The Night Market

Jan 28, 2025 3:13 pm
[ +- ] Unfamiliar Faces
Jan 28, 2025 3:29 pm
Gertrude looks around the wondrous market with her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. With all the dazzling wares on display and the buzz of magic all around, the humid air seems full of possibility. A question lingers on her mind:

"Who would I be, if I really could be anyone?"
Jan 28, 2025 3:49 pm
Monday takes a deep breath and let's it out with a very satisfied sigh. "Isn't it delicious?'' They purr. "Magic and dreams, savory and sweet, joy and desire and all with just a hint of getting the better of the deal." Monday smiles wide. "I don't know why I ever leave really. I must really enjoy you mortals, I suppose." They chuckle. Monday pauses to wave hello to a stall vendor juggling glass globes with four of their six arms who waves back with the other two. "Where to, my deary ducks? The night is young but not forever. What are you looking for?
Last edited January 28, 2025 3:49 pm
Jan 29, 2025 3:26 am
A little ways off from Gertrude and Monday’s exchange, Ichor lurks in the shadow cast by a tall, crooked stall. The flickering lantern-light glints on its slick, amorphous "skin" as it crouches low, silent and unmoving. Now and then, it forms just enough of a head and eyes to watch the crowds bustle past—a wary night-thing studying a world that feels too loud, too bright. When a boisterous vendor passes by juggling glass globes, Ichor hunches even lower, shrinking from the spectacle. Ichor makes no sound, offers no comment, and makes no moves beyond autonomous undulations. Instead, it observes; a quiet, unnerving presence in the peripheral gloom of the dreamy Night Market.
Jan 29, 2025 8:52 am
"What am I looking for?" Gertrude echoes Monday's question. She scratches at her arm. "Um, I don't know, exactly. Something to help me learn magic, I guess? I've started looking through some of the books in Yazeba's library, but I haven't made much progress yet." She steps up to the nearest stall and begins to browse its wares.
Somebody else can roll twice on the Stranger chart and create the stall's owner.
Jan 29, 2025 5:55 pm
The Moon Prince follows a little behind Monday and Gertrude, their leg aching slightly from following the fairy path through the wood. The Moon Prince looks in wonder at the bright and sundry creatures moving throughout the Night Market and the wonderous items for sale everywhere. The fresh and unknown beauty on display well up joy in the Prince's heart even though this also causes a brief dizzy spell for them.

It seems you can find almost anything here, but if you can find anything, the Moon Prince is forced to ask What is my heart's fondest desire?
Last edited January 29, 2025 5:56 pm
Jan 29, 2025 6:01 pm
The Ptisilith hovers along with the group. When it had heard about the trip to the Night Market, it practically begged to go along as this was a sightseeing experience of a lifetime. The variety of stone and moss displayed throughout the Night Market was astounding to the stone. And the stalls were filled with so many things magical and mundane. But what to get? This is the perfect place to get a souvenir for its vacation at the B&B.
Jan 29, 2025 9:54 pm
Rolling for the owner..!

The owner is Rosy Chex!
• She has a body composed of delicate, semi-translucent petals resembling a rose.
• And is wearing a plaid blazer, like a used car salesman.
Last edited January 29, 2025 9:58 pm


🥇 - (d20)

(11) = 11

🥈 - (d20)

(3) = 3

Jan 30, 2025 8:38 am
"Greetings to you, mortal wanderers," says the faerie woman, adjusting her plaid blazer. The petals on her face ripple and part to assume a shape resembling a person's smiling face. "You may call me Rosy Chex. I offer curios from the four courts sure to make your interest bloom. Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse!"

Taken by the floral lady's strange appearance, Gertrude belatedly notices the Moon Prince struggling to keep up. She offers them an arm to steady themselves. "Hey, you okay? I know that was a lot of walking. I guess the gravity here in the Night Market is the same as on Earth, then. Thanks for coming with me, by the way. I thought you wouldn't want to miss something cool like this! And... I just, I don't know, feel better when you're around. I guess." She clears her throat and looks back to the stall to hide her sudden embarrassment.
Bingo: Give a very genuinely sweet compliment. Take a token off my question for myself.
Jan 30, 2025 5:06 pm
Ichor coils itself a little tighter in the shadows as this new figure—Rosy Chex—greets the B&B guests with a warm yet unsettling smile. Her petal-formed face and checkered blazer serve a jarring contrast to Ichor's more pedestrian tastes.

