Valley of Timberhollow

Feb 5, 2025 3:03 am

@htech,@Drgwen,@Dastuun Your story starts here
@Octavian John will be joining the story in a bit.
The walls of the settlement can be seen in the valley below from your vantage on the road coming down the surrounding hills. The sun is setting on the western horizon and a gentle breeze brings welcome relief from the heat of the day. More worrying is the hint of water ait carries and the storm clouds moving in from the north. Looking down the road you estimate it might take half an hour to reach the shelter of the settlement and if you are lucky just beat the storm bearing down on you

Alden, Des, and Cas are traveling together on a commission Alden is tasked to fulfill somewhere in the area. Des and Cass were found as Alden traveled enroute to this are from his homeland deeper in the more civilized lands of the Nations. Having left the major caravan routes behind you have been traveling a couple of days but are only vaguely familiar with each other. being strangers before that time.
Feb 5, 2025 3:15 am
You have been traveling through the grassy hills of the area for several days now and are a bit surprised at the lush greenery of this valley. Though the region has some woods they tend to be small clumps or thin ribbons that border the occasional stream or runn off streambeds. This valley has a thick tree treeline that begins just below the surrounding hilltops and fills most of the valley. Sections have been carved out near the settlement and there is a small lake a short ways from the settlement walls.

The road you started on upon leaving the caravan has dwindled to a small cart track and disappears quickly into the thick overgrowth of the valley, only to appear in the cleared lands near the settlement . As you descend into the valley the trail runs along a stream and you begin to see stonework scattered around the valley floor. All of it is old and heavily overgrown with little more than a couple blocks in most places while other sections have standing walls though you see no complete structures. The wind is beginning to pick up and Alden begins to feel the ambient magic become turbulent. The approaching storm is most likely a Border Storm and you pick up your pace, even more determined to reach the settlement before the storm arrives.
[ +- ] Border Storms,c-at_max
Feb 5, 2025 4:32 am
[ +- ] Alden Thornbrook Backstory
If the other players can introduce their characters a bit at the beginning of this story it may help get the group and story flowing. You can post in past/present tense to intro your character and act in the moment. I will move the story along after all 3 have posted. After that I will respond as players post.
Feb 5, 2025 5:52 am
Cass walks along the path smiling at the lush countryside surrounding them. She always delights to see plant life thriving; she feels a kinship for them for obvious reasons. Cass is a Florian, after all, a plant person. She resembles a humanoid tree or bush, with skin that resembles light brown bark and small green leaves covering her torso and the top of her head, like clothes and hair. She carries a wooden staff and wears a backpack, which contains a few items for survival, as well as a few totems for her shamanic magic. When she uses them, she can speak to spirits and call on them to do her bidding, though at the moment they are stowed away. Cass pauses at one point, squatting down to examine some wildflowers growing next to the path. She speaks first to her traveling companions about the plant, and then wishes the plant a good day.
What do we have here? Oh, lovely! This is an aster; notice the delicate purple petals? Have a good day, my lovely!
Feb 5, 2025 9:40 am
John narrows his eyes at the storm to the north, dark eyebrows furrowing over his brown eyes. He runs his hand over his very short hair and puts his metal helm back on his head.

"Well that can’t be good."

John stands about average height for a human, clad in chainmail and half plate armor. Shouldering his heavy pack, full of camping gear and tools, and placing a hand on the hilt of his sword he begins his trek back. Showing his youth and strength by starting a quick march, laden as he is. John even starts a merry tune by whistling as he makes his way back towards the stream that he followed here.
John stops as he spots a track through the woods, one that goes in the direction of town.

"Lucky me."

John says aloud as he continues his jaunty whistle and starts making his way through the woods towards the track. Armor jingling as he steps over roots and pushes past bushes, slowing slightly as he spots three figures also moving towards town. John curiously looks at the woman that seems to be made of plants, amazed at the sight.
Feb 5, 2025 4:40 pm
Alden pulls his cloak tighter around his shoulders as the wind picks up, carrying with it the unmistakable charge of magic in the air. His dark eyes flick toward the storm in the north, watching the swirling clouds with growing unease. He suspects it has not just the natural fury of an oncoming tempest, but the raw, shifting energy that marks a true Border Storm. The magic in the air is erratic, like the currents of a river suddenly thrown into chaos, and that is never a good sign.

