Feb 4, 2025 2:26 am
All kinds of great ideas here, love the discussion.
I'm normally more active than I have been the last few months in terms of promoting this part of the hobby -- a web article or two, a couple of podcasts, a YouTube video, a game last year where I brought about a dozen people to the site from a different Discord for a Knave game that had three active groups...
Work and life have been rough (busy) lately, and I also decided to focus on fewer, higher quality games. That means I put less on offer, join fewer games to help newer players learn the ropes, etc. Time to change that a bit.
I too have often mused about a drop-in / out West Marches style PbP game, and how I could manage a larger group of players than normal. Hm. Going to give this some more thought...
I'm normally more active than I have been the last few months in terms of promoting this part of the hobby -- a web article or two, a couple of podcasts, a YouTube video, a game last year where I brought about a dozen people to the site from a different Discord for a Knave game that had three active groups...
Work and life have been rough (busy) lately, and I also decided to focus on fewer, higher quality games. That means I put less on offer, join fewer games to help newer players learn the ropes, etc. Time to change that a bit.
I too have often mused about a drop-in / out West Marches style PbP game, and how I could manage a larger group of players than normal. Hm. Going to give this some more thought...