A Wizard's tower

Jan 23, 2025 2:58 pm
Under unknown circumstances, Azure lost her family when she was too young to remember. She was taken in by a lonely human wizard that lived in a tower, far away from others. Over the years he raised her as his own, and taught her everything. She had innate magical abilities and a curiosity for magic items.

Everything couldn't stay peaceful however. A nearby village had a legend. An omen about a silver beastkin that would bring the downfall of man. One night, the mob came and attacked. The wizard managed to get Azure to safety, but didn't survive the night. His last wish was for her to find somewhere she could be safe and happy.

Determined, she now is in search of her place in the world. A place where she can belong.
Jan 23, 2025 3:17 pm
Azure has bee searching for a rumored wizard’s tower deep in the woods. Those thate have stumbled upon it report the tower to be guarded by magical constructs. Though the world is full of magic you know that the common fold often fear it, especially if they have no gift or local healer or alchemist to help them see and understand it as part of their everyday lives. The tower full of magic is both amazing and terifying to the village and you wonder why none of them knew of it's exsistance till recently so set out to investigate.

After hours of wandering through dense forests and winding trails, the trees part to reveal a hidden valley shrouded in mist. At its center stands the tower, a slender spire of weathered stone rising defiantly against the sky. Vines and moss cling to its walls, but faint magical glyphs etched into the stone occasionally flicker with an otherworldly glow, hinting at the power that once pulsed within.


Accompanied by one of the local woodmen you enter the small valley and soon reach the toweer base. The entrance is a heavy wooden door reinforced with bands of iron. The wood looks ancient but sturdy, and a faint hum of magic surrounds it. A carved sigil of a crescent moon, the wizard’s personal mark, is faintly visible above the door.
Jan 23, 2025 4:10 pm
"Hmm.. I believe I have seen this somewhere before..."

She begins to rummage around in her bag. Stopping shortly, remembering she doesn't actually have any of the books she was used to referencing. She sighs. Old habits are hard to break. She looks around for something to help reach the sigil.
She is very short. Only about 4 ft tall.
Once she succeeds she will reach out to the sigil to try to analyze the type of magic it is.
Jan 24, 2025 3:37 am
The hunter watches you for a moment then ralizes what you are attempting and simply picks you up by the waist, getting a surprised slap in the face by your tail, an draises you up for a closer inspection.

Now much closer you rsee tiny runes set within the crescent moon symbol. Glancing over them you read and decipher a basic alarm array tied to several detection runes. The allarm does not appear to be tied to anything you can see, but that is not a garantee. Other than the alarm all you see is a minor enchantment to keep the symbol clean and in repair.

Roll a test to investigate more
[ +- ] Tests
Setting you down after holding you aloft for over a minute Karesohn looks around nervously. Last time I was here there were at least two golems walking around every so often. You do have a way to handle them, right?.
Jan 24, 2025 6:55 pm
"Heh, ya of course I can handle them!..." she says trying to hide her nervous laugh.

"Hmm, I may need another lift in a second. Lets see if I can do something about this alarm."

She investigates the sigils. Prodding to see any ways to disarm them.
When should I roll? should I do rolls preemptively in case there is a reason for it? And if there isn't its just ignored? Im used to tabletop D&D where you never roll unless asked.
Last edited January 24, 2025 8:44 pm


Investigate sigils - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jan 25, 2025 2:01 am
You can roll anytime you perform a risky, difficult, or opposed action
You are lifted up again and after some careful examination find the alarm does has a key. Some quick magical tinkering followed by a small "pop" and you feel the magical energies of the alarm dissipate. As they do the door to the tower swings partially open, apparently held in place entirely by magics. Peering through the partially open door into the dimly lit interior you see what looks to be a Foyer.

The entryway is modest, with a circular stone floor and walls lined with empty sconces. A single magical orb floats near the ceiling, providing a dim, flickering light. A coat rack by the door holds a tattered cloak, and a small wooden table has a thick leather bound tome. At the back of the room spiral staircase of dark iron winds its way up along the curved wall.

As you are looking inside Karesohn stiffens and curses softly. Lady, I hear the guardians coming and after only a moment you too can hear heavy footfalls coming from around one side of the tower.
Jan 26, 2025 2:05 am
"Hurry!" she wispers and rushes inside with Karesohn. She quietly closes the door and tries a simple enchantment to keto the door shut. She sits there holding her breath behind the door, listening outside.