He glances at his companions. Cass is still admiring the wildflowers, speaking to them in that gentle, reverent way of hers, while Des walks ahead. Alden clenches his jaw. They need to move faster. If this storm is what he fears, the settlement’s walls may not be enough. A Border Storm changes things—it reshapes land, warps creatures, pulls things from one world into another. And if this one is strong enough, not even the strongest stone might keep them safe.

That’s when he sees movement ahead—a figure stepping onto the track from the woods. Alden instinctively tenses, one hand hovering near his weapon. But as the man draws closer, Alden relaxes slightly. A traveler, a warrior by the look of him, clad in chainmail and half-plate. He whistles as he walks, his sword at his hip and his pack heavy with supplies. He doesn’t seem hostile—if anything, he seems relieved to have found the road.

Still, there’s no time for pleasantries. Alden steps forward, raising a hand in greeting.

"Greetings traveler! You’re heading for the settlement, right?" he calls out, his voice urgent. "You should pick up the pace. That storm isn’t just wind and rain—it’s something worse. We need to find real shelter, underground if possible, before it hits."

His gaze flicks back toward the darkening sky, feeling the magic churn. He doesn’t know what might come with this storm, but he knows one thing for certain: they don’t want to be caught in it.
Feb 5, 2025 4:51 pm
Sensing the urgency in Alden's voice, and looking up at the coming storm, Cass stands and looks to the others.
"Yes, let's make haste." She looks down the path to examine this person who has stepped into view.
Feb 6, 2025 1:06 am
John stops on the track ahead of the trio as he hears the greetings. Realizing that he is an armored and armed stranger walking out of the woods in front of them, John quickly takes his hand off the hilt of his sword. He smiles and raises a hand in a similar greeting to the other man.

"Greetings! I was out for a stroll when I noticed that storm and started heading back." John calls out. His smile diminishing as he hears the man’s hinting of the storms severity and urgency in his tone. What could he mean by the storm being worse? It had looked quite normal to him, but as he looks back towards the storm a shiver runs up his spine. Something in the back of his head giving a silent warning.

Looking back towards the trio he does a slight bow of his head. "Well I know the way and a nice place to stay." He says looking at them. "If this storm is as bad as you say I could accompany you to the town. At the very least should anything happen, I’ll be able to help." He finishes speaking and smiles again, waiting for some response.
Feb 6, 2025 1:41 am
Cass waves at John as he speaks. "Oh hello! Yes, let's get to shelter!"
Feb 6, 2025 3:22 am
John raises his hand again, to return a wave to Cass. Then waits for the them to get closer before putting a hand out for a handshake. "John, John Smithson. A pleasure to meet you."
Feb 6, 2025 3:33 am
"My full name is Cinnamomum Cassia. But please, call me Cass. These are my traveling companions!" She gestures to the others.
Feb 6, 2025 3:49 am
Des watches the interactions, nods, pulls his dark hood over his head, and looks into the distance at the coming storm.

Des is very aware his appearance is .. strange to some, so he lingers on the edge of the group, always eyeing the horizon.

Des looks like a tall raven. He carries a bow, wears a dark cloak, often pulled around him, and has a small token around his neck. His pack and supplies are second-hand, and patched. He looks nervously about in a large crowds, and the group will find him wandering off, but always in sight. He has a good eye, and is always looking for trouble. It's hard to get much else out of his hard visage.
Last edited February 6, 2025 3:54 am
Feb 6, 2025 4:21 am
John smiles when he hears the length of Cass’s name, wondering if he heard her right.
"I don’t know if I’ll be able to repeat that first part." John thinks as he nods his head towards Cass. John has to stop himself from asking a multitude of questions. He had never seen anyone like Cass before. It was like she walked out of one of the fairy tales told to him by his mother.

Looking to the others his eyes go wide in wonder as he sees Des or at least the beak of Des behind their hood. Seeing them keep their distance John nods at Des, curiosity growing even more.

