For everyone new to gamersplane I would like to share a post I did in another game. I put it into expandable "accordion" to not take too much space here in this chat.
[ +- ] How this site helps you with rolls
To roll a skill (and combat attacks) you don't need to recall formula, Instead tap on your PCs name in Rolls section and you will see your character with a lot of clickable items
All items with a rectangle around are clickable. A stands for advantage, D - disadvantage
For example if DM ask you to roll persuasion with disadvantage you simply tap D next to persuasion

and site will automatically create roll entry for you
In a combat you would usually just click two items:
Also Feats/Items and Spells (if you have them) allow you to select a feat and feat details text will automatically be added to your post text as a spoiler, i e. clicking this
results in

Let me know if you need guidance with character sheet creation, I have quite an experience