0. Qralloq chargen

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Jan 9, 2025 4:41 pm
Welcome to Misthaven University! This is your character generation thread.

Before we dive into the wonders and challenges of the University, let us take a moment to focus on your PC. Every student who steps into Misthaven’s lecture chambers carries with them a story, a legacy, and a spark of magic all their own.

So, please, tell us more about them.... If possible, do this In Character, as part of a letter, a dialog with one or more NPCs that you create and we share their control, or something else.

If you want, your posts in this thread can happen years before your admission in the University, by the way.
Qralloq says:
I'd like to explore a privileged character, raised in obscene wealth, but a REBEL and a misfit discharged from more typical preparatory schools and sent to Misthaven to GROW UP. Now, cut off from his parents funds, he has to make due on his own while still footing. His magic stems from a series of BAD CHOICES that he'll always have to regret.
What kind of bad choices? Wanna roleplay one (or more) of those? 🤔
Jan 10, 2025 1:06 am
Let's try this...

Dearest Farlagne.

I apologize first of all. The manner in which my exit from your soiree was conducted leaves much to regret. Your handsome wife, too, please convince her that it was not your hospitality but my own ill humours that are to blame.

Second, I owe you more than that, but by the following is not meant to excuse my actions. I could have handled it better. When I saw Messers Gaupf and Sneed, I confess to an unreasoned anger. Or rather fear, truthfully, I realize as I write this. We have a history, you see going back to my thirteenth name day.

I was in the strada near my family estates high on wine and searching for a certain girl for whom I knew my coin would be ... well that's not germain. Suffice it to say that I was distracted when I lurched out of the way of a carriage. A dog yelped and a young boy stumbled into the path of the carriage.

The driver and I tried to console the child but he was barely breathing, his limbs askew in a most unseemly way. We carried him into the coach, and made fast for a physicker of whom the driver was acquainted.

That night, I partook in most disagreeable rites. We saved the boy, his life a gift of the sacrifices I made. Sacrifices that to this day wake me from a still sleep in a shivering fright.

The physicker and the driver? Messers Gaupf and Sneed, of course. My soul? Damned. And the boy? An accomplice. I can't explain much more lest I be burned in this life as well as the next.

Again, my apologies for the scene I caused.
Your humble servant,
Dorian LaCroix
Last edited January 11, 2025 3:14 am
Jan 10, 2025 10:57 am
Dearest Dorian,

I must admit, my heart aches to hear of the weight you carry, though your words shed light on much that perplexed me that night. Let me say first that my wife bears you no ill will. She, like I, was saddened by your abrupt departure but now understands the turmoil you endured.

It strikes me, dear friend, that the past has wound its tendrils tightly about you. Messers Gaupf and Sneed, men of such dark and enigmatic paths, are not strangers to whispers of infamy. I cannot fault you for your unease, though the details you’ve shared chill the marrow. There is a shadow in your tale.

Yet it is precisely for such shadows that I write. Misthaven University, as you may know, has gained a reputation for harboring scholars who walk the line between light and dark. Men of profound knowledge arrive as students and visiting scholars this season, and I am reminded that their paths were not always easy, nor their burdens light. I believe, Dorian, that you too would find solace—and perhaps answers—among those halls.

Consider this not as a penance but as a sanctuary. Misthaven’s curriculum delves into the arcane, the forbidden, and the sublime. Its cloisters are filled with minds not unlike your own, seekers who dare to question what lies beneath the surface. You may find your gifts appreciated rather than feared, and your burdens, perhaps, shared.

I would ask one favor in return for this suggestion: do not let our correspondence lapse. The threads of friendship are often the strongest wards against despair. Write to me, Dorian, and tell me of your journey, your days, your studies—should you accept—and the discoveries that lie ahead.

My prayers are with you, always.

Your friend,
Jan 10, 2025 11:00 am
Dearest Dorian,

I have been thinking...There is a kind of poetry in your struggles, and though I would wish to ease your burdens, I cannot help but marvel at the strength they demand of you. It is rare to find a man who carries so much and yet speaks so eloquently of it.

I hope you will forgive my forwardness in this letter, but I am eager to learn more about the man you are—not only the burdens you bear, but the gifts you wield. You see, I have always believed that our strengths and our flaws are intertwined, inseparable, like the root and branch of an ancient tree. So I must ask, Dorian, what is it that you consider your greatest talent? What is the skill, the quality, the essence of your being that sets you apart?

And, conversely, where do you falter? What weakness plagues you most, and how do you seek to overcome it—or do you? These questions are not idle curiosity but a genuine desire to know you better. A man is defined not only by the obstacles he faces but by the tools he brings to bear against them.

In asking this, I also confess my hope that perhaps you will one day find these answers in Misthaven. The scholars there are known for unearthing hidden talents and tempering weaknesses like a smith hammers steel.

I will await your reply with eagerness and patience. Please do not think this an interrogation, but an open hand reaching out to a friend. Write to me freely, and I shall keep your words as treasures in my heart.

