on finding the ship, investigating potential traitors, and returning to business as usual.
Stellar Express - the megacorporation that bankrolls much of Englene Station’s operations - is furious at the delay caused by the ship’s disappearance. Some in this company suspect that the ship was stolen by a rival megacorp or even an alien force. Their representatives want to suppress religious hysteria, tighten control over the workforce, and impose martial law if needed.
If you accept this job, you are hired to find the Heaven’s Wing (or discover what happened to it).
- 5,000 credits for each PC: If the Heaven’s Wing is returned in operational condition; or
- 1,000 credits for each PC: If you locate the wreckage of the ship and ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice
The governing body of the Church of the Winged Eternity—a religion that venerates space, the stars, angels and controls the station - teeters on collapse. The shipyards' production schedule is stalled, investors are furious, and the faithful—caught between hope and terror—start to revolt. As the church moves to restore order, it is deploying Inquisitors to suppress rebellious elements and reinforce loyalty to the state religion. A mid-ranking official, Inquisitor Lysara Vant, has decreed that heretics—those who reject the truth of the angels— and saboteurs must be exposed and brought to justice. In this mission, you will hunt these blasphemers. Root them out and bring evidence of their guilt.
- $100 credits for each blasphemer apprehended