As Gertrude offers the Moon Prince her arm, Ichor inches forward, still keeping a comfortable distance from the group. Its body shifts fluidly, a million spindly legs forming then disappearing to propel it forward. Like a rocket, it extends an eye shaft up and over to stare at the curios on display: glass bottles with glowing goo, bags woven from feathers and twilight, and self-coiling ropes in every color yet-to-be-imagined. Just as swiftly, it withdraws its eye shaft back into itself, as though the act of being caught interested might hurt it.

A wet, whispery breath escapes Ichor. Despite its usual aversion to, well, just about everything, the fairy's strange fragrance and charming hustle stirs a cautious curiosity. Ichor slides an inch or two closer still, but utters no words, preferring to keep to listen and watch...
Jan 31, 2025 8:23 pm
The Moon Prince takes Gertrude's arm with a flushed smile as they catch their breath. "Thanks, Gertrude. They do not have... forests?... like that on the Moon. And of course, the stronger gravity here wears me down quite fast. I wasn't sure what gravity would be like in this secret world, but it does seem Earth-like so far. And that path was tricky with all the obstacles. Phew." They think to themselves, If only I could fly about like a fairy, I wouldn't be such a burden on everyone else.

"But don't worry about me, I am thrilled you invited me on such a wonderous excursion! I will be fine." They smile again and their breathing settles down into a normal rhythm.

The Moon Prince looks at the curios on sale at the stall. They can guess at what a few things are since they appear similar to things found in the Moon court (spice shakers decorated like tiny figures, drink coasters with mesmerizing patterns). But anything involving the natural world on Earth is strange and beguiling to the Prince. Wrapped up in their excitement, the Moon Prince touches and picks up everything within reach, without regard for where things belong when they put things down, soon leaving the stall goods disorganized.
Whoopsie: Embarrass myself with my own enthusiasm.
Take a token from Gertrude's question and put it on the Witch's Bargain.
Last edited January 31, 2025 8:25 pm
Jan 31, 2025 8:30 pm
The Ptisilith hovers about in wonder at the curios from the four courts. I think I met that amethyst at a convention ages ago! it thinks to itself. The stone is so focused on the stall that it smashes right through several of Ichor's wet, inky tendrils without even noticing.
Bingo: Smash through something
Take a token from MPs question for the Ptisilith
Feb 1, 2025 5:10 am
Demi’s keels klak-klak along the dry surface (cleared of icky tendrils thanks to the floating rock).

"Good evening little darlings," says the star. "It’s been centuries since I’ve shopped here, but I just completed a film and wish to splurge!

"It’s good to see you Rosy—love the coat, by the way… oh!"
Demi Gorgone spots Gertrude. "I believe I had the fortune to costar with you once. How lovely to meet you here of all places! What brings you to the Fairy Market?"
Feb 1, 2025 6:33 pm
"Miss Gorgone! You're back!" Gertrude says in surprise. "I didn't know you knew how to get to the Night Market. Monday invited me here to find something to help me learn how to do magic, like Yazeba. I invited the Moon Prince along, and, uh, I guess some others followed us."

She looks over at the commotion the Ptisilith is causing as it crashes through things. Is that Ichor, too?
Feb 1, 2025 8:10 pm
Demi laughs lightly at Gertrude’s surprise. "My dear, when the gods turn their backs on an immortal such a myself, none are more open to us heathens than the fey!

"Most of them are sweethearts. Most are tricksters. A Venn diagram of this would be two circles ever-so-slightly misaligned."

