Rag-and-Bones finds a secluded corner of the library and begins greedily flipping through the pages of the book, looking for one very powerful curse in particular. No... no... not that one...
"Rats!" he declares as he slams the cover shut. Remembering himself, he clears his throat and raises the pitch of his voice.
"I mean, darn the luck," he says in a very quiet, very mindful, very demure manner.
"This isn't quite what I had in mind."
The disguised skeleton returns the book to the shelf and shimmy-shakes over to a new section of the library. This one is a well-loved row of comic books about a genius cat.
"Oh, let's see here... Professor Paws... Professor Paws in Bubble Trouble... Professor Paws in the Dogfather... Professor Paws in Apocalypse Meow..."
Wait... Apocalypse... The invocation! It must be hidden inside this coded comic!
"Aha!" Rag-and-Bones declares, hoisting the comic book over his head!
Take a token for browsing a new section.
Ratto has been happily exploring the supply closet when she hears a muffled shout of "Rats!" from upstairs. Her ears perk up at her master’s signal.
"Rats!" she says resolutely, scurrying out of the closet and up the stairs to the library.
The little rodent pauses at the entrance, sniffing the air. Musty books, middle-aged men, machine oil... Wait, she knows that last scent! It’s her good friend Amelie, the robot she met while washing dishes.
Ratto follows her nose and scurries over to the robot maid. She stands on her hind legs and wags her tail happily.
"Rats!" she says in greeting.