DM says:
Here are some basic post format guidelines
I will put DM questions/comments/instructions for characters in
Character vocal speech is in bold
Character thought is in italics
colors for additional
emphasis, like on a characters
OOC is for Player thoughts, comments, and story specific questions
As soon as you touch the wizard hat you feel a wave of magic wash over you the a burst of flame rushes up from the desk! the flames engulf the desk, everything on it, and lick at your arm.
Roll a Save Test. Failure results in 1 damage As soon as the flames vanish you see almost everything on the desk has burnt up. All the books, papers, and scrolls are gone. all that remains are the glass orb, pendant, and ring, but even those are hot to the touch. The other trinkets are ash, warped and cracked, and obviously ruined by the magic trap.
Reconsidering your plan to clear the wizards library after the desk.
[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
Recovered items
Cartographic Orb On its own volition, the item records a map of the environments that the bearer is exploring, and can magically project it for the bearer to see.
Pendant of the Fortune Teller Every time you are hit by a monster, you glimpse a random image of its future or past.
Ring of Shifting The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item.