Dane is one the the most trusted warriors. Who's honor has won many friends in many places. He was sent through to this land because of this. Dane doesn't know what challenges await but he feels ready for them. He hopes to meet others from many lands.
Dane through the Border
Feb 26, 2025 4:16 am
PC thread Dane is one the the most trusted warriors. Who's honor has won many friends in many places. He was sent through to this land because of this. Dane doesn't know what challenges await but he feels ready for them. He hopes to meet others from many lands.
Feb 26, 2025 4:24 am
Dane steps through hoping to be met by people. But is instead far from any visible settlement. He was ready to say( Hi lo , I am Dane and you are?) But alas he didn't even know where he is. What he sees is...
Last edited February 26, 2025 4:25 am
Na - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Na - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Feb 26, 2025 4:40 am
It is not a bid deal at this time but when playing with others it is proffered to post character content as the character from the "Post As" drop down menu.[ +- ] Tests
When you attempt to accomplish tasks your performance is determined through a test. A test is made by rolling two six-sided dice (d6). If any of those dice roll a `5` or `6`, you`ve accomplished your task!
[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
Feb 26, 2025 4:50 am
Straightening up Dane finds himself on a low hill overlooking a lush countryside. As he scans the area and he notes he has several options. To the south and west are thick swamps, though he sees trails of smoke from within its depths. To the East are thick woods that stretch towards the horizon. To the north are more hills and grasslands that stretch as far as he can see. A faint ribbon indicates the water of the swamp likely arrives from rivers that flow through the northern grasslands. Continuing to scan the area he notices a too straight line that looks to be a road between the swamp and woods a ways to the north but not too far.
Turning back he examines the Border then recalls the Border stone he was given. According to the research the kingdom had undertaken there are ways to lock a border to reduce and even eliminate the random transitions that can be problematic when crossing them. The kingdom had secured on on their side of the Border and now Dane need to place his near where he crossed and ensure he can find his way back here. Only by crossing withing a set radius of the Border Stone will he be ensured to return to his kingdom.
Turning back he examines the Border then recalls the Border stone he was given. According to the research the kingdom had undertaken there are ways to lock a border to reduce and even eliminate the random transitions that can be problematic when crossing them. The kingdom had secured on on their side of the Border and now Dane need to place his near where he crossed and ensure he can find his way back here. Only by crossing withing a set radius of the Border Stone will he be ensured to return to his kingdom.
Feb 26, 2025 8:28 am
ooc found the pop down ty didn't even know about it. Sorry I didn't think he needed a roll. I'll edit
Dane will use his stone as he was taught. Then marked the area with his sword.
He is going to use his survival knowledge to pick the best path.
Dane will use his stone as he was taught. Then marked the area with his sword.
He is going to use his survival knowledge to pick the best path.
Last edited February 26, 2025 8:32 am
Knowledge - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Knowledge - (1d6)
(1) = 1
Feb 26, 2025 2:43 pm
[ +- ] Advantage
If a Trait, tool, or situation would grant you a bonus, you get advantage. This allows you to roll with 3d6, instead of 2d6!
[ +- ] Disadvantage
If you would be hindered or set-back, you have disadvantage. This forces you to roll with 1d6!
Borders are an oddity and affect people differently though continued exposure has been known to make reactions more mild. A basic test, including Saves, uses 2d6 (see Tests above). When in doubt roll more dice, I can always ignore extra dice and explain why to clarify for the future. Counting the 2 NA 1d6 as a single Save 2d6 = success due to 1st roll having a 5. Using 2 knowledge rolls for the single survival aspect as stone placement is not a challenge. I am assuming since you did not pick a direction you want the roll to direct your actions? Dane then spends some time rearranging nearby stones into a marker. Looking around there are not too many distinguishing features but selecting a tree near the base of the hill he places a mark of his kingdom on it as a secondary mark of the border crossing point.
With that work done Dane heads towards the smoke trails coming from the swamp, reasoning fire signs indicate the presence of people. The ground here is still firm but you encounter an increasing number of water ways and are forced to move in a less direct manner. After about an hour Dane reaches a point where he has a better view of the source of the smoke. A ruined and smoldering village on the bank of a larger waterway. There were at least 30 wooden structures but now all but a couple have burned down to the ground and the growing circle of birds overhead does not bode well for the village or its inhabitants. As you look on you see several figures with tails moving through the site.