If Gertude needs guidance, or protection from being taken advantage of, Demi Gorgone would lookout for the child. (She has done this favor for many a young starlet. There’s a reason why her garden has all those statues of men clothed in varying 20th-century Hollywood fashions.)
⭐️ Take someone under my wing (or at least she’s willing to).
I’ll take a token from Gertrude’s question.
Feb 2, 2025 5:46 pm
Rosy checks smiles at the growing assembly. Demi! Haven't seen you since that awful pirate movie. Imagine picking you for Tink over me." She huffs. Looking out over the crowd, Rosy catches sight of Monday and as their eyes locks, Rosy see the briefest looks of malice of their face.

Rosy stumbles back for a moment then brightens. "Oh, I know just the thing for you gentles." She rummages about beneath her stall and comes up with a wand. It is made of an ebony wood, topped with a cluster of amethyst and moonstone. "This wand was used in the training of Nimue by the great wizard Merlin. Useful of magics of the earth and the stars."
Did a Whoopsie Let my smile slip and show my true nature. Giving a token to Demi. Placing two tokens of Monday's onto the wand for sale.
Feb 3, 2025 8:42 am
Monday's tokens work differently in this chapter. She doesn't take any off of the question, only uses them to put up items up for sale. Then when the items are purchased, those tokens go to The Witch's Bargain so she can ask questions of Gertrude.
Gertrude looks at the wondrous wand. "Oh, sweet. I could probably use that in my own training." She looks to Monday. "And you said you're covering the costs tonight?" At the fairy's nod, Gertrude hesitantly takes the wand from the stall and cradles it in her hands. Rosy's petals ripple in satisfaction.
Buying the wand. The two tokens move to the Witch's Bargain.

[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 3, 2025 1:10 pm
"Look at how natural that looks in your hands." Monday coos. "Like it was always a part of you." Monday beams. "Of course you have to be careful with tokens of power while you are still untrained." They remark. "It will make channeling magic dangerously easy. Do you ever worry about losing control?" Monday asks.
Feb 3, 2025 1:16 pm
Gertrude frowns behind her mask as she considers the wand. "Losing control? I guess I've never really thought about it. I've never had much control over anything to begin with. But... I guess that's something I've got to keep in mind now. I don't want my magic to hurt anybody."

The teenage girl imagines herself as a powerful witch, arcane power crackling around her in an awesome aura. Could that be me one day?
Feb 3, 2025 3:42 pm
Ichor's spindly, undulating legs shuffle and shift it just beyond the circle of light cast by Rosy Chex’s stall. Damp tendrils strewn from the Ptisilith’s enthusiastic smash-through slowly rejoin the rest of Ichor’s amorphous mass, with a SCHURRRRLLLP! and a GROWLLLLOLLLIP! Ichor's mass begins to twist and bubble and with a slick coalescene it rises to grow into a pulsating, spherical mass with 1,000 rainbow-colored eyeballs.

Ichor looms. Ichor threatens. Ichor --

At the sound of Monday’s question—Do you ever worry about losing control?—Ichor’s inky body stills and shrinks back down to a shallow, oily puddle, surface rippling with a stuttering shimmer. Two bright pinpricks of light form atop the puddle, their attention clearly on the wand in Gertrude’s hands.

The bright lights contort into fully-formed human eyes. They are watchful, cold, waiting to see which way Gertrude’s heart will tilt under Monday’s subtle probing. After a few seconds, those eyes blink and dissolve. Ichor pools, quiet and alone on the unsettling periphery.
Whoopsie: Suddenly transform into something monstrous.
Take a token from G.'s ? and give it to the Ptisilith.
Feb 3, 2025 4:25 pm
I missed that the Moon Prince put a token on the Bargain so I am asking a second question.
"Indeed. Indeed." Monday agrees. "Magic has the ability to be transformative. It is in its nature to change things forever." As if glimpsing Gertrude's thoughts she asks, "Would you change yourself? Are you who you want to be?"
Feb 3, 2025 5:02 pm
Gertrude swallows audibly. Their question cuts right to the heart of the very thing Gertrude has been wondering herself. Am I who I want to be? Who would I be, if I could be anybody?

