Oct 29, 2024 7:06 pm
As you all emerge physically, returning to the Druedain village, and mentally, clearing the cognitive fog of the mystic journey, you learn it is the second morning following the evening on which you embarked upon the ordeal.
As you come down the path, into the hillside settlement, members of the tribe rise and peer carefully and count who is returning, and when they see it is all four of you, there is a good level of excitement. Druedain leaping, "Yop"-ing, and slapping of thighs to show exuberance for the new, honorary members of their people.
Then they come to you with food, and drink, and asking many questions which - in the tumult of voices - even Turil can't understand.
The Chanter leads you all back to the dug-out, lean-to-like shelter where you gain some solitude and have some time to rest.

After a time, the elder comes to the shelter and speaks.
"Having seen the world through time, as we have seen it, and in opening yourself up to the wisdom of those things which are a part of our world yet beyond our realm, we welcome you as a People alike to our own People.
Our fire is your fire, our shelter your shelter. If you are in need of aid, you need but ask and we shall lend it. And if our People become in need of aid, we ask that you lend your hand...
Now. We welcome you to dwell here for as long as you wish, though we also know you have ... a matter that demands your attention..."
As you come down the path, into the hillside settlement, members of the tribe rise and peer carefully and count who is returning, and when they see it is all four of you, there is a good level of excitement. Druedain leaping, "Yop"-ing, and slapping of thighs to show exuberance for the new, honorary members of their people.
Then they come to you with food, and drink, and asking many questions which - in the tumult of voices - even Turil can't understand.
The Chanter leads you all back to the dug-out, lean-to-like shelter where you gain some solitude and have some time to rest.

After a time, the elder comes to the shelter and speaks.
"Having seen the world through time, as we have seen it, and in opening yourself up to the wisdom of those things which are a part of our world yet beyond our realm, we welcome you as a People alike to our own People.
Our fire is your fire, our shelter your shelter. If you are in need of aid, you need but ask and we shall lend it. And if our People become in need of aid, we ask that you lend your hand...
Now. We welcome you to dwell here for as long as you wish, though we also know you have ... a matter that demands your attention..."