Feb 26, 2025 4:52 pm
Dane was unhappy with what he saw. This land probably was a threat rather than a friend. But investigation was needed. Pulse if there was even 1 person alive in need of help it was his job. Using his skills ( perceptive) he quickly spotted the safest path forward. As he constantly scanned for danger.
Feb 26, 2025 7:35 pm
Dane is forces to cross some water to approach the village, something he has been avoiding till now, as it is located on an island. Fortunately he manages to cross without incident after wading through waist high brackish water. Check for leeches later he reminds himself. Moving to get a better view not that he is closer and on dry(ish) ground.
You now see several prone and sometimes burned figures. The forms are that of lizardkin, a race common in the swamps and sometimes called lizardmen. Those you saw earlier, also lizardkin, continue their work in the village and look to be gathering the dead and sorting through the burn buildings. The scene is eerily silent with a pall hanging over the entire area. Gauging by the still smoldering embers the village was attacked last night and the ones still moving are either survivors or from another nearby settlement.
Feb 26, 2025 10:01 pm
Dane can only hope that they are friendly and speak common. Or something he can understand.
He will approach slowly. And in the open. So they can see him and not look like someone sneaking up to do more damage. Maybe he can at least help bury the dead. Or burn'em what ever their culture.
He will approach slowly. And in the open. So they can see him and not look like someone sneaking up to do more damage. Maybe he can at least help bury the dead. Or burn'em what ever their culture.
Feb 27, 2025 2:04 pm

Lizardkin Leader
Feb 27, 2025 6:27 pm
"Yes. I came through the boarder to day. I saw you've been attacked. Can I help.", Dane asked. Keeping his words simple. As he impressed his intentions.
Long complicated conversation wasn't going to be possible but as long as he kept it short and to the point he believed they'd be fine.
The samurai lived to protect and be of service to people land and their lords. This was a new land and people. But he was still following the request of his lord by serving them. In any helpful way.
Long complicated conversation wasn't going to be possible but as long as he kept it short and to the point he believed they'd be fine.
The samurai lived to protect and be of service to people land and their lords. This was a new land and people. But he was still following the request of his lord by serving them. In any helpful way.
Feb 28, 2025 5:56 am