"Um, well, I don’t know," Gertrude stammers. She doesn’t feel ready to answer such a heavy question yet. "I think I’m still trying to figure that out."

To change the subject, she gently leads the Moon Prince over to another stall to see what they have for sale.
Somebody may roll 2d20 to create the stranger running this stall.
Feb 3, 2025 6:07 pm


Stall Owner - (2d20)

(24) = 6

Feb 4, 2025 1:27 pm
The proprietor of the small is a little, mousy man. As in, he has the head of a mouse and a furry body, with a long pink tail waving behind him. He winces and look around nervously, as if expecting something sinister to jump out and grab him at any moment.

"Psst! Hey, mortals. Come and look at this." He holds out a hand, in which he holds a little tree. Within moments, the green leaves begin to change colors to the bright red, golds, and browns of autumn. Then the leaves fall from the branches, one by one, leaving a bare, skeletal husk behind. The tree withers and dies, crumbling to dust.

"Neat, huh? The name's Whiskered Tim. If that sort of thing don't suit your fancy, I'm sure I've got something else that will! Look around, look around. But, just, uh, don't talk so loud, okay? Best to keep a low profile." He wiggles his pink nose, sniffing the air.
Feb 5, 2025 6:24 am
Moon Prince stands transfixed by the miniature tree and its spectacular transformation and inevitable dissolution.

"What a marvelous display of the cycle of life and death in the natural world!" they exclaim. "The moon has quite a bit of dust you know, so I have read all the family histories of the journey of dust on the moon. My grandfather always said everything turns to dust in the end." Moon Prince smiles wistfully.
Bingo: Share a bit of knowledge that people didn't know I know.
Feb 6, 2025 11:13 am
"Dust to dust," Whiskered Tim agrees. His eyes dart back and forth again. "You say you're from the Moon, eh? Think I got a few things that might appeal to a lunar lad, lady, or in-between."
@Verrain, presenting an opportunity for an item to go on sale that the Moon Prince might fancy.
Feb 6, 2025 3:12 pm
While Gertrude doesn’t seem to want the gorgon’s help, Demi can see Monday is more trickster than sweetheart. And… is it really my business? The gods cursed me, and I’m making it work to this day.

She turns to Whiskered Tim.

"Sorry to interrupt." (She isn’t.) "You were calling out to mortals. What about those who aren’t? Where might I find an outfit more comfortable than my own skin?" She half-twirls to show off her glittering gown, made from her own snakeskin. "You’ve heard of One-Size-Fits-All? I’m looking for a One-Fits-All-Size dress. It’s for a role. I’ve got to slim down for one part of the film, then for another part, I’ve got to be plus sized.

"It’s called Me Myself and My Plus One, a comedy that takes a serious look at body expectations and pokes fun at it, but in the end, there’s a heartwarming lesson. So the studio claims. The script is full of raunchy fratboy humor, which doesn’t fit anywhere in the blurb other than the word ‘pokes’ sans ‘fun.’ I’m only in it for the money.

"Speaking of, which kiosk..?"
⚡️ Demand luxuries that aren't available. Take a token from G’s Q. and give it to the Moon Prince as an ‘apology’ for the interruption.
Feb 6, 2025 3:41 pm
Sorry, @Legendary_Sidekick , I didn’t mean for Gertrude to ignore Demi’s offer. She probably would have agreed to it before quickly becoming distracted by the wonders of the market and kind of forgetting about her again.
Whisker Tim looks Demi’s curvy figure up and down. "Well, with a full body like that, I’m sure you’re not a spy for the Starving King," he murmurs. "Ah, try Sparkle Jess, over there? They might have what you’re looking for."

Sparkle Jess turns out to be a beautifully androgynous being wearing a swirling cloak made of iridescent beetle shells, lined with neon-purple chiffon. As Demi approaches, Sparkle Jess spins a pirouette and gives a whistle, conjuring a swirl of cotton-candy clouds which dissolve into a giddy laughter causing nearby folk to dance uncontrollably in gleeful abandon for a few moments.