Quickly sneaking inside and quietly sitting door. - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Holding for shut magically - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Jan 27, 2025 2:05 am
The two of you slip in side and though you shove the door closed it does not latch. Though Azure tries a binding on the door her magic fails and she ponders another solution while leaning on the door to hold it in place. The room is thankfully empty or more guards though it must be cleaned else you would expect more dust. The dim light from the orb is sufficient to look around and conclude that though the room is in obvious need of restoration it once was quite nice. The heavily bound book has detailed leather work carved on pressed onto it and the table is decorative in nature, whit an empty inkwell inset into it next to the book. The stairs leading up look sounds but your wonder just how noisy they might be as though some care has been performed on the rooms you are not sure if that would include tightening and oiling loose stairs.
Just a note on Spell Touched. It requires line of sight and only a single spell can be maintained at once. So holding it magically would not last. However it can also be used for other minor effects that might work : example shrink a wooden shim so it is slimmer, slip it into the door, then release the magic so it swells to lock it. I may often interpret spell casting into an approach that stays more in line with how I rule it works. I just wanted you to be aware of some limits it has and that they can still be circumvented, with the right application.
Karesohn Leans against the door listening for a minute before nodding his head and standing straighter, though he keeps a hand to the door.
Jan 27, 2025 10:28 pm
Azure nods and begins to make her way into the room. She quickly looks around for anything of interest then heads over to the book.

She looks over the book for any traps and enchantments. Then she carefully opens the book to see what secrets it contains.
so for this part. when would I roll 3d6 instead? would I for investigating the book? I feel I wouldn't since its more looking for traps or enchantments. but would looking for enchantments count as spell touched advantage?


Investigating the room - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Investigating the book - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jan 28, 2025 1:12 am
Spell touched give you the ability to sence magic but does not grant adavantage in identifying or locating traps. Those without that trait are at disadvantage to sence and identify magic. Good understanding. Spell touched never grants advantage as a penalty for its extreme versitility.

As a side note the Tiny system allows focus but some GM only allow it in combat. I allow it out of combat but it takes twice as long to do any "focused" or careful activity. just mention you are being thurough, spending extra time, or cautious and I basically automatically add focus to all rolls.
[ +- ] Focus
You find noting more of interest and an examination of the book reveals it is well used and identified as "Guest Ledger" Your senses reveals it has minor enchantments on it and you determine them to be aimed at preserving it from age, minor damage, dirt, and dust. Other than a couple of closets, empty of anything of use, ther are no other rooms on the first floor.

Flipping it open you note that many names are written in .by the same hand, the owner or a staff memeber, but others are entered by a variety of other styles.

Karesohn stays by the door, watching your search. He presses his ear to the door ocasionally but seems more relaxed.
Jan 29, 2025 4:42 am
"Okay..." she says to herself. "A quick look upstairs, then I'm coming for you." glancing at the orb.

Azure prepares a spell to silence the stairs as she goes up, and begins her climb to the upper floor.


Quiet spell - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Jan 29, 2025 2:06 pm
The magic suppresses the creaking as you ascend the stairs, though not completely. The stair open onto the next floor which is lined with bookshelves reaching from floor to ceiling, overflowing with tomes, scrolls, and loose papers. A large oak desk dominates the center of the room, covered in an assortment of trinkets, scrolls, and a single glowing orb emitting a soft silver light. You sense magic all throughout the room form various items. A window, cracked but intact, allows a view of the surrounding valley.
Jan 30, 2025 10:43 pm
Azure tries to hold in a squeal of excitement! She looks around, looking for any form of organization she can use to help find the truly valuable tomes and items. She tries to rush, so they can get out and away from the guardians as fast as they can.
This would be an advantage, because her traits right?
If successful, she will go to the area with the most valuable and magical items,
If a fail, she will go to the dest and search for items of interest she can take back with her.


Searching for how the place is organized to find the most valuable items. - (3d6)

(646) = 16

Jan 31, 2025 4:22 am
You determine there are no greater magics in the room but by your senses several items on the desk are magical and you feel a spell over the entire desk and all its contents. There are several enchanted books, either spell books or just precious books with protective magics. You assume the books and papers on the table would be the most used materials but as you step up to it your eyes fail to focus on anything written that rests on it.

