[Closed] Epic Superhero Adventure (Risus)

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Mar 16, 2025 6:55 pm
@Tickettbror: No further interest, so come on in!

Sending you an invite shortly.
Mar 21, 2025 8:57 pm
We had a player drop out, so it's once again recruitment time.

The application process is the same as before: submit a character concept, complete with dice distribution and gear. An avatar image is also appreciated.

The current line-up:

- a female martial artist powered by the twelve spirits of the lunar zodiac. Has a mystical/magical/something tiger companion. Still not sure what he is yet, but he's better mannered than her!

- a female genius technopath in a suit of armor. Spoiler: she's a vat-grown clone created by a mega-corporation!

- a female who respawns when she dies, sometimes even creating an additional copy. Also has weird luck. That one girl you've seen at that one place? Probably one of her respawn-dupes.

I'm active most days, but you don't have to match my pace. Roughly 5 posts a week is sufficient. Don't apply if you can't handle this pace. I warn, and then remove, players who aren't active.
Mar 22, 2025 1:44 am
I'll download and read the rules, but I'd like to join as a cryo-kinetic crime fighter

Cryo-kinesis 4
Coach 3
Former athlete 2
Uhn, TBD? 1
Last edited March 22, 2025 2:25 pm
Mar 22, 2025 9:36 pm
I'd like some more info on him.

- Name(s)
- Backstory. Can be brief.
- More details on cliches. What exactly is cryo-kinesis? What sports is/was he involved in? What're you going with for the 1 dice?
- Gear, if any.
Mar 22, 2025 10:50 pm
Name: Talin Thompson / Chillmera
Backstory: Caribbean-American, former Olympic hopeful. (gymnast, never quite made it) Now he coaches the next generation. Recently acquired his powers after getting lost on a ski vacation.
Cryo-kinesis: Seems like it can mean almost anything. But I imagine Talin can create ice, and shape it into body armor, weapons, and simple constructs. (No frost blast, snow storms, or ice slides, but maybe later)
Gear: I figure he would wear althetic gear, and carry assorted sports equipment when fighting crime (like Casey Jones or Sportsmaster), but cover them with ice for added punch/protection.
Stumped on the last cliche. Hoping inspiration will come.

Note: all of this is tentative. I can change anything if needed to fit the story/time/setting better.
Mar 23, 2025 6:55 pm
@crazybirdman: You're in!

Sending you an invite shortly.

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