Stranger - (2d20)

(1012) = 22

Feb 7, 2025 4:26 pm
"Sparkle Jess, darling… love the outfit." She assumes Jess can tell her own gown is snakeskin, and won’t point out the obvious to such an elite fashionista. "Perhaps you have what I need or the means to craft it…"

She gives Jess the gist version of what she told Tim.

"…or perhaps you’ve something else that suits my taste? I’m all eyes, isn’t that right, ladies?"

Her snakes hiss in delightful affirmation!
Feb 8, 2025 12:57 pm
Whiskered Tim watches Demi wander with a shake of the head and then turns his attention back to those before him. "Now, something for the lunatic." He chuckles. "No offense meant I'm sure."

He comes up with a pair of tapestries. It is hard to tell if they actually move or if you just see different images as your eyes dart around it. One shows the Moon and the other shows the Earth; each goes through its phases as seen from the other.

Meanwhile Sparkle Jess listens to Demi with smile. "Oh that's too easy, luvvy. Come to me with a challenge next time." Jess reaches behind a pile of hats and brings out a large earthenware jar. She takes the lid off and shows the swirling iridescent liquid inside. "Ever seen a lady with a dress that looked painted on? Well with this you literally can. Just dab on the outfit at any size you may be." She dips a hand in and pulls it out clad in a skin tight glove glittering like gemstones. "Responds to your thoughts it does until it dries so keep a clear head."
Placing one coin of the Earth tapestry, one on the Moon tapestry, and one on the Dress Up Paint.
Feb 8, 2025 3:02 pm
Demi Gorgone is definitely interested. And this is not the immortal’s first time at the Fairy Market.

"I love it. Enough that I’ll purchase it for the right price. What is the cost, and… how many applications might I get out of one jar?"

She knows the game. The fey can see right through feigned unenthusiasm. Haggling comes in the form of an informed counteroffer. Never be desperate to buy, for the fey are not desperate to sell…
Feb 11, 2025 5:21 am
The Moon Prince stares in wonder at the tapestry of the moon. "How amazing! I am not used to seeing the moon shift through its phases from so far away! I think I can even see the Moon Palace over there." A sad look passes over their face and they look down. "I try to avoid looking at the Moon since I came to Earth. Silly I know, but I don't want to doubt my decision to leave."
Bingo: Question or examine something Earthlings take for granted
Feb 11, 2025 11:44 am
Gertrude puts a comforting hand on the Moon Prince's shoulder. "I don't think it's silly, MP. Sometimes, I think it about if I made the right choice leaving home, too. Despite all the bad stuff that happened there, there was a bit of good, too. Why don't you get the moon tapestry, and I'll get the Earth one, and we can both put them up in our rooms so we have a matching set? It'll be like... a friendship locket, with two halves that come together to make a whole."
Gertrude will buy the Earth tapestry. @Verrain has a token to ask a question of Gertrude now.

[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 11, 2025 12:01 pm
Sparkle Jess looks a little surprised at Demi's attempt to haggle. "Didn't you know luv? Monday's footing the bill for your little outing. Enjoy the paint." She urges pushing the pot forward. "If you run out, then come back and we can talk business like proper fishwives. Jess cackles.

Whiskered Tim rolls up the tapestry and ties it shut with a green ribbon. "Try and keep it out of the sun. It is weaving of the night, you see."

Monday flits over. "That is such a lovely sentiment Gertrude. It gives one perspective to get the long view of things. What do you think people see when they look at you?"
Feb 11, 2025 12:31 pm
Gertrude looks over at Monday. "Oh? Um, I don't know... A girl in a mask. Maybe. Just a plain, kind of... Bigger..." She shifts uncomfortably as her old insecurities start to flare up. "Sorry. I hope they see me better than I see myself, sometimes." She pulls her hoodie closer around her.
Whoopsie: Assume the worst of what's going on. Take token from question and give it to the Ptisilith.
Feb 11, 2025 5:44 pm
Demi Gorgone is highly suspicious of Monday footing the bill.

