Character Creation

Nov 5, 2024 1:26 pm
Everybody begins at level 1. The majority of characters in "Shadow of the Weird Wizard" belong to the human ancestry. There are numerous other ancestries available, though. I'll post the human details below, followed by a brief description of the other ancestries. If you want to play one of those ancestries, let me know and I'll provide you with further details.


Most people found in the borderlands belong to the great family of humanity, which encompasses people much like those found in our world, but also exotic people, with unusual physical characteristics that would make such people stand out. Blue skin, upswept, pointed ears, scaled skin, and other features reflect the influence of magic on humans, as well as the fantastical nature of the setting.

The human family is incredibly large and diverse. A human can be tall or short, big and bulky, small and slight. Humans’ skin tones run the gamut from blue-black to bone white, green, blue, pink, or patterned. Typical height and weight ranges from 4 to 7 feet tall and from 80 to 400 pounds, though examples of shorter, taller, lighter, and heavier people abound. Differences in appearance have, at times, led to enmity between different groups, and a tendency toward xenophobia persists in some isolated communities, but over the passage of time humans have come to appreciate their common origin and similar nature, looking beyond the physical qualities that make them individually distinctive.

As a human, you might have been born and raised in the borderlands or could have traveled here, perhaps as one of the many troubled refugees fleeing war and disease in their homelands, or as an exile, cast out from your native land for a crime you did or did not commit. You can choose your homeland from those made available to you by the Sage. You and the other characters might come from the same village or be part of the same band of refugees, or you might hail from different parts of the world, brought together by fate or circumstance.

Human Ancestry Benefits
Size: 1, Speed: 5

A CUT ABOVE (HUMAN ONLY): You have certain advantages that set you apart from other people. These advantages can source from special training, a knack, a destiny, or something that happened during upbringing. You can increase the scores of two different attributes by 1 each.
[ +- ] Other Ancestries
Nov 5, 2024 1:28 pm

You are a novice adventurer, but before you started down this path, you worked to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. Your profession describes how you made a living and gives you an idea about the things you know and can do. You choose from among eight categories of professions, each with specialties representing narrower expressions of the larger professional category.

Most specialties provide a piece of equipment, which might be a flavorful item (such as a special book) or something that’s described later. Some might grant knowledge of an additional language. If you would learn a language that you already know, you can choose a different non-secret language instead.

You can choose your profession and specialty or roll dice to gain a random result.
Nov 5, 2024 1:35 pm

You begin the game with the equipment you need to undertake your first quest. The following items provide you a mix of standard items, plus items you choose. If you prefer, you can forgo the starting equipment presented here and instead start the game with 2 gp. You can use those funds to purchase items from those presented in Chapter 3, to which you should also refer to gain information about the items presented below.

CLOTHING: You have a set of normal clothes.
WEAPONS: You have a dagger.
GEAR: You have a backpack, waterskin, provisions, 5 torches, and a tinderbox.
BONUS EQUIPMENT: Choose one of the following options.
• Brigandine armor, shield, club
• Leather armor, shield, long sword
• Leather armor, shortbow with a quiver of 20 arrows
• Padded armor, quarterstaff, 2 blank books, writing kit, 3 poultices
• Leather armor, short sword, sling with bag of 20 bullets, lockpicks
PERSONAL EFFECTS: You have whatever personal effects that make sense for your character. Examples include a pair of gloves, a comb, or an extra pair of underclothes, or a memento. Such items have little to no game effect.


You start the game as an adult. You decide on your height and weight, along with other basic details such as your age, hair, eye and skin color, and any other cosmetic traits you want to include. Although appearance has little direct impact on game play, you’re encouraged to come up with a description to help the other players visualize your character.


Unless the Sage chooses another setting, your first adventure most likely takes place in the borderlands, a region between the Old Country of the west and all the troubles there, and the unknown lands to the east, a region long held by the Weird Wizard, who forbade trespassing on his dominion. Now that the Weird Wizard has left, people are free to explore the so-called new lands, but any journey there typically starts in the borderlands.
Nov 5, 2024 1:38 pm
Novice Paths

Creating a character involves making one big choice—your novice path—and a few smaller choices related to your path. At the start you choose one of four novice paths, each of which represent one of the great archetypes of fantasy heroes.

Your character begins play at level 1, just starting out on your life of adventure. As you complete quests, you learn to unlock more traits and specialize in certain areas. This advancement is represented in the game by attaining levels. At each new level, your character gains new abilities. The maximum level for characters is 10.