Were times different I am uncertain if my people would have welcomed you. We are fiercely independent and territorial. Normally we do not mind when others pass through out lands but recent times has shown a great increase of outsiders, not all of whom are honorable or respectful. One such outsider came, much like yourself and asked one of the other tribes to help him explore an ancient wizards home near the center of the swamp. Tempted by the wealth he offered they agreed and many of their strongest hunters and warrior accompanied him. None returned.
Now the fowl sorcerer hold dominion over the wizards pyramid and brews fowl concoction that bind the weak willed to him. With these he has expanded his influence through the swamps by vile means. He has taken and now holds many of our kin, including many clutches of eggs, hostage against out "good conduct". Yet the work he does within the pyramid leaks out into our waters. The vile concoctions are causing the creatures of the swamp to mutate into strange abominations and go berserk. You see before you the result of one such of these creatures.
I would not be inclined to listen of you and your people from beyond the border were it not for our need. But we have a need and you may be a solution. The sorcerer has taken up residence in the wizards home which has many magics that ward off my people. But we have learned that humans are not affected by most. Thus I ask you to go to his island and take a token of ours to our people within. I would ask more but this task alone will have risk and if you can accomplish this we will have a chance to free our people. If you can do this then we shall be in your debt or can offer you a great reward.
The shaman stares at you as he talks, measuring your reaction as he lays out the plight of his people and asks for help. It is obvious this asking does not sit well with him but he still proceeds and is sincere in his request and offer of reward.
Feb 28, 2025 7:53 am
Dane nods the the giant lizard man. Wondering what a great and dangerous for must have come to survive a fight with him. His next two questions seemed as if the lizard man was questioning his integrity. With his last statement it was more as if pondering out loud, as well as confirming what he heard from Dane. This put the samurai at easy. As the lizard man set forth. Dane put foot to path and moved with purpose.
Taking in what he could he was reminded of a dragon attack but of lesser power. Something more like a drake. He once was part of a 15 samurai unit that took one down. Yes even a small drake was something dangerous.
Kroak as he learns the lizard man's name lead him to a ceremony. And shawman. The shawman called Chakax. Saying it felt and sounded closer to coughing up a lung than speech. But seemed easy for their way of talking. He didn't mind trying to pronounce it right though.
He was told of how they used to be. And of the stranger whom met another village. Of a wizards tower. (Dane hates wizard's to easily corrupted by power.) Then of a sorcerer. His thoughts were dead on. Corrupted by power indeed. A potion master who experiments and wastes. Creatures created by the waste.
How much worse it got younglings and others held hostage and enslaved. Dane's samurai blood boiled within. His honor would not stand for it. But he held it in check as the shawman continues.
The shawman was rude in many ways. Talking of not listening an not caring of others. This may be how the village came to ruin. With no aid from outside no allies they kept themselves cut off and became easy targets.
Their need was great. And even though things were only friendly out of necessity. They did have a place to start. And his mandate not only implied helping others his code demands it. In this situation even if they hadn't asked.
"This isolation of your tribes ways have left you venerable. You should welcome more outsiders. And judge them by their actions. Rather than just suffering them to pass. ", Dane starts.
"You could have already had aid and not suffered such a great loss here. If you had. But asking for my aid is a step in the right direction. I'd have tried to help even if you hadn't. But alas not all are set to such purpose. There many like the evil you face now." he continues.
"But take heart in the knowledge that my people like me are both warriors and honorable. I shall do as you ask as I scout this evil. If I can stop it I'll put blade to task. If not. I'll have a better idea of what to request of my liege lord. While aiding you in you current dilemma." . He finished.
Then froze as he was about to take the token. "I'm afraid I do not know the way. Do you have one of will to take the task of guiding me?", he asked.
Taking in what he could he was reminded of a dragon attack but of lesser power. Something more like a drake. He once was part of a 15 samurai unit that took one down. Yes even a small drake was something dangerous.
Kroak as he learns the lizard man's name lead him to a ceremony. And shawman. The shawman called Chakax. Saying it felt and sounded closer to coughing up a lung than speech. But seemed easy for their way of talking. He didn't mind trying to pronounce it right though.
He was told of how they used to be. And of the stranger whom met another village. Of a wizards tower. (Dane hates wizard's to easily corrupted by power.) Then of a sorcerer. His thoughts were dead on. Corrupted by power indeed. A potion master who experiments and wastes. Creatures created by the waste.
How much worse it got younglings and others held hostage and enslaved. Dane's samurai blood boiled within. His honor would not stand for it. But he held it in check as the shawman continues.
The shawman was rude in many ways. Talking of not listening an not caring of others. This may be how the village came to ruin. With no aid from outside no allies they kept themselves cut off and became easy targets.
Their need was great. And even though things were only friendly out of necessity. They did have a place to start. And his mandate not only implied helping others his code demands it. In this situation even if they hadn't asked.
"This isolation of your tribes ways have left you venerable. You should welcome more outsiders. And judge them by their actions. Rather than just suffering them to pass. ", Dane starts.
"You could have already had aid and not suffered such a great loss here. If you had. But asking for my aid is a step in the right direction. I'd have tried to help even if you hadn't. But alas not all are set to such purpose. There many like the evil you face now." he continues.
"But take heart in the knowledge that my people like me are both warriors and honorable. I shall do as you ask as I scout this evil. If I can stop it I'll put blade to task. If not. I'll have a better idea of what to request of my liege lord. While aiding you in you current dilemma." . He finished.
Then froze as he was about to take the token. "I'm afraid I do not know the way. Do you have one of will to take the task of guiding me?", he asked.
Last edited March 1, 2025 12:32 am
Feb 28, 2025 4:23 pm

He calls out to a nearby lizardkin who runs off and soon two lizardkin return.
![]() Kroak | ![]() Xokar | These two may accompany you. Xokar if one of our best hunters and is most familiar with the area. Kroak is a superior warriors and will help you to reach the area of the pyramid but he will not enter the lake the pyramid is in. Xokar will guide you to where we know an entrance to be. |
The hunter Xokar explains that it will be best to travel by foot through the thick swamp vegetation than either swim or take a boat to the wizards isle, which is almost entirely filled by the pyramid. We will use the trails but be aware. The swamp has it's own dangers and the sorcerer has flying and swimming abominations that act as his eyes to watch these lands.
post any prep or questions and I will get you underway this weekend.
Mar 1, 2025 12:43 am
"As I said actions. But you now see what trusting without seeing those actions gets you. As for those that clash with your hunters is it always cause they do something or cause of inhospitality. Could be racial judgement. They may not know you so they treat you as inhospitable savages. ", Dane answered to the first part.
"But if all goes well maybe I'll be here to see for myself. Then aid and advise in the best course. , he added.
"Kroak nice to see you again. Xokar nice to meet you. So Chakax tells me you can't enter due to magic. But you know of a way I may. I thank you for your guidance. And anything you can tell me along the way.", he greets the two.
"But if all goes well maybe I'll be here to see for myself. Then aid and advise in the best course. , he added.
"Kroak nice to see you again. Xokar nice to meet you. So Chakax tells me you can't enter due to magic. But you know of a way I may. I thank you for your guidance. And anything you can tell me along the way.", he greets the two.
Mar 1, 2025 10:38 pm


