(DCC) Swords of Algol [CLOSED]

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ClosedDCCPrivate5 / weekcowleyc

For as long as you can remember, the moon-shaped birthmark was just a curiosity that might get you burned at the stake. But what if, just perhaps, it was the mark of a destiny far from this wretched life? What would you do if that destiny took you by your scruff and shoved you into the adventure of a lifetime?

🗺️ Follow an adventure path tailored to evoke a Sword and Planet feel. This ain't your Feudal Fantasy!
🐉 Test your strength and cunning against ancient tombs and dungeons, and against cosmic horsemen and synthetic entities.
🗡️ Create an enthralling tale with your fellow adventurers as you are pulled onto an alien planet with a history of violence and insanity, and not only survive but thrive!

Prepare to embark on an adventure path of a creativity, ingenuity, and no small amount of cruelty. From the moment you find yourselves on another planet, you know that your life of gongfarming has now been left far behind. So take whatever weapons you can scavenge, learn your occult spells, and pray to gods that are light-years away; this is your story, your once chance to matter... so live it!

Using the Dungeon Crawl Classics rules, we will begin with a funnel and play to level five; a total of six challenging modules! We will level after each module, which are set to be a quick paced narrative. Want something that hasn't been provided in the modules? Ask, and you shall Quest For It!

In this adventure you will experience:

⚜️ An adventure path directly inspired by many of the Sword and Planet pulp fantasy novels.
⚖️ A balance between role-play, combat, and exploration.
👨‍⚖️ Neutral referee who prefers intuitive rulings to strict rules.
🐉 Evocative combats with life-or-death stakes!

Come and join me on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure! Here's what other players have said about me:

🎙️ "What really stood out about him as a gamemaster was his ability and willingness to allow player character actions and decisions to matter."
🎙️ "Charles runs flavor rich games that are always full of surprises. He pivots fantastically between different tones, and he understands the rules of each system without handcuffing the game to them."
🎙️ "Charles is a FUN, patient, and supportive GM who invests time and effort into new players without letting the table become a classroom."

Mar 8, 2025 5:14 pm
The Pitch
You are gongfarmers and scoundrels who never dared dream of a better life, who awaken one day to find that a life of adventure has found you... and dragged you across the cosmos to a planet of danger and sorcery and secrets. Space-mongols, automatons, and mad gods are just a few of the terrible things you will have to either outwit or outfight. This game is intended to take you from level 0 to level 5, showcasing your rapid growth from a nobody to a... well, a nobody with cool magic!

Trigger Warnings and Themes
This game will include triggers related to violence, swearing, character death, and slavery; the latter is to be condemned. The world in which you find yourself is based on the idea of Might Makes Right, and quite often that means those in charge are terrible. Be better!

This game WILL NOT include the following triggers: sexual assault, violence against children, suicide. This is an incomplete list, and will include other triggers as decided by the group.

To survive, you must work together! For this reason, your character must have a willingness to work together even with those who might be diametrically opposed.

Game Duration and Pacing
This game expects players to post once a day, five times a week. I do not expect the game to move on weekends, as I am usually busy myself. As for the duration, this is a series of six modules that are designed to be quite fast; all this to say I would expect it to last a little over a year, but it really depends on how quickly you get yourselves killed.

This game will use a private Discord server to encourage speed and ease of play. DCC has some rules that are benefited by a quicker communication, such as combat options; the server will help with this.

Who May Apply
This game is open to any who are interested in this chaotic experience. The table is intentionally inclusive, and will not tolerate any racism, sexism, or any other -ism. Safety is paramount. I reserve the right to prevent any from joining should I feel they are not a good fit, and to remove any players who show the same.

How to Apply
Simply reply here, or reach out on the GamersPlane Discord. If you are interested, please use a quote from your favorite Sword and Sorcery show/book/movie/game/musical in bold. If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer before you make a decision. I will utilize an arbitrary method of choosing who joins, which may be the product of the Lords of Chaos. I will select five players, or six if the mood strikes me.
Last edited March 9, 2025 5:21 pm
Mar 8, 2025 5:52 pm
Oh, I should probably clarify something that occured to me during my shower.

This is NOT Purple Planet
Mar 8, 2025 7:15 pm
I’d be interested in playing.
Mar 8, 2025 7:47 pm
I would like to throw my hat in the ring, especially now that I have Discord and can play these types of games. Pace sounds good to me. I have never played DCC as a heads-up.

Hopefully A Princess of Mars counts?

"I have ever been prone to seek adventure and to investigate and experiment where wiser men would have left well enough alone."
― Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars

If not, opening lines of Conan the Barbarian movie of course! Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!
Mar 9, 2025 1:18 am
Love the sound of this, cowleyc! I'll hold off as I've got a full plate as it is, and I'm sure you'll get lots of interest. Good luck though, stellar offering!
Mar 9, 2025 1:26 am
Hell yeah I'd be down!
Mar 9, 2025 3:52 am
Ah hells yes! I'm interested!


Princess: I suppose nothing hurts you!
Conan: Only pain.
--Conan the Destroyer

"She was a creature of the wildest paradox, this warrior lady of Joiry, hot as a red coal, chill as steel, satiny of body and iron of soul. The set of her chin was firm, but her mouth betrayed a tenderness she would have died before admitting."
-- CL Moore, "Jirel of Joiry", the first female protagonist in the sword and sorcery genre (yes, before Red Sonja)
Mar 9, 2025 5:11 am
Shoot. With this cast, resolve... weakening!
Mar 9, 2025 5:13 am
Harrigan says:
Shoot. With this cast, resolve... weakening!
one of us… one of us…
Mar 9, 2025 2:42 pm
Also interested here:

"So tell me, giant philosopher, why we're not dukes," the Gray Mouser demanded, unrolling a forefinger from the fist on his knee so that it pointed across the brazier at Fafhrd. "Or emperors, for that matter, or demigods."

"We are not dukes because we're no man's man," Fafhrd replied smugly, settling his shoulders against the stone horse-trough. "Even a duke must butter up a king, and demigods the gods. We butter no one. We go our own way, choosing our own adventure—and our own follies! Better freedom and a chilly road than a warm hearth and servitude."

Fritz Leiber, Swords in the Mist
Mar 9, 2025 5:21 pm
Five spots, five interested folks. Looks good to me! I'll close this down and send out some invites.
Mar 17, 2025 8:24 am
If you end up needing a fill in I would be interested.

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