Jan 31, 2025 9:34 pm
Character Resurrection February
Like many others, I have eagerly followed the awesome work by KCC and ThatTaoGuy in the Char Gen January thread.
January is over (in some time zones, anyway), but I want to see more cool characters! It wouldn't really be fair to ask those two to come up with 28 new characters for us for February. But there are already so many cool characters on this site, so ...
Please share one of your own existing characters in this thread!
It can be someone you played years ago, someone that never got a chance because the game died on page one, or someone that's still going strong.
Here are some suggestions for things you could include:
Picture: Worth a thousand words
Name: Most people have one
System: What rules do I need to read to understand this?
Game: What game did they participate in?
Concept: One sentence description
Background: Where did they come from?
Personality: Most people have one
Appearance: It may take a thousand words
Stats/link to sheet: So crunchy ...
What happened to them? Did they save the day? Kill the princess and marry the dragon? TPK on page one?
Quote/scene: A cool quote or a snip of conversation from actual play
Why this one? Why are you sharing this particular character
... but you decide how to best present your character, naturally.
Here is my own:

Name: Ragnhild Gudrunsdottir
System: SWAdE: Sagas and Six-guns
Game: My first game on GP. A one-shot that a kind person ran when the original GM left.
Concept: Exiled Valkyrie content with a simple life, but bound by honour to seek a way to return to Asgaard.
Background: Ragnhild was badly wounded in the battle that stranded the sigruni in Midgaard. She was separated from her sisters and ended up on the doorstep of the homesteader Eirik who nursed her back to life. It took her months to recover from her injuries and even longer before the first traces of her power returned. Lost in a world she did not understand and confused by her sudden mortality, Ragnhild stayed with Eirik for a year.
To her surprise (and horror) she found that she enjoyed the simple life of a farmer and the company of Eirik. Fearing that she would be tempted to continue a safe and pleasant life without glory, she left abruptly to search for her battle sisters and a way back to Asgaard.
Her search was unsuccessful and she ended up working as a cattle driver. A few months later, she returned to Eiriks homestead for a short visit before continuing her quest. Her spirits lifted as she approached, but when she reached the homestead, she found nothing but a burned-out ruin, dead livestock, and weed-infested fields. She has no idea who the raiders were, but she is looking for answers and revenge. She owes at least that much to Eirik.
Personality: Lately, Ragnhild has been having visions of her own doom and she no longer believes that she will live to see the sigruni return to Valhalla. All she can hope for is that her end will be glorious enough to earn her a place at the table of the gods. However, a secret sacrilegious doubt is gnawing at her: Will the vile magic that bound her to this world prevent her from returning to Valhalla even in death?
Ragnhild is ill-adjusted to life in Westgard and technology confuses her. She is socially akward and her speech is old fashioned. Her behaviour is most often quite unladylike. She mistrusts guns as they make it too easy to kill without honour, but she respects honourable gun fighters.
Ragnhild is sworn to help her sisters, especially to return to Valhalla, and will pursue any lead that may result in returning to Asgard.
Appearance: She is tall and athletic. Her long dark blonde hair is braided (naturally).
Stats/link to sheet: Ragnhild Gudrunsdottir
Why this one? This was my first character on GP ... and with SWAdE.
Like many others, I have eagerly followed the awesome work by KCC and ThatTaoGuy in the Char Gen January thread.
January is over (in some time zones, anyway), but I want to see more cool characters! It wouldn't really be fair to ask those two to come up with 28 new characters for us for February. But there are already so many cool characters on this site, so ...
Please share one of your own existing characters in this thread!
It can be someone you played years ago, someone that never got a chance because the game died on page one, or someone that's still going strong.
Here are some suggestions for things you could include:
Picture: Worth a thousand words
Name: Most people have one
System: What rules do I need to read to understand this?
Game: What game did they participate in?
Concept: One sentence description
Background: Where did they come from?
Personality: Most people have one
Appearance: It may take a thousand words
Stats/link to sheet: So crunchy ...
What happened to them? Did they save the day? Kill the princess and marry the dragon? TPK on page one?
Quote/scene: A cool quote or a snip of conversation from actual play
Why this one? Why are you sharing this particular character
... but you decide how to best present your character, naturally.
Here is my own:

Name: Ragnhild Gudrunsdottir
System: SWAdE: Sagas and Six-guns
Game: My first game on GP. A one-shot that a kind person ran when the original GM left.
Concept: Exiled Valkyrie content with a simple life, but bound by honour to seek a way to return to Asgaard.
Background: Ragnhild was badly wounded in the battle that stranded the sigruni in Midgaard. She was separated from her sisters and ended up on the doorstep of the homesteader Eirik who nursed her back to life. It took her months to recover from her injuries and even longer before the first traces of her power returned. Lost in a world she did not understand and confused by her sudden mortality, Ragnhild stayed with Eirik for a year.
To her surprise (and horror) she found that she enjoyed the simple life of a farmer and the company of Eirik. Fearing that she would be tempted to continue a safe and pleasant life without glory, she left abruptly to search for her battle sisters and a way back to Asgaard.
Her search was unsuccessful and she ended up working as a cattle driver. A few months later, she returned to Eiriks homestead for a short visit before continuing her quest. Her spirits lifted as she approached, but when she reached the homestead, she found nothing but a burned-out ruin, dead livestock, and weed-infested fields. She has no idea who the raiders were, but she is looking for answers and revenge. She owes at least that much to Eirik.
Personality: Lately, Ragnhild has been having visions of her own doom and she no longer believes that she will live to see the sigruni return to Valhalla. All she can hope for is that her end will be glorious enough to earn her a place at the table of the gods. However, a secret sacrilegious doubt is gnawing at her: Will the vile magic that bound her to this world prevent her from returning to Valhalla even in death?
Ragnhild is ill-adjusted to life in Westgard and technology confuses her. She is socially akward and her speech is old fashioned. Her behaviour is most often quite unladylike. She mistrusts guns as they make it too easy to kill without honour, but she respects honourable gun fighters.
Ragnhild is sworn to help her sisters, especially to return to Valhalla, and will pursue any lead that may result in returning to Asgard.
Appearance: She is tall and athletic. Her long dark blonde hair is braided (naturally).
Stats/link to sheet: Ragnhild Gudrunsdottir
Why this one? This was my first character on GP ... and with SWAdE.
Last edited January 31, 2025 9:55 pm