WanderOne / Cords

Feb 4, 2025 6:07 pm
@WanderOne welcome to the game. I am working with the GM running this game to get you into one of the two group stories
Feb 4, 2025 7:00 pm
Right now we're kinda between the stories, so your timing is perfect!

You'll get to meet the Lady of the Manor, and the other player characters. And even a few NPCs, just for fun!
Feb 4, 2025 8:17 pm
Sounds cool.
Feb 4, 2025 11:49 pm
You can dive right in, starting HERE.

I am not sure how Psybermagi teleported you here, but I am going to assume it is via the Matrix Node, which is a teleportation system. So, ...
The next thing Cord knows is that he is standing on a dias that consists of black and white squares, but it is not in a traditional alternating grid, but rather in an unusual pattern. As you stand there trying to figure out where you are, a faerie appears and says, "We weren't expecting another one, but since you are here, follow me."

You stand there for a moment without moving, not sure whether it was wise to trust a far. She says, "If you are in a bad spot, it isn't getting any worse by coming with me. Let's go." Not seeing many other options, you follow the fae. She leads you up some stairs and through a few corridors. You were apparently in the basement of a large building, and now that you are on the main floor, you can see that it is a very nice building. She finally leads you into a large dining hall. There are many people present, with a wide assortment of species. At the head of the table is a half-elvish lady who is obviously leading the session. Despite obviously not expecting you, and you recognizing anyone who is there, there is still a seat for you at the table.
Make any in-character response in the other thread. Ask any OOC questions here. I am just dropping you in unprepared, so questions are quite reasonable. However, your character isn't expected to know what is going on, so you should be good to go!

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