Your path presents sets of scores (and modifiers) to place in your four attributes. Choose the set you like most or determine the set
by rolling a d6 and gaining the set indicated by the number rolled.. At certain levels, your path increases some attribute scores.
Nov 6, 2024 3:30 pm
Work in Progress

Ancestry: Human
Profession: Forester - Worked in a preserve for a noble.
Novice Path: Rogue.
Equipment: Owns a bow and arrows.
Road: A bon vivant accustomed to moving among all levels of society but has gotten used to the finer things in life driving him to acquire more and more items of value.

Strength 9
Agility 12
Intellect 12
Will 10
Natural Defense 11
HP 14

Languages: Common, +1
Nov 6, 2024 8:39 pm
We could probably use the SotWW sheet below version 1.1 that I found when I was looking for the SotDL sheet:
Bookrat says:
[ +- ] Sotdl
I wasn't the biggest fan of the other SotDL character sheets available, so I made my own! This one is form fillable, comes with some pre built calculations, separates talents by path, and provides a snippet for tracking combat status for your characters!
[ +- ] Shadow of the Weird Wizard Playtest Version
[ +- ] SoWWv1.1
Note: The Shadow of the Weird Wizard sheet is the playtest version; I'll update this after the full game is released. The kickstarter begins August 8th!

Update: Thanks to Psybermagi for this alternative version!
Nov 6, 2024 9:00 pm

Sheet submitted.
Nov 6, 2024 10:04 pm
I'd like more info on Pollywogs, Goblins, and Dwarves.
Nov 6, 2024 10:23 pm

Apologies for poor quality, posting from my phone.
[ +- ] Dwarf
[ +- ] Goblin
[ +- ] Pollywog
Nov 6, 2024 10:39 pm about a Janni?
Nov 6, 2024 10:51 pm

[ +- ] Jann
Nov 7, 2024 9:29 am
For full picture of my options with my PC, could you post a description of Archons? Thanks in advance!
Nov 7, 2024 9:33 am
[ +- ] Archon
Nov 7, 2024 10:08 pm
Sheet submitted. I just filled in the basics.

Don't know how many traditions and spells I get. Should it be 3 traditions and 6 spells, because you combine what you receive from path and ancestry?
Nov 7, 2024 10:17 pm
The Jann ancestry novice path replaces the mage path, so you can only have the benefits of one or the other. If you’re going mage, you should only have 2 traditions and 4 spells.
Nov 7, 2024 10:31 pm
I choose the Jann path then. Updated sheet. Enchantment is my tradition.
Nov 8, 2024 11:38 am
@Totes_McGee here's the information for the Enchantment tradition:
[ +- ] Enchantment
Nov 8, 2024 9:10 pm
I get 2 spells to start, right? If so, I choose Dreadful Presence and Incandescent Rage.

I see 4 Enchantment talents listed. How many do I get?
Nov 8, 2024 9:12 pm
Two spells, yes.

I think just one talent to start, but I’m not sure. I only have the book on my work computer at the moment so I can check on Monday.
Nov 8, 2024 9:20 pm
Sounds like someone is gaming it up during working hours. :)
Nov 8, 2024 9:23 pm
Yeah, when you take a magical tradition, you get any one talent. Pg. 20 of the pdf, if you have it @Totes_McGee
Nov 8, 2024 9:36 pm
Thanks! I don't have the PDF. Learning all this by bits and pieces.
Nov 8, 2024 9:40 pm
My talent will be Majestic Presence...I think.

Is it an action? The other 3 mention actions, but Presence says "you can use this talent at the start of your turn."
Nov 8, 2024 9:42 pm
Using that talent does not take an action.
Nov 8, 2024 9:49 pm
Looks OP. Yup, I'm taking it.
Nov 9, 2024 12:46 am
As I can see that our dear DM have accepted my sheet already, leaving info mostly for others:
I have submitted my sheet.

Name: Gabalan
Ancestry: Human Male
Profession: Inventor - Academic
Novice Path: Mage (Technomancy and Psychomancy).
Equipment: Leather armor, short sword, sling with bag of 20 bullets, lockpicks, Toolkit and Spare Parts - so some opportunities for cooperation with our clockwork:)

Those 1st level PC seems quite powerful in this system, but we will see how it will be in factual game:)

I have some cleaning to do in my sheet yet (like filling in weapons stats for attacks and so on) and working some more on backstory, but other then that I have written everything important in my sheet and I think I'm ready. Take a look GM, please and tell me if it's ok for now?
Nov 9, 2024 2:01 am
R3N-L3 is willing to disembowel many, many fleshy things for a new cog xD
Nov 9, 2024 3:28 am
You get one talent whenever you discover a tradition.
Nov 9, 2024 6:53 am
@Totes_McGee If you look at Majestic presence, you can see it mentions that at level 1, you can use it once until you rest. It increases to twice at level 3 and thrice at level 7.
Nov 9, 2024 7:35 am
Submitted my character Tzal 'Indigo' Pointius, I will come up with the background next.

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