Gone Fishin'

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Mar 28, 2025 11:24 am
oh oops cross posting xD
"A...Anything?" Gestrude is very skeptical about the offer, though she does know there's magic around this area
Mar 28, 2025 11:27 am
The fish opens and closes its mouth a few times, the piscine equivalent of a shrug. "Well... mostly anything. I am just a little fish, so I can only grant a little wish!"
Mar 28, 2025 3:17 pm
Sherry watches Gertrude and the fish with some curiousity, but loses interest when Gertrude walks away whispering into the bucket.

Sherry returns her attention to the fishing rod and lures, trying to determine how this process is going to be relaxing. After a few moments, she gets her gear into a functional configuration and casts her line.
Spend 1 token for fishing.
Sherry's heavy lure sinks quickly. She tries to sit back and remain patient. After a moment, she starts to slowly real the lure back in. Then it gets stuck on something. Maybe? Then there is a tug on the line. Sherry continues to reel in, but whatever is on her hook seems quite heavy.

"Well, now. What do we have here?"
Catch is a giant isopod, but I'm gonna let the GM reply before continuing.
Last edited March 28, 2025 3:21 pm


Fishing result - (d12)

(1) = 1

Mar 28, 2025 6:36 pm

Sherry pulls up a giant isopod! It's an invertebrate crustacean with seven pairs of legs and a hard exoskeleton. It also happens to be nearly 2 feet in length!

That's definitely not a fish.

Mar 30, 2025 12:59 am
Shelly cocks her head and stares at the strange thing she has pulled to the surface. She continues to reel it in, across the ground, until it is riggling at her feet.

"Sal, what do you know about this watering hole? This... thing is definitely not normal." She looks out over the water, and then at the trees surrounding it. "I think this whole watering... hole... is not normal." Shelly cuts the line, leaving the lure stuck in the bug. It immediately scurries back to the water and disappears below the surface.

"I once killed this cult - bunch of loonies - that believed monsters lived below the water, dreaming dreams that changed the world. I think maybe you've got one of those monsters here in the watering hole. Maybe best to be careful what you eat out of here."
"Chapter Bingo: Muse aloud on why the watering hole is so weird.
Mar 30, 2025 12:54 pm
Parish observes the pond
"Yes.... I agree it is a weird pond.... you wouldnt believe some of the things I have fished in here!!
ha! I love it! Isnt fishing wonderful?
Everyone already tried their luck isnt it? Fantastic! What else would we find? Dont keep trying!

Oh! But where do I have my head.... come come everyone, take a refreshment! It is important to replenish liquids while spending time in the outside! I brought a little bit of everything, water, lemon soda, tomato juice, even tea... ask for it and I will have it!

Miss Sherry, dont need to move I can bring it to you, what do you want?"
Bingo: Lift everyone spirit with the perfect refreshment
Mar 30, 2025 10:09 pm
I'm gonna use she/her pronouns for Monday, because I find I often do the they/them ones wrong. Hope that's ok.
Monday had heard the news about the fishing trip and wondered why nobody asked for her help in the first place. After all, she was the go-to merchant of the B&B, wasn't she? She figured that they were probably too shy to mention it and shrugged it off.

She had even gone fishing before! Well... That is to say, she had caught fish before. Not necessarily in the 'regular' way. A little fairy magic help never hurt anybody. Besides, that's what made it a sport! If it wasn't a sport, why would anyone make an effort to cheat?

Monday put on her best outdoor outfit, made sure she had some 'interesting' things to sell today and headed on out the door to find the group of fisherfolk.

It didn't take her long to find them near the old quarry. The cheers and sounds of conversation guided her there. To her surprise, it looked like they were already catching fish. Perhaps she was too late. No matter, they'd fall into a dry-spell sooner or later and she'd have just the deal to offer anyone in that case!
"Yes, a wonderful place indeed, Parish." She interjects as she floats slowly down next to the refreshments. "Some might say, it's magical!" She winks while saying that last word as if hinting to know something more than the others. "Caught anything noteworthy yet?" She asks, her smile unwavering as always.
Mar 31, 2025 9:01 am
Sal sips on the lemonade that Parish offers him. When Sherry muses about the nature of the strange watering hole, Sal offers his own thoughts. "I bet if you swam all the way to the bottom, there'd be, like, this big canister of ooze leaking into the water, mutating the fish and stuff. Like in Ninja Turtles."
Bingo: Muse aloud on why the watering hole is so weird.
Once Monday arrives, the Night Porter gives her a lazy wave. "Hey, Monday! I got this cool fish statue. Wanna see?" He holds up the statue proudly.
[ +- ] Chapter Status



Mar 31, 2025 11:38 am
Dmbrainiac says:
The fish opens and closes its mouth a few times, the piscine equivalent of a shrug. "Well... mostly anything. I am just a little fish, so I can only grant a little wish!"
"Oh, only a little wish..." Gertrude sounds disappointed by the fish's response. "That's OK... I... I just wanted a friend, but that's too much... she dreamily mumbles mostly to herself.
TheGenerator says:
"Caught anything noteworthy yet?" She asks, her smile unwavering as always.
"Ah! Hello Monday. I, I caught this small fish. It talks. She walks closer to the water, accepting whatever Parish offers without much enthusiasm.  She doesn't pay much attention to the discussion , until she hears Sal talking about the bottom of the lake. "Oh! Oh! Wait!" she stands up excited with her own idea. "Maybe the little fish knows what's at the bottom!"
Not sure if this can be a whoopsie: Assume the worse of what's going on (assuming the fish can't give her her wish, because it's too much to ask) and I guess this is a bingo: make yourself useful
Mar 31, 2025 11:43 am
Gertrude's Whoopsie gives her a token, and she uses it for that Bingo. :)
The fish swishes its tail and opens and closes its mouth a few times. "Yes, I do. And I can tell you--if that is your wish," it responds cheekily.
Mar 31, 2025 11:55 am
Monday can't hide her curiosity for the golden fish statue. "Well what do you know, that looks like a great catch. Lucky!" However, she's not so happy with Gertrude's catch. "Oh, Harrold, it's you." She says to the wishing fish. Harrold was an old acquaintance of Monday. "I haven't seen you since Magic-con." Just for a second her smile wavers as she mutters under her breath "And you should have stayed there."

"Honestly, Gertrude, if you needed magical assistance I don't know why you didn't come to me first!" She adds, sounding offended by the fact that Harrold had been consulted before her, yet said with a smile on her face.
Whoopsie: Twist words until I find a reason to be insulted.
Giving me 1 token.
Last edited March 31, 2025 11:58 am
Mar 31, 2025 8:17 pm
Parish smiles to Monday
"Ohhh it is great you decided to join! I got a giant giant fish! You wouldnt believe how big it was... and then I freed it again... I ended in the pond... but that is another story" he adds giving a blink to Gertrude

"Did you brought your tools? You can take one of my lures! Choose the one you like the most!" he says offering his box full of lure treasures: gold coins, mirrors, a tiny silver spoon, a little yellow duck...

"Perhaps it is time to try again? The show must go ooooooooon chan chan chaaaaan The show must go oooooooon." adds with a big smile and moving his hips from side to side, trying to make the other "fishermen and fisherwomen" join him
Whoopsie: try to be hip and mess up in the process
Take a token from the table.
He tosses the line into the pond and waitds

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