"Then if you have no set price, you’ll not object to me paying you. Snakeskin, venom, a statue of my third ex-husband? If none of those suit your fancy, at the very least an autograph, or something immaterial: my heartfelt gratitude."

She peers over her star-shaped shades just enough to reveal her brow. It’s as close to a look in the eye a gorgon can safely exchange—a look that ensures Sparkle Jess she knows the rules. Accepting Monday’s favor puts her in their debt.

"A gal cursed by the gods can never be too careful."
⭐️ Stop a problem in its tracks with a glance.
Feb 12, 2025 5:35 am
The Moon Prince turns to Gertrude with a smile on their face. "I love that, Gertrude! I will cherish this tapestry and our friendship. To friends who head into the unknown away from home to find a home of their own making." The Prince carefully takes the tapestry nodding at Tim's advice. "Thank you, Whiskered."
MP will take the moon tapestry @Verrain
After watching Demi's exchange with Monday, the Moon Prince says to Demi, "That was amazing! I felt like I was watching your performance in Twelve Angry Serpents again! You really are amazing. Did I say that? Oh well, I just really mean it. I have always loved your movies and followed your personal life in the tabloids. I wanted to buy a pair of sunglasses just like you wore to your third wedding, but I couldn't get them with prescription lenses. I still bought them but just kept running into things and had to stop wearing them."
Whoopsie: Try way too hard to make someone else like me
Taking the token from Gertrude's question and giving it to Gertrude
Feb 12, 2025 5:44 am
The Ptisilith hovers about the stalls, humming monotonously. As the deals are done and conversations are had, the large stone inches closer and closer to Whiskered Tim, hoping for another display of magic.
Whoopsie: Hover ominously close to someone
Take a token from Gs question and give it to Demi
Feb 12, 2025 11:31 am
Demi is never one to ignore a fan.

"You’re from the Moon, aren’t you? I hear the gravity is much lower… I had a bit part in Amazon Women on the Moon, but it was filmed in a California desert, near the statue of the original director.

"But never mind my fourth husband."
After a pause—"’s statue."—she smiles at the Prince. "What’s the Moon like? What with you being a Prince, is there a… Moon Princess? People you wave at from the palace balcony? A cinema… or a stage?"
(This sounds like a…)

⭐️ Shine my spotlight on someone else.

(I’m getting a lot of tokens, but… they’re for a good cause?)
Feb 12, 2025 11:47 am
Remember, we'll want to put a lot of those tokens on the Night Market's Question to get a Memento for this chapter. At least 7 gets us a Square Memento while 13 or more nets us a rarer Circle Memento!
[ +- ] Chapter Status
Feb 12, 2025 2:53 pm
As Demi fixes Jess with gaze, Jess's eyes sparkle and for just a moment they are mirror bright. "Sorry dearie. You came on Monday's invitation so you are already bound by her rules. You buy on her tab or you don't buy. Now if we aren't doing business, I have others to tend too.

Monday flits around Gertrude and the Moon Prince as Whiskered Tom wraps up the tapestry with a silver ribbon. They settle by Gertrude as Demi and the Prince fall into conversation. "It does my heart good to see you making connections like that. Has anyone ever told you that you guard your heart too closely?"
Pretty sure I only have one question pending. I asked the one triggered by Gertrude's coin and Demi hasn't brought yet.
Feb 12, 2025 4:23 pm
Demi takes a step back, raising her shades.

"I’m bound enough," she says to Jess, and that is all she says to indicate there will be no sale. Whatever Monday has in mind is not her problem, and she’s not about to incur a debt that makes it her problem.
WHOOPSIE - ⚡️ Lounge and let the little people worry about...whatever's going on.