After nodding to Alden, John turns back to Cass. "An interesting group! I’d love to talk more but maybe as we walk?" John says noticing Des’s focus on the storm and remembering Alden’s words of warning.
Feb 6, 2025 5:26 am
You move quickly along the trail that runs fairly straight toward the center of the valley where the walled town lays. The dirt track is soon engulfed by the thick foliage of the valleys forrest. The tree branches to whip about, causing the faint light of sunset cast flickering shadows everywhere as the winds of the leading edge of the storm sweeps over the valley. The four of you are nearly jogging and the sound of your pounding feet, heavy breathing, and John's clanging armor is such that you barely have a moments notice as the sound of rain arrives mere moments before the deluge of the storm. The forest blocks much of the rain but that ends as you break free of its cover to sprint for the town walls as the storm chases your. Ahead you see several figures on the wall, huddled under a canopy atop the gatehouse, watch you but it is not until you are close enough to call out over the rain that they challenge you as you.

Edrik Vale
Halt and identify yourself
John thinks he recognized the man as Edrik, the local watch commander. You have little choice but to halt as the gates are currently shut tight and though you are all drenched it is what is behind you that has you concerned. Behind the leading edge of the storm, that is full of wind and rain, you see a sky full of clouds that dance with lightning and look to have flames within them. Golden drops descend form those clouds causing the entire landscape beneath them to begin to glow as if on fire.

Feb 6, 2025 7:46 pm
Des moves closer to the group, eyeing the stranger warily. His head flicks from one party member to the next, then back to the stranger. He noted the flash of recognition in John's face, and he visibly relaxes a bit.
Feb 6, 2025 10:41 pm
Edrik says:
Halt and identify yourself
"Greetings! I am Alden Thornbrook, southern scholar. I was traveling on a commission along with them when we saw the storm approaching. If you would be so kind as to open the gates before it hit us, I would be most grateful. We have no intention of causing you any harm."
Last edited February 6, 2025 10:42 pm
Feb 6, 2025 11:18 pm
John blinks away water as he looks back at the storm, mesmerized by the lightning and golden light. He’s brought to as he hears Alden and Erik speak. Looking up at the watchmen he yells.
"And I am John Smithson! I arrived a day ago, and stayed at the Hallow Hearth!"
He then points to the storm,"Let us in that we might seek shelter and help warn the town! This storm is strange and it would be wise to fear it"!
John had seen strange magics and some feeling made him wary of this storm, if the strange golden rain didn’t already do so. His companions words and demeanor cementing his feelings.
Last edited February 6, 2025 11:19 pm
Feb 6, 2025 11:25 pm
Cass waves and smiles at the guards and adds, "Yes, what they said is true! I too am friendly and peaceful and simply wish entry and shelter. Please, we must hurry!"
Feb 7, 2025 2:56 am
Des adjusts his bow on his back, fidgeting, pulls his cloak tighter around himself and moves to stand directly behind his companions. He turns his back to the gate and looks up at the golden sky. He has positioned himself into a rear-guard watch—seemingly an instinct when aware of an approaching threat. When lightning from the approaching storm crackles again it reveals a long narrow split down one side of his beak.

Edrik Vale


Feb 7, 2025 5:34 am
Edrik Vale
The man peers close and then calls down to the gate wish is opened to let you pass before it is promptly closed again. The man that spoke to you soon joins you, directing you into a small room near the gate then looks your group over, dismissing Alden, frowning in confusion at Cass, then focusing on John and Des.

You are lucky you are close to town when that thing hit and he nods his head to the chaotic storm. Blasted things are a menace. We've only seen a couple but tales from travelers say some places have it worse than hear. As it is things could still be bad so I may need to ask you for your assistance. The shrine in the village keeps the vale from suffering too much from these things but still they bring or transform local animals into strange monsters that all seem bent on reaching the shrine and destroying it. We we surprised when the first storm hit but knew what to expect when the second arrived. But this storm looks larger and we fear it may deliver stronger creatures. Should that happen can I count on your blade and bow? For is the creatures reach the shrine and defile it then the full might of the storm will likely fall onto us here as well.
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