The Night Market

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Feb 20, 2025 3:31 pm
Gertrude looks at the contract with trepidation. Here it is before her, everything that she has wanted. A chance to be a powerful witch, just like Yazeba. To be beyond pain and heartache. She could use magic to fix her problems, to change how she looks, to be loved and respected.

The cost was high, though. Would she miss her heart? Yazeba seems to be doing alright without one...

At length, the masked girl makes her decision. She signs the contract on the dotted line...
Feb 20, 2025 3:40 pm
"Then it is done!" Monday crows triumphantly. Gertrude feels a rush of power flow into her while simultaneously feels a growing numbness in her chest. A stack of books bound in midnight blue leather appears next to the young witch. Monday tucks the rolled up scroll and a shining jewel into an inner pocket of her jacket. "Pleasure doing business with you, young lady. Enjoy the new path you are walking. Monday indicates a shining path leading back to the B&B. Monday turns in the opposite direction and melts into the Market as a clock strikes 12.
Feb 20, 2025 3:47 pm
Gertrude feels a strange emptiness inside her chest. But at the same time, she feels lighter than she ever has before. She smiles behind her mask as she picks up the stack of books. "We’ll, I’ve got a lot of reading to do"

She rejoins the others and nods to Demi. "Miss Gorgone, have a good night! You too, Ptisilith. Come on, Moon Prince. Let’s go home." She starts down the path with a spring in her step.

And that is the story of how Monday bought Gertrude’s heart, setting the naive young girl on a path of sorrow...

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