I’ll give the token to Monday to symbolize the gorgon’s silent admission: she knows which immortal truly holds the power here.
Feb 12, 2025 4:55 pm
Correct, there was only one question pending before but now there is another.
Gertrude looks at Monday. "Nobody has said this exact words, I don’t think. But I do try to keep my feelings to myself, if that’s what you mean. I’ve been hurt before. A lot. I... don’t really want to give anybody the chance to do that to me again."
Feb 12, 2025 6:55 pm
Monday makes supportive tutting sounds. "That is hard. To try and rebuild when the walls around your heart have been breached." Monday nods in sympathy. "But we all must still try. After all, what are you so scared of?"
The token Demi gave me goes immediately to the Witches Question.
Feb 12, 2025 7:17 pm
"I’m scared of being hurt," Gertrude says, "of being looked down on. Of not being able to be myself without judgment. Of losing my friends and family. Again." The masked teenager looks down at her shoes.
Feb 14, 2025 8:57 am
Whiskered Tim lets out a little squeak of fear and cowers as the Ptisilith looms over him. "Ah! What are you? Did the Starving King send you?!?"

Gertrude notices the scene and quickly makes her way over there. "It didn't mean to startle you. The Ptisilith is just a litte... socially challenged," she says apologetically. She turns to the hovering stone. "Are you looking for something to buy? Do you want me to help you find it?"

She heads to another stall, hoping the Ptistilith will follow and allow her to help it pick out an appropriate keepsake.
Bingo: Make myself useful.

@Redcroc, in addition to the Ptislith, Demi asked the Moon Prince some questions they can reply to. :)
Feb 14, 2025 8:20 pm
Thrilled to be talking to such a glamourous starlet, the Moon Prince stammers out a reply to Demi, "Yes I am from the moon. Originally. It is very... uhm.... barren in most places. But beautiful in a sparse way. There are wonderous things there, but they tend to be underground, like the cheese mines, or on the dark side, like the pink shadow pools. But mother said that was all too dangerous for the next ruler of the moon to be playing about in." The Moon Queen's scolding voice and overprotective tone flash into the Moon Prince's mind and they feel their vision begin to swim as their chest tightens. But they continue on, trying to will it away.

"There is a Moon King and Queen of course. Father would address his subjects every Moonsday and on special occasions from the main balcony, but Mother kept me away from high places since they were dangerous. And...Moon...Princesses...urk" the Moon Prince feels their mind float away as they stumble and reach out to steady themselves against Whiskered Tim's stall. "I'm...sorry. I don't know...what came over me. I just need to rest for a moment." They clutch their temples and squeeze their eyes shut, leaning hard against the support arm of the stall.
Whoopsie: Mess up something I thought I could handle.

Sorry for the delay, having a busy week. :\
Feb 14, 2025 8:37 pm
The Ptisilith lets itself be directed toward another stall by Gertrude. It pulses with beige light, swirled with milky grey. The last stall didn't have much for me, but maybe the next will. But I just can't decide. Maybe some help would be nice. It emits a low hum.
Bingo: Respond to events as if self-aware
Feb 14, 2025 8:43 pm
The woman behind the latest stall defies mortal logic. She is vast and beautiful, like the ocean or the sky, but beneath her waist, she’s all legs… one hundred twenty-nine legs! But only two left feet. And on each foot is a silver slipper.

"I am the Baronette," she intones in an all-encompassing voice. "And you are the Ptisilith. I think I may have exactly what you are looking for..." Her slippers are legion, a chorus of whispering shuffles as she walks over to procure a special object for the obelisk.
[ +- ] Chapter Status


Unfamiliar Faces - (2d20)

(151) = 16

Feb 14, 2025 8:52 pm
As she stands beside the Ptisilith, Monday’s earlier question bounces around in Gertrude’s head. It’s fhe question she’s been asking herself for a while now, and she finally gives voice to it.

"Who would I be, if I really could be anyone?" she ponders.
Everyone goes around answering the question. Gertrude answers last.
Feb 14, 2025 9:48 pm
"The Star in your life story, my dear."

