[IC] The Gygax 75 Challenge

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This is the Gygax 75 Workshop, where each participant will work their way though the Gygax 75 Challenge. The "game" here will serve as a sort of subforum where we will build our worlds.

Alternative link to the pdf of the challenge, thanks to Dhakhan for finding it:
The Gygax 75 Challenge

The Gygax 75 Challenge is based on an article written by Garry Gygax in 1975, where he lays out his approach to constructing a campaign setting. The challenge summarizes this article and divides it up in to a 5 week program. While written with an OSR mindset, the challenge is very flexible. There is no limit to genre or game system, the only assumption made is that you will have a "town", a "dungeon" and some sort of wilderness separating those. What this means and how this looks like is up to you. At the end of those 5 weeks, you will (hopefully) end up with a fully functional setting to play in. You are strongly encouraged to do just that, here on GP or wherever else you intend to play.

This workshop is intended to facilitate an exchange of ideas as each participant works though the challenge, to keep everyone motivated and to provide help if some one gets stuck in whatever way. Also just chatting is nice as well. :)
To make this work, I envision the following principles:

-There are no restrictions as to what you do with the challenge, any genre, any system that works for you is fine.
-You are free to alter the challenge in any way that benefits your project.
-While it is desirable to have everyone work on the same part of the challenge at the same time, you may work as slow or fast as you want.
-The "game" will be set to private, allowing us to freely discuss things we do no wish potential players to know.
-You can cooperate and collaborate as much or as little as you want.
-Every participant will be given a subforum to work in, they are free to organize it in any way they see fit.
-I will keep the "game" around, but please backup anything you produce here. You never know.
-I can not see a reason to limit the number of participants. If you are interested, but not invited yet, please pm or @me.
-Most importantly, please remain civil and kind at all times. Make sure all criticism is constructive and wanted. Respect the other participants and their work.

Mar 9, 2025 2:33 pm
Over in the OSR interest check thread I raised the idea of setting up a "game" that serves as a workshop space for the The Gygax 75 Challenge.
My idea was that we would each create a campaign world by going through the challenge and exchange ideas, feedback and banter along the way. At the end we would have several GMs, ready to start a game.

I think I finally have the time and headspace to get started with this, so I was wondering if there is anyone interested in joining in.

Despite this idea coming up in the OSR interest check thread, you should not feel limited to an OSR style of gaming. While the article referenced by the challenge was written in 1975 and I certainly approach it with an OSR lens, you can use it to build a world for a wide set of gaming styles. Anything with a "dungeon", "city" and some wilderness between them should work, according to the FAQ of the challenge.

If this sounds like a fun idea to you, let me know and I will set up the "game".
Mar 9, 2025 3:19 pm
Oh this sounds like it could be fun. I'll throw my hat in the ring, but I have just moved and have a couple of other games/character creation to focus on, so chance I may fall behind.
Mar 9, 2025 6:22 pm
Which system would you be using?
Mar 9, 2025 7:56 pm
Totes_McGee says:
Which system would you be using?
If it is Gygax, may I humbly suggest AD&D 1ed? 😈😈😈
Mar 10, 2025 2:15 am
I'd be up for this. Does it matter if we use the same system? I'd like focus on OSE, Swords & Wizardry, or Knave 2e. What about the rest of you? I'm pretty flexible.
Mar 10, 2025 4:08 am
I've had someone try something like this twice but both times the guy starting it ghosted out. I'd certainly be interested in trying it out in the hope of getting a bit more.
Mar 10, 2025 6:55 am
I always thought something like this would be fun, like GM Fight club. If you're in the club, you have to GM.

Not to knock the idea, but just predicting some challenges that may happen.
Putting together a setting with multiple GMs might be immersion breaking. If one GM wants high power fantasy, and another wants low grim dark. Do characters walk in overpowered with all their magic gear from the previous module? Same with species culture, walk from the Glorious Elven Empire and with the next GM they are a persecuted underclass.
It would take everyone on the same page to have a consistent feel, might as well just agree to a published setting.

Another spin on this is episodic like "Sliders" or "Quantum Leap" (dating myself there)
Where characters jump from one multiverse to the next so inconsistencies are baked into the campaign.
The most collaborative part would be beginning and end. What is the goal, and end-scene of achieving it.

