Dec 18, 2024 8:22 am

12th of Flemont, Nytdain, 990 AC. Threshold.
"Goblins! They still got goblins in Karamekios!!!"
The burly, bearded man’s voice boomed across the crowded hall, drawing the attention of a few nearby patrons. He was a mountain of a man, with broad shoulders and a neck like a tree trunk, his hair the color of fire and his mustache frothy with the remnants of his last drink. The rosy hue of his cheeks and the empty pitchers piled up on the table suggested he'd already had more than his fair share of beer.
He slapped William on the shoulder, the friendly gesture causing the sound of his plate to rattle. "They got them payin’ a silver piece for a goblin, but there’s so many of 'em, the Baron’s coffers will go empty before we make a dent in their numbers. These buggers breed like—" The man paused, struggling to find the right words, before finally grunting, "Like goblins!!!"
A round of laughter echoed through the table at the bluntness of it, and the man, undeterred, reached for a large hunk of roasted pork. With his teeth, he tore off a chunk and went off talking, undeterred, with his mouth full: "Can’t get rid of ‘em, no matter how many we kill. Too many goblins in this land, by the looks of it."
His companion, a tall and graceful Taladarn woman with striking features, sat opposite to him, rolled her eyes as she pushed a plate of sausages around on the table. She was more refined in her manner, though she couldn’t help but chuckle at the man's bluntness.
"What are you here for?" the man continued "The goblin hunt too? Well, whatever you do, don't be tempted to go up to Castle Mistamere. They say it’s haunted. A party went there a few days back... not a single man came back." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and took another long swig from his mug.
The Silver Dragon is known as the finest—and most expensive—place to drink and dine in Threshold. Its grand dining hall is reminiscent of the great Thyatian halls, with long wooden tables that stretch from one end of the room to the other. No one here eats alone. In true Thyatian fashion, patrons sit shoulder to shoulder, whether they know each other or not. You can decide if you’ve arrived as one party, or were seated together by chance.