Paying the Price (RP)

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Mar 9, 2025 9:33 am
Emma let out a shaky sigh as she shifted her weight on the bed, trying to ignore the dull throb in her head. "I know this sounds insane, but Chablis was starving, on the brink of tearing people apart for blood. We’ve got her calmed down for now, and she's manageable, but I don't want to risk her going off the rails again" she paused. Did she start the story at the beginning? It was so hard to concentrate with the room spinning around her "I'm running out of options. I got Bev here. She's a nurse. I thought, maybe you can volunteer a little of your blood? She doesn't need much more..."
Using 'one way or another' to try to convince Kenedi to donate a little.


One Way or Another (+Heart) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Mar 9, 2025 9:48 am
- Emma -

"Wait. Slow down. What? No, I am not letting a vampire suck my blood! And are you drunk?" Kenedi responds in a reasonable and to-be-expected way. She is still dubious about this whole affair, even after you 'explain' about the tubes and the needles.

"What have you gotten yourself into, child." She says in a motherly manner. "I had better come check it out."

She is on her way, but it will take a wile to get here.

What do you do?
Mar 9, 2025 10:12 am
"Yes... I've been drunk" Emma muttered into the phone. She sounded exhausted as she explained about the needles, the tube, and assured Kenedi that no one would actually bite her. She allowed her phone to slip from her hand once she ended the call, looking at Bev and Pers through heavy eyelids.

"I'm going to get something to drink" she announced, but her body betrayed her. She didn't move. Overwhelmed by the dizziness and nausea , she collapsed back onto the bed with a frustrated sigh


After pushing herself up again, this time using the wall as support, she managed to stagger toward the kitchen, one step at a time, determined to make it all the way to the sink.

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