Magic items on the desk : glowing orb, wizards hat, glass orb, gloves, pendant, ring, tiara

Looking over the books you find the following many useful and magical tomes. The bookshelves also have a magic field over them

"A Beginner’s Guide to Cantrips" "Herbs, Roots, and Their Arcane Properties" "Star Charts of the Mage-Kingdoms" "Runes & Sigils: A Practical Application" "The Language of Elementals" "The Art of Wandmaking" "Familiar Spirits and Their Care" "The Eight Schools of Magic: A Comparative Study" "Echoes of the Arcane: A History of Magic Through the Ages" "Tales of the Silver Beast" "The Codex of Hidden Paths" "The Eternal Flame" "Silver Threads & Lunar Mysteries" "Shadows and Substance: A Study of Illusions" "The Weave and the Web"
"The Warlock’s Bargain" "Sanguine Rites & The Binding of Blood" "Echoes in the Ether" "The Mage’s Grimoire: A Spellbook of the Forgotten Masters" "Windows to the Beyond" "The Whispering Lexicon" "The Flesh That Speaks" "Veins of the Earth" "The Celestial Hymn" "Tome of the Silent Court" "Fragments of the Broken Arcana" "Beyond the Final Veil" "The Hollow Grimoire" "The Book That Remembers"
Jan 31, 2025 7:50 pm
The tomes are large, only 1 will fit in your pack. You could likely carry 6 to 10 but then your arms wild be full. Smaller items can be placed in you pack or arranged about your person
Jan 31, 2025 8:55 pm
"All right!" she begins to gather some items. She puts the wizards hat, gloves and pendant in her bag. Looking at the ring and tiara, she decides to grab them to give to Karesohn for all his help.
[ +- ] Failed part of the plan
Last edited January 31, 2025 10:25 pm


Remembering to be quiet down the stairs - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Checking to see if they are safe to leave - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jan 31, 2025 9:37 pm
DM says:
Here are some basic post format guidelines

I will put DM questions/comments/instructions for characters in purple
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Use colors for additional emphasis, like on a characters name
OOC is for Player thoughts, comments, and story specific questions
As soon as you touch the wizard hat you feel a wave of magic wash over you the a burst of flame rushes up from the desk! the flames engulf the desk, everything on it, and lick at your arm. Roll a Save Test. Failure results in 1 damage As soon as the flames vanish you see almost everything on the desk has burnt up. All the books, papers, and scrolls are gone. all that remains are the glass orb, pendant, and ring, but even those are hot to the touch. The other trinkets are ash, warped and cracked, and obviously ruined by the magic trap.

Reconsidering your plan to clear the wizards library after the desk.
[ +- ] Save Tests
Recovered items
Cartographic Orb On its own volition, the item records a map of the environments that the bearer is exploring, and can magically project it for the bearer to see.
Pendant of the Fortune Teller Every time you are hit by a monster, you glimpse a random image of its future or past.
Ring of Shifting The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item.


magic item ST - (orb:2d6, hat:1d6, bead:2d6, glove:1d6, pendant:2d6)

orb:2d6 : (31) = 4

hat:1d6 : (1) = 1

bead:2d6 : (65) = 11

glove:1d6 : (2) = 2

pendant:2d6 : (46) = 10

magic item ST - (ring:2d6, tiara:2d6)

ring:2d6 : (52) = 7

tiara:2d6 : (31) = 4

Jan 31, 2025 11:44 pm
Azure snaps back to attention. Her daydreaming about grabbing everything and happily skipping back to town home, end in an instant. She pulls her hand away from the flames.

"Of course... Stupid stupid... Always check for traps.. It's basically Rule 1...." she says rubbing her hand.

She carefully gatheres up the still hot, surviving objects on the desk, and turns her attention to the shelves. She checks the shelves for any magic or traps and checks for anything else before heading down the stairs.
if she can, she would take tomes similar to the last ones she was going for, just to speed things up! And unless anything happens, she will continue down the stairs like she was going to before.
Last edited January 31, 2025 11:45 pm


Fire trap save - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Check for traps - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Quiet down the stairs! - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Feb 1, 2025 3:31 am
The books seem to have a similar spell woven over them. By your assume the spell over the desk and field over the shelves were both trigger spells tied to a stronger enchantment. Considering whether to risk the shelves or not you are startled to hear heavy footfalls coming closer another stairwell just off the room. Quickly gathering what you can you make your way back down to the first floor with Karesohn

Glancing up the stairs nervously he whispers We should leave and heads to the front door only to freeze in panic. I hear more outside, what shall we do? he whispers frantically.

Winged Monkey
As you feel a trickle of apprehension begin to fill you a slight noise behind you causes you to look back. There in the shadows of the stairs up you see a small creature with large eyes. A small paw reaches out and waves you over, gesturing repeatedly for you to come closer as it backs into the shadows, glancing up at the approaching regular and heavy footfalls.
Feb 3, 2025 4:56 am
Azure glances between Karesohn and the creature.

I would rather take my chances with the small one.

She quickly follows the creature, waving to Karesohn to follow.
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