Demi delivers that one-liner with such graceful sincerity, her ‘inner director’ calls cut.
Feb 17, 2025 11:15 am
@Verrain,@Redcroc may both answer the question. After that, we can all put some tokens on the Night Market's question before we answer it. 7-11 gets us a Square Memento while 13+ tokens gets us a Circle Memento. Following that, Monday can make their offer to buy Gertrude's heart. Of course, Monday may still create an item for the Ptisilith to buy and if it does so, they may ask Gertrude another question from their list before making their offer.
Feb 17, 2025 10:41 pm
After resting a moment, the Moon Prince considers the question. "Someone strong and decisive. Someone not weighed down by the past."
Feb 18, 2025 11:39 am
"I am already who I want to be." Monday slowly flits around Gertrude and the surrounding company. "That's why I spend all my time trying to help others become who they want to be."
Feb 18, 2025 7:40 pm
"I would be somebody who was strong, and confident, and comfortable in my own skin," Gertrude says quietly. "Somebody whose outer appearance matched how they saw themself on the inside."

All around the Night Market, the various fey merchants seem to lean closer to the gathered group. A question seems to whisper on the wind, prompting the mortals to answer:

"What is my heart's desire?"
Everybody but Monday should answer the Big Question. Monday can put her 7 tokens on it, and Gertrude will put her 3 tokens on it as well. 3 more tokens will net us the Circle Memento.
Feb 18, 2025 11:48 pm
I’ll spend the 3 to get the momento.
Demi says aloud to the whisper. "My heart’s desire? Ha! I have it, and if I desire more, I will have it when it pleases me to."

Inevitably, the fey hear the unspoken truth:
The Big Question says:
"What is my heart's desire?"
Feb 19, 2025 4:25 pm
The Moon Prince hears the whisper of the wind through the Night Market and thinks To belong somewhere that I can be myself without hesitation.
I can throw some tokens in if there is any benefit to that. Or if Demi can use them for advancements.
Feb 19, 2025 4:47 pm
To be loved for who I am, without having to compromise, Getrude answers to herself.
Feb 20, 2025 3:08 pm
Monday flits over in front of Gertrude. "My dear, I am so pleased that you have enjoyed your time here. You are a truly sweet person who deserves to grow without boundaries and without cares." Monday frowns slightly. "I've seen glimpses of your heart, dearest. You feel so deeply and I can see the pain that brings you. All your struggles and fears holding you back." Monday sighs. "So, I have one final deal for you. I will speed you along your path of magical power: ancient grimoires, maps to places of power, a few favors called in for tutoring and guidance. Everything you need to become the witch that you want to be, that you deserve to be. In return, I will take that pain away removw all of the doubts and fears that hold you back. Grant me your heart and you shall receive all that its desired.

Monday unrolls a scroll and places it and a quill in Gertrude's hands.
Feb 20, 2025 3:31 pm
Gertrude looks at the contract with trepidation. Here it is before her, everything that she has wanted. A chance to be a powerful witch, just like Yazeba. To be beyond pain and heartache. She could use magic to fix her problems, to change how she looks, to be loved and respected.

The cost was high, though. Would she miss her heart? Yazeba seems to be doing alright without one...

At length, the masked girl makes her decision. She signs the contract on the dotted line...
Feb 20, 2025 3:40 pm
"Then it is done!" Monday crows triumphantly. Gertrude feels a rush of power flow into her while simultaneously feels a growing numbness in her chest. A stack of books bound in midnight blue leather appears next to the young witch. Monday tucks the rolled up scroll and a shining jewel into an inner pocket of her jacket. "Pleasure doing business with you, young lady. Enjoy the new path you are walking. Monday indicates a shining path leading back to the B&B. Monday turns in the opposite direction and melts into the Market as a clock strikes 12.
Feb 20, 2025 3:47 pm
Gertrude feels a strange emptiness inside her chest. But at the same time, she feels lighter than she ever has before. She smiles behind her mask as she picks up the stack of books. "We’ll, I’ve got a lot of reading to do"

She rejoins the others and nods to Demi. "Miss Gorgone, have a good night! You too, Ptisilith. Come on, Moon Prince. Let’s go home." She starts down the path with a spring in her step.

And that is the story of how Monday bought Gertrude’s heart, setting the naive young girl on a path of sorrow...

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