I would like to participate in something like this to learn & grow as a GM from other GMs quickly.
Also gives an opportunity for new GMs to try running a little 1-shot, no consequences because were onto the next episode before you know it.
Mar 10, 2025 7:37 am
OK, I think there might be a misunderstanding as to what I am trying to do here. I did not mean to create a shared world (although that also sounds rather interesting) but for everyone to create their own thing and just chat along the way. So whatever system or style you want to use is fine.
Mar 10, 2025 8:32 am
I would be interested in a world building project made in parallel with a group. Like a writing group! I would be happy to share and give and get input from the other members about everyone's world.
Last edited March 10, 2025 8:33 am
Mar 10, 2025 8:46 am
Ah* more of a community building, writing work space.
Last edited March 10, 2025 8:55 am
Mar 10, 2025 9:06 am
Aline says:
My idea was that we would each create a campaign world by going through the challenge and exchange ideas, feedback and banter along the way.
There was a thread about pitching the game we don't have time to run, so this sounds like a nice nice opportunity to finally finish preparing them :D
Mar 10, 2025 11:10 am
I'd be interested! I'm always up for world building type games... events? That might be the better word. :3
Mar 10, 2025 1:24 pm
There are some systems that have players add content to each others characters background history. How about allowing for slots within each world that others could add content to? The original creator of each world can of course take ior leave as they choose but I think this could result in some interesting results or at least give them ideas

I have a world I have been using but never fully built out so wouldn't mind using this opportunity to get more work done on it
Last edited March 10, 2025 1:25 pm
Mar 10, 2025 2:12 pm
I'm seeing this thread veering off into three different directions.

- A shared world-building project where people collaborate on a single setting.
- A group project where people help the other individuals in the group realize a setting/campaign.
- A world-building game.

I would be up for the latter two.
Mar 10, 2025 2:47 pm
Option 1 could be realized with a rift setting where all created worlds are linked by some mechanism or through a gestalt. But I'm less interested in this as well.

How would option 3 work?
Mar 10, 2025 2:52 pm
I have games that are collaborative worldbuilding games, i.e. Ex Novo, or Ex Umbra both by Sharkbomb Games. I've been considering putting one of these up in the Games Tavern so if people are interested I'd be happy to do it.
Mar 10, 2025 3:28 pm
While I've been eying up some world building games; Kingdom and Microscope being the main ones I think of, I feel like option 2 is the closest to what Aline was suggesting here?

Each person completing their own Gygax 75, but with the ability to chat / feedback / workshop each others as we go.
Last edited March 10, 2025 3:28 pm
Mar 10, 2025 3:30 pm
Phil_Ozzy_Fer says:
I'm seeing this thread veering off into three different directions.

- A shared world-building project where people collaborate on a single setting.
- A group project where people help the other individuals in the group realize a setting/campaign.
- A world-building game.
It's probably important to re-focus on the original point and not accidentally hijack the thread for something else. New threads can be made if people are interested in other types of collaborative worldbuilding. @Aline should probably clarify which one of those she meant just to be clear what she was looking for.

From her last post, I am not even sure it's any of those 3. As I interpret it, I agree with Tickettbror that option 2 is the closest, though I'm not sure it wasn't meant as a "group project".
Aline says:
OK, I think there might be a misunderstanding as to what I am trying to do here. I did not mean to create a shared world (although that also sounds rather interesting) but for everyone to create their own thing and just chat along the way. So whatever system or style you want to use is fine.
Last edited March 10, 2025 3:32 pm
Mar 10, 2025 3:33 pm
Agreed that option 2 seems closest to the original intent and should stay the focus of this thread.

Option 3 did have some possibilities for those interested to allow a more collaborative approach for their individual worlds

The Ex games are smaller scale than this thread is targeting, but I can see how the principle might be used. Have you tried using those on a larger scale? I'll have to look into kingdom and microscope
Last edited March 10, 2025 3:39 pm
Mar 10, 2025 3:39 pm
I'm not trying to hijack anything and I don't appreciate that. I tried to refocus the thread to point out that people were interpreting the original question different ways. I responded to a question when prompted for the purpose of offering ideas to play a worldbuilding game.
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