Ever your friend,
Jan 11, 2025 2:08 am
Dearest Farlagne.

I'm not an introspective man, if I'm even old enough to be called a man. Your concern and kindness, however, engender a thoughtfulness that I assure you is quite out of character.

My greatest talent, you ask for. Would you accept that my lack of regard for social norms is such? I can all but hear you scoff in advance, yet allow me to explain.

I've oft been chastised for my ready willingness to flout convention. No rule is so lofty that I've not considered breaking it, or at least stretching it beyond propriety. Normally this is not a virtue, however, in it I've seen myself persevere through trials that would crush most. I do what I want, but it is not mere whimsy, but unbridled desire. No flame burneth quite so bright.

Desire may also be my Achilles heel, to lend weight to the cliche. Did not desire lead Paris to the gates of Troy? The world remembers the bloodshed that blossomed there.

Overcoming it, unfortunately, is the province of wisdom. I am but a youth, and a soiled one at that. Wisdom seems too great a leap for one such as I.

I take your advice with all heart, dear friend. Misthaven, if they will open the doors for one such as me, might be where I obtain the insight to discern what I truly desire from what I only covet in the gloom betwixt and between light and dark.

Your humble servant,
Dorian LaCroix
Jan 11, 2025 10:36 am
You are clearly a light theme user =) I have left the first Dorian letter unchanged, but improved the letter size and contrast in the last one.. Hope you don't mind. I couldn't read them in the mobile, using the dark theme, otherwise. =(


That brings us to the first part of our character sheet. It contains general information, pride and problem.

Mechanically, the pride and problem (collectively called distinctions) does two things:

1. Help you, by adding a die to your pool
2. Hinder you, by increasing the chances of a Hitch

If the distinction will be used or not at all, will depend on the situation.

[ +- ] Template
Please create a new character with it and submit it. No need to fill it all, we will do this after a few more letters.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. =)
Jan 11, 2025 4:53 pm
I've submitted a character sheet, and I'll try and use more dark theme friendly text options haha. (I use dark theme mostly elsewhere but I find it more of a pain than a help on this site. )
Jan 12, 2025 5:30 pm
Dearest Dorian,

Your words, so candid and unpolished, speak of a young man in turmoil, yes, but also a young man of remarkable potential. That lack of regard for convention you call ? I would call it something far greater: courage. Few have the audacity to dream beyond the confines of their station, let alone act upon it. But I digress.

I find myself now compelled to ask something more of you, Dorian. You speak in riddles of your magic and allude to the shadows in your path, yet I sense there is something more tangible beneath the veil. Tell me, what manner of magic flows through your veins? Do you summon flame, command shadows, or whisper to the winds? Or is your talent more subtle—a gift of charm, of insight, or perhaps something darker still? Do not be afraid to share this, for I have no judgment to pass, only understanding to offer.

And your education, dear friend—what foundations do you stand upon? Have you apprenticed in a craft, studied under a master, or taken up a profession of your own? Such knowledge may seem mundane to some, but it is the roots that sustain the branches. Whatever skills you have honed, I would see them as the tools that will aid you in carving your path forward.

Lastly, let me offer you a boon, if you are willing to accept it. I happen to know a professor within the hallowed halls of Misthaven University, a man whose opinion carries weight in matters of enrollment. Should you wish it, I can facilitate an introduction, perhaps even smooth the way for your acceptance. You have but to say the word, Dorian, and I shall act.

Consider this not as charity but as the duty of a friend who believes in the fire he sees within you. Whatever your decision, know that I remain steadfast in my support.

With fond regard,
Let's also continue with chargen. As you write Dorian's answer:

1. For mundane skills in the list, you start with everything at D6. If you increase one at D8, reduce another to a D4. You must increase at least two of them to D8 and reduce the same amount to D4.

2. Choose something to add at D10. It can be a skill specialization of one of your D8s (ie. You roll a D10 instead of the regular skill in some situations. For example, Kirae rolls 1d10 instead of her 1d8 Melee Combat, when she uses daggers). It can also be an extra ability/not listed skill (Lion Tamer D10), special power (Darkvision D10) or gear (Heirloom sword D10). Some of those D10s will be used in addition to the regular skills, depending on the situation. Write it down in the "Other traits" section.

3, We'll deal with magic stats on your character sheet later. Just to give you some guidance for your letter, our magic system is free-form, there is no pre-determined spell list. Which of the 8 schools available here does your character have the most affinity with?
Jan 12, 2025 11:46 pm
Deceive and Persuasion should both be d8.
I'll reduce Brute Force and Survival to d4s. He's a spoiled manchild, not a ruffian.
I think Willpower should be a d10.
I'll reduce Crafting to d4 to buy Willpower to d8, and specialize Willpower to d10 when he's rebelling against convention.