The three of you make your way through the swamp with Kroak discussing with you the dangers of the swamp while Xokar focuses on the surroundings. You learn that all of the adults of the lizardkin clan are capable hunters but Kroak focuses more on fighting larger dangerous beasts, and now the abominations, while Xokar is a seeker and spends much time studying the area and creatures.
They show you how to recognize the more common threats of the swamp, large predators and other dangerous animals (snakes, crocodiles, and dinosaurs), quicksand, poisonous or irritant plants, and the like. You follow them for the rest of the day without major incident. Kroak mentions that they could travel much faster, due to experience and their natural advantages of large webbed feet and a tail. Like most people with tails they consider it a mark of their superiority and often pity those without citing its many advantages. Along the way you saw mostly small insects, birds, and animals with only your guides word that the larger ones are out there. Until one decides the three of you are just too loud and tasty looking to pass up.

[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
You have 2 actions at this time. If you rush through the thigh high water you will likely reach the shore in one round (2 actions)or
You can try and help the lizardkin where you are
you tell me?
Mar 2, 2025 12:16 am
Not knowing what the danger was took the advice of the lizard men and headed for the shore.
Rush - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Mar 2, 2025 10:29 pm
You rush to the shore with all your might. Behind you the sounds of a form splashing through the water erupts and you again hear the lizardkin emit those hissing barks. Whirling you see a massive snapping at the two lizardkin who leap to either side and continue their sprint, looping back to head in your direction. The beast heads in your directions but Kroak and Xokar manage to beat it back, both of them panting.

Beware it is large, fast, and fearless. Thankfully it is not overly intelligent.
If we are able to hold it off but a while the toxins on our weapons will weaken it, allowing us to flee. Unfortunately the toxin dissolves in water so we must apply it now. Hold it off but do not let it grab you or it will drab you into the water. The hunter explains as he and Kroak both begin administering a fluid from vials over their spear tips.
As he explains this the toothy reptile surges into the shallows and opens its thick and vicious looking jaws as it waddles towards you.

If we are able to hold it off but a while the toxins on our weapons will weaken it, allowing us to flee. Unfortunately the toxin dissolves in water so we must apply it now. Hold it off but do not let it grab you or it will drab you into the water. The hunter explains as he and Kroak both begin administering a fluid from vials over their spear tips.
As he explains this the toothy reptile surges into the shallows and opens its thick and vicious looking jaws as it waddles towards you.
Mar 3, 2025 12:03 am
Dane:s katana is in his hands in a instant. As his stance is changed for a quick dashing strike. A Bushido move samurai use to move quickly one direction to avoid a attack while bringing their blade to bare on the attacker.
Often looking like a run towards an opponent and a step to the side as they cut their opponent in half, or their head off. Also seen with a sideways movement and the slash. Sometimes the move is used to block an opponents attack when the dodging movement is not enough. Often fatal when failed.
This quick strike action is perfected over years. Dane has let his life go and fears not death. His movement is sarien and peaceful. To him this is just a walk in the grassy plains. His mind and both are one yet separate from the death coming towards him.
Often looking like a run towards an opponent and a step to the side as they cut their opponent in half, or their head off. Also seen with a sideways movement and the slash. Sometimes the move is used to block an opponents attack when the dodging movement is not enough. Often fatal when failed.
This quick strike action is perfected over years. Dane has let his life go and fears not death. His movement is sarien and peaceful. To him this is just a walk in the grassy plains. His mind and both are one yet separate from the death coming towards him.
Trained attack/defence - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Giant Water Lizard
Mar 4, 2025 3:52 am

Giant Water Lizard
Mechanically your actions are an Attack and Evasion, so any attack that would hit you in this next round you can test with Disadvantage to avoid. Roll 2 Evasion Tests = 1d6,1d6. Each success negates 1 attack damage.Best = 2 attacks, Hunters used 2 actions to apply poison and will get into the fight next round.
[ +- ] Disadvantage
If you would be hindered or set-back, you have disadvantage. This forces you to roll with 1d6!
Giant Water Lizard Attack VS Dane - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (445) = 13
3d6 : (335) = 11
load next