Qralloq sent a note to htech,Qralloq
Jan 13, 2025 12:32 pm
Great. Go ahead and update your sheet. =)

htech sent a note to Qralloq
Jan 13, 2025 5:13 pm
Updated. I added a second Willpower line for the specialty.
Jan 13, 2025 7:14 pm
Looks good. We will continue after your next letter. =)
Jan 13, 2025 7:54 pm
Dearest Farlagne,

I hesitate to write anything. My quill hovers over the page, this being the fourth attempt that I've started. I'll write it all down and perhaps this one will survive the fire.

You ask for details, and here is what happened that faithful night. At the physicker's of whom I've spoken, the rites of surgery were a bloody affair. The bones of the boy were askew and his breathing was all but gone. It was in a moment of desperation that I spoke, "Is there nothing we can do? I'd pay any price!" Foolish it seems now, but Sneed's reply was dismissive, that the boy's life wasn't worth it. I begged the man and he relented. Gaupf brought forth a tome at Sneed's direction, and together we read.

I confess to being unsure what happened next. It seems a hallucination even in recollection. As the words of the tome were uttered aloud by me, I knew that it was no physicker's recipe, but a calling to something dark. I read anyway, the book becoming brighter, the room darker, until I found myself in a place of shadow. There was a voice who demanded I choose what I wanted, and I blurted something akin to "Give me the power to save the boy." My words were wrought of desperation, but in the same, I was utterly committed. I was aware that there would be a price, that it could be dark and terrible. I gave it no thought simply accepted that was the cost and would shoulder that burden when the time came.

I do not know how, my words fail me to explain, but somehow, at the boy's side, I bled the life from a goat and imbued Sneed with the competence to save the child. A life for a life, may my soul be damned for eternity.

Only, that's not the end. You see, I held onto some of that power. I did not give it all to Sneed. Perhaps he hoped I would, I do not know, but when the boy stood on his own, I ran. They tried to follow, cursing my treachery. They could not find me although I was there in the street pleading with whatever waited in the shadows for curtains to pass before their eyes and show them only an empty street.

I should burn this. If there is one chance for redemption, I leave it in your hands my friend. I have no crafts to speak of, only a penchant for debauchery and more than a passing familiarity with the life of the aristocrat. I am a student of human nature and all it's hidden corners. If I had my way, I'd seek an opportunity as a barrister yet my days may not be numbered long enough to warrant the expenditure of study.

Your humble servant,
Dorian LaCroix
Jan 13, 2025 8:16 pm
Mr. Dorian LaCroix,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you on this auspicious occasion. Your name has come to my attention through the most glowing of recommendations by our mutual acquaintance, Farlagne. His words spoke not only of your intellect and potential but also of a fire within you that defies convention and promises greatness. I have long held Farlagne's opinions in high esteem, and thus, it is my honor to formally welcome you to the Arcane Eloquence Institute of Misthaven University.

Here, within the College of Enchanted Expression, you will find your natural inclinations both nurtured and challenged. Ours is a house of duality, Mr. LaCroix—a crucible where truth and deception, altruism and ambition, creation and destruction, all meet and collide. You will be encouraged to explore the edges of language and magic, learning to weave words that inspire nations or unravel the most intricate of lies.

You will join the ranks of those who have shaped history through speech and spellcraft. Writers, lawyers, diplomats, and court wizards have all walked these halls, each learning to master the arts of Amplifico and Illusio—magic that strengthens resolve, sharpens perception, or bends reality itself. Here, you will discover not only the power of your voice but also the responsibility that comes with wielding it.

Our semester begins in just over a fortnight. Upon your arrival, you will be assigned an advisor who will assist you in navigating the curriculum and selecting the areas of study best suited to your talents and ambitions. Please reply to this letter with confirmation of your intent to attend, along with any particular needs or requests you may have for your studies.
It is my hope that you will find Misthaven to be both a haven and a crucible—a place where your desires, talents, and potential can be refined into something extraordinary. I look forward to witnessing your journey and, in time, the legacy you will leave behind.

With warm regards and great anticipation,

Professor Calien Mirthwhistle
Dean of Illusio
Arcane Eloquence Institute
Misthaven University
Jan 13, 2025 11:54 pm
He examines the letter by candle light. It's his fourth time reading it, as if searching for some catch. The call to power has damned him once, but still, his instincts are to throw himself at this new challenge. If it is a test, then he'll be ready for it.

Dear Professor Calien Mirthwhistle, Dean of Illusio, Arcane Eloquence Institute, Misthaven University

I accept. Truthfully, I have been waiting for this letter with no little anticipation as I feel now that the path has been illuminated by our mutal friend, I am terribly anxious to follow it to the end and avail myself to the fullest of this opportunity. I shall make my way to Misthaven University immediately, and look forward to meeting you, the other faculty, and the other students in a fortnight.

As to special needs, I am a man of few needs. A warm bed, a full pitcher of wine, and the access to a fashionable market would satisfy me.

Dorian LaCroix
Last edited January 13, 